Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, The Healing Garden Way with PDF and Worksheets

Dr. Aaron Beck is a Psychologist I commend. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a powerful tool that helped me get through my Trauma. His work is Logic and Philosophy based.

I implement Meditation and Logic : Formal Argument with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for best results. The goal is to increase the Reaction Time. The Reaction Time. That is the problem.

Part #1 – Taking Control over your Self

The cardinal rule is similar to “Stop-Drop-And Roll” that we were trained to do as children if ever we catch on fire. Much like, “Stop-Drop-And Roll” you don’t wait to practice this while you are on fire. You practice it regularly to train/condition your mind into auto-response (Pavlov’s Dog) to select a new default setting.

You are changing the “Default Settings” in your mind.

A PTSD Trigger is actually a Panic Attack materialized into a panicked reaction. This occurs when Logic shuts down, and the Amygdala takes over.

It is best that you practice CBT before you have a problem.


This is the tactic I used to condition my mind.


Watch the emotions move through you. Do not allow the Emotions to puppet you. You puppet them.

Do this through Meditation. Practice this. Stop-Pause-Observe.

The next stage is to create a plan. See page #2.

  1. Start with a list of all of your Triggers (This can feel like a daunting task, but the more triggers you identify, the more prepared you will be).
  2. Connect your Trigger with what you usually do.
  3. Compose a healthy alternative.

Examples :

Instead of __________, do:

  • Meditation
  • Hiking
  • Dance
  • Drawing
  • Knitting
  • Tying Flies (Fishing)
  • Clean
  • Yoga
  • Exercise
  • Tai Chi
  • Writing
  • Journalling
  • Embroidery

It is important that you choose something you love to do and that gives you joy. Use the hobby to keep you busy. Not so much as a distraction, but as a physical “Stop-Pause-Observe.” You may find that stopping to pause and observe is easier when you are keeping yourself occupied.

This practice is highly recommended for people struggling with Addictions, eating disorders, and self-harm as well as Anxiety and PTSD.



Part #2 – Adding the Logic


Now that you have your behavior addressed, it’s time to add the Logic. Our Behaviors are dictated by our Beliefs and/or Logic Systems. Emotional Energy governs Beliefs. Love and Proof Governs Logic. A “limiting belief” is actually a Logical Fallacy. To override a Logical Fallacy, you will require Logic.

Logical Fallacies are 100% built on Fear from past experience converted into “Proof of Concept.” However, 100% of all Logical Fallacies fail to consider one key factor. Your rate of growth.

People learn.

People change.

My daughter (16) expressed a frustration with origami. She wanted to do it, but “she sucked at it.”

“When did you try it?”

“6 years ago.”

“And how old were you?”

I watched her face twist into a sheepish frown.


“Do you think maybe, your motor and mental skills have since improved?”


Our memories provide data that we convert into “Proof of concept.” But often, we forget to account for our rate of growth, resulting in false conclusions, logical fallacies, and preconceived notions based on how the younger or toddler version of ourselves would handle something.

This is exactly what you need to say to your Fear System to prove that your “Limiting Beliefs” are invalid, filled with outdated data, and false information.

  • Do you think you have learned since then?
  • What did you do then? How did you handle this situation then?
  • Would you handle it the same way now?
  • What did you learn from that previous incident?
  • How would you prevent it going forward?
  • Do you think you would allow that same situation to take place?
  • What kind of plan could you make now that will allow you to alter your decision-making skills, to prevent old mistakes from repeating?

This Self-Discussion is a VITAL one to have with your Self regarding ALL of your Fears, Logical Fallacies, PTSD Triggers, and Mental Illness related Core Beliefs, such as “I don’t believe I can save myself.”

The Mind seeks Proof of Concept. And often, it freezes up and fails to even try because of outdated information used by the Fear System. It’s as if we install “Updates” into our Belief System at Time Of Trauma, and then we never go back and “update” the “Trauma Programming” after we heal and learn a new lesson.

In fact, it is just like that.

No one is aware that we have to go back and “update, remove, and adjust” the old trauma programming after the Time of Trauma. You do not need to wait for a Trigger to occur to apply this process. It can be done right now.


Part #3 – Downgrading the “Trauma Memory” to “Regular Memory

The last and final part of this is done with something called Havening. Havening is extraordinary, powerful, and Neuroscience-based proven. I have used it on many of my core Trauma memories and IMMEDIATELY following a session, I lost all ability to access the horrific details of some of my worst traumas.

Growing up witnessing animal abuse, this was a godsend!

A word of warning:

  1. I am a FIRM believer that the PTSD Trigger and the Logic MUST be processed FIRST. It is the Subconscious Mind, not YOU, who has to “deal” with the Trauma. And NO ONE is more knowledgable on the needs, functions, and behaviors of the Subconscious Mind more than I. I INSIST on Processing FIRST.
  2. DO NOT USE HAVENING OR ANY METHOD TO BYPASS THE PROCESSING. DO NOT BYPASS PROCESSING. To do so could be equivalent to locking a piece of your Subconscious Mind’s programming within the 4th Level of the Subconscious Mind, making the very-much needed information inaccessible that is required for processing. This could turn a known trauma into a suppressed and now, inaccessible trauma that could alter your Logical Core.
  3. Only do Havening with a licensed practitioner. The Healing Garden provides a list of Licensed Havener’s who are also very familiar with Triadic Healing.

I recommend doing Havening only AFTER your PTSD Triggers have been removed with CBT. Use your Triggers and PTSD as a Metric to determine if you have effectively addressed your PTSD.



For your own printable PDF… Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model