30 September 2024 – The Origin Point of The First Divide

I am Reverse Engineering Love.

I know that now.

This is the Last Chapter of Philosophy Part 1, which consists of Triadic Healing Part #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5.

This is Hypothesis. I am seeing this only in Feeling +> Image +> Word +> Definition. I am building the Logic now. I am not yet in Math or Physics.

I am translating this as I see it only. I am “Reading” this from Mother Nature. I am not Inventing. I am Discovering.

The “First” Divide was Man vs. Woman. Prior to that it was Animal vs. Man.

After we became “Man vs. Woman,” Incest became the next Divide by Law. We first began as Man and Animal as one, which is why the Egyptian Myths and Old Persian Myths, Norse and Irish all depicted Man and Animals as hybrids.

Conclusion : Laws of Man Divide us. Natural Law Integrate us.

Depicted as Man and Animal Hybrids…

And then Divided and as equals.

And then Man Dominated Animal.

Animal is in our DNA. There is not divide between Man and Animal.

“It is Cannibalism to eat Animal.” This was my Intuition at 4 years old and is one that holds true to this day. And was a belief I held so strong to this day that it caused my Mental Illnesses and Multiple Personality when I was forced to eat flesh.

Which is why those who eat flesh fight it so strongly. If they are wrong, then they are cannibals… and they can’t handle that horror. I did and it broke my mind.

This is a Truth that is so horrific that even Vegans and Vegetarians will avoid using the word “Cannibalism.” I had to study Cannibalism Psychology to heal that part of my own Trauma. And when I did that, I found the source of Veganism and “Meat is Murder.”

But they won’t say “Cannibalism” because it is that horrific a concept.

The next divide was Man vs. Woman.

After we Disintegrated ourselves from Animal and Human, we divided Gender so that Woman and Man were then separated.

After that, we were divided with Sexuality so that families could not have sex. We saw this in Norse Mythology when the Gods warred over Incest between the Aesir and the Vanir.

The last Divide was Magic vs. Non-Magic.  We see this in Old Persia to Ancient Greek and the Roman Empire with Irish Mythology.

Magic was everywhere in the 1st Century, but, by the 4th Century, it was outlawed.

By the 16th Century, Magic was banned.

Incest, Beastiality, Magic, and Hermaphrodites were all normal, equals, accepted, and once… we all lived as one. Consent was The Law back then.

Consent was The Law.

Instead of addressing Consent and Nonconsent (Rape), Which is Freedom vs. Slavery = Free Will, they made Laws, which further violated Freedom and enslaved us.

They broke the 4th Ethic.

Violating the 4th Ethic violates the 2nd Ethic.

They violated the 2nd Ethic.

And instead of reinforcing the 2nd Ethic, they violated the 4th Ethic.

Consent is the First Law. The 2nd Ethic.

What is the consequence of violating the 2nd Ethic?


Free Will is the Law.

Not only do we have Free Will, but it is our LAW.

The 4th Ethic, when not handled properly, violates Free Will, which is the first problem.

Hammurabi’s Code. The First known Law.

How does one restore the Unethical ethical? Education in Self-Love (Ethics). Not Punishment.

Why, in 6,000 years of humanity, have we not ever considered the Value of an Ethical Education as a solution to Unethical Action? Why have we never tried this in 6,000 years?