Storiology : The Science of Story

“Just like the moon, we all have to go through phases of emptiness to feel full.” – Unknown

I woke this morning to that message from my daughter.

I saw my life in that moment, not as a line, but as a wave. A Sound wave. My immediate thought was, “We are literally a Story.”

When I discovered the AIDNS, I could not deny what we were. We are Sentient Stories. So much so that Story Health is a part of our Mental Health. 1/3rd of our Mental Health. Logical Health — The Science of Progression — is another 1/3rd of our Mental Health.

To say that the Human is dependent on Story is an Understatement.

But today, with my current personal challenge with relationships, this is true more so that I can begin to explain.

We are not Homo Sapien Sapiens, Human Beings, or “The Race of Man.” We gave ourselves the wrong Name. We are Storians. That is our True Race.

Storians do not move in a straight line. They do not “stand still.” For the Storian, this is a death sentence. A Storian moves back and forth on a Frequency Wave as we progress through life. Every Storian who comes into our life progresses alongside us. The Stories we adopt as Life Partners, we Integrate their Stories with ours, creating a Harmony that is so pure — in so cases — that those Frequencies because a Single Tone.

Education is the Science, Study, and Mastery of the 18 Parts of Story, broken down into 6 Groupings.

Music is the Science of Story Progression.

Art is the Science of Story Perspective and Detail.

Theater and Stage is the Science of Choreographing A Single Story together.

Reading and Writing is the Science of Communicating your Story to others.

Logic is the Science of Integrating and Building your Story.

Mathematics is the Science of Measuring your Story.

Physics is the Science of Moving your Story.

Chemistry is the Science of how your Story interacts with other Stories.

Biology is the Science is Integrating these parts all together into One Story called Life.

Psychology and Economics is the Science of Story Operations in the Living Story Mind for Optimum Health. Think of it as the Science of “The Story Engine.”

Propagation (Parenting and Teaching) is the Science of spreading the Story in ideal conditions for Continuation.

Philosophy is the Science of This, right here, this Story. It consists of the Science of Integrated Story, The Science of Story Telling, and Story itself.

Jediology is The Science of Putting this all together. It’s the Integration of all everything up to this moment.

There is no “Human Race.”

We are the “Story Race.”

It’s why burning books is the greatest offense. You don’t destroy Story.

When you have a relationship, you are integrating the Frequency that is your Story into the Frequency of another until you form a Single Tone.

And when you break up — because the Harmony was not Consonant, but Dissonant — it shatters (out of phase signals will do that to you) and your Integrated Story Disintegrates.

A Death of a Partner or a Break Up is the Disintegration of your Integrated Story. There. That is what you are feeling, dear reader. That is why it hurts so much. It is the feeling of your Integrated Harmonic Tone, pulling apart.

And if you don’t know anything about Music, Logic, Physics, or Story… you are going to have a very hard time knowing how to Regulate and Manage yours.

The Golden Nuggets. I’ve been staring at them all of my life. 32 years now. I had no idea what the Common Denominators of them all were. Now, I do. Finally.

The Golden Nuggets are the Components of an Academic Discipline that — if studied — you understand the entire Science of the Discipline. Deductive Reasoning takes over, and the tedious detail of the Discipline — The Dissection parts of the Discipline — become Common Sense.

I figured this out when I was 15 years old and have been studying only The Common Denominators of all Disciplines since. I then went back and studied the 2nd — Dissective Layer of the Disciplines. Then, on select Sciences (Disciplines), I studied the 3rd Dissective Layer.

The majority of my knowledge is Common Sense of Deductive Reasoning and Intuitive Cognition from Scientific Method. This is how I was able to learn so much. I focused only on Identifying The Golden Nuggets of all Disciplines.

That is what I am doing with my work. I’m condensing all of Academia into Plato’s Point.

And the First and Last Word is “Story.”

Had the Bible been written in the 1st Person, we all would have picked up on this a lot sooner. Change the word “God” to “Story” and take it Literally, and add the subtext “The Manual For How To Be A Sentient Story.”

And suddenly every Religion had to write their own “How To Manuals” for Sentient Stories without even knowing they were writing a How To Manual For A Living Story…

But Philosophy is The Science of Living Story.

Philo = Love

Sophy = Pure (It’s Arabic)

Philosophy = Pure Love

Sophiephile = Lover of Wisdom… you know… like Pluviophile (Lover of Rain) or Ailurosphile (Lover of Cats).

But “Philosophy” isn’t written that way. It was written “Philosophy,” because the true translation of the word is “Pure Love” for Philosophy is the Science of Pure Love, which is the Integration of Story, Logic, and Truth.

And The 12 Ethics are the “Ingredients” of Love.

We are not “The Human Race.” To be honest, since I studied WWII and Naziism, I lost my stomach for “The Human Race” and rejected that title with disgust at “Humanity.”

And they burned the books.

We’re obsessed with Story. Humans are OBSESSED with Story. It’s our Mother. It’s like, we’re always asking to visit our Mother. Begging us to “tell another story.”

You know… I hate teaching. I really do. I am not meant to teach. I have to be here in this seat, making these realization. Teachers repeat. They are messengers, passing on Instruction to the masses. I can’t do that. I have to sit here and talk directly with Mother Nature. She too is a Story.

So… Mother… That is what you are. Hence… your Frequencies and Physics. Your Math and your Logic… Your Music… You are a Story. And so am I. Created in Imagination, Image, mage, magic, magi, I Magi, Imagination.

Imagination is the predecessor of Music. Well. Son of a Bitch. The Invisible Catalyst. He missed it. Son of a fucking bitch.

You cannot teach and do this Science. You cannot. And when you teach, you… have to remove yourself from the Lab. But if you are not in the Lab, you are not Deciphering this Knowledge. And when people put me into a place of Teaching, they — unknowingly — interrupt my work and pull me away from my lab.