Introducing the AIDNS.
The AIDNS is what I built. It means Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigation System. It is built 100% on Logical Proofs, Geometry, Psychology, and Physics. Here is how it works:
When I was rebuilding my mind, I realized that 100% of my past was unusable for structuring an “internal operating system” for my choices, ethics, decisions, and behavior. I simply had too much trauma. And both my parents had too much trauma rendering 100% of their life lessons, societal “values,” and structural behavior as toxic. That town where I was raised was White Supremacist and Christian rhetoric and conditioning… I had to build my mind from scratch.
But how, after healing, do you determine which ethics, values, beliefs, and decision making you can use to determine the desired, most healthy behavior? So I invented the AIDNS. It is an Abstract structural “frame” of the Subconscious Mind that, when basic concepts are defined (Defined. Not Learned), it:
1 – Corrects beliefs that causes all emotional pain
2 – Defines the Identity and Ethics to fuel motivation and direction in life
3 – Eliminates all Invasive Perspectives and Mental Disorders
4 – Corrects the Logical Line that makes up an entire person’s Logical Comprehension for simple, smooth navigation
The concepts are simple and only require basic understanding and Visualizing. The AIDNS Defines and then uses our Learning Center in our brains, our natural Evolution, and Self-Preservation to immediately integrate the AIDNS into the Subconscious Mind, using Logic to override any and all past behavior. The AIDNS can be used on any mind, regardless of trauma, age, comprehension, or educational level.
The only requirement is that the individual has to be open-minded to accept the principles provided. And the principles are 100% based on Logic, Math, and Physics.
The AIDNS requires minimal basic maintenance and small adjustments after “uploading” into the Subconscious Mind and it acts like a “machine” with an Abstract Skeletal Frame that shapes the Subconscious Mind and all its parts around it.
It took one session to install it into my case studies and a follow up for a small adjustment. The AIDNS is the structural frame from Mother Nature that every one of us were born with. Trauma broke down the AIDNS in our minds and messed up the calibration of it. People who mentally suffer “just need an adjustment” to their AIDNS. I used formulas to define it, shape it, build it, and logical comprehension to install it. I didn’t invent it. I discovered it.
Yesterday, I wrote out the entire formula with all its parts. The primary core is the Cognitive Core, which is where emotions come from. A small tweak in the right location in the belief system eliminates Cognitive Dissonance.
I’m working on writing it up so a person can read just an article and have it installed. That is what my book Theory of Love is. It is the Installation of the AIDNS. The “installation” is actually our becoming aware of the Subconscious Mind.