29 December 2024 : Airplane Travel Delay

I can’t ignore this dream. I’ve had it twice now and it is more vivid than the last.

Let’s see if I can remember this : This was the format I used from 1992 to 1998 to record my Dreams for analysis.

Colors and Tones : Blues then Yellows and Sun

Location : New York

Characters : My children, my former partner, and I

Emotions : Frustration, Despair,

Theme : Trying to get to a location and I couldn’t

Details :

I needed to get to Boston from New York. Again. It was the same thing as before. But there were problems with me catching the flight. When I had to reschedule and the delay caused me to divert to another conversation I would not have had otherwise.

I was in a store and my children were young — toddlers again. I was trying to talk with my Former Partner, but he kept saying, “Maybe later… but not now.”

And I was hyper focused on trying to get to Boston (Boston was generic. It actually meant “Cross Over” or “Get on the other side of the river.”), but I couldn’t.

The “Universe” Instruction Dream :

I watched more “Connectors” in the dreams begin made, showing me which pieces next I am to build next.