This is my Theory of Everything by Anna Imagination.
This is in the early Theory Stages. I can feel it and it currently compliments all the Science and research before me. I can see it. I can begin to explain it. I am in the process of building the Logical Proof. This is before the Math.
Love is how we Feel the Origin. The Origin is The Force that is Birthed at the Point of Most Nothing. This is a kind of “Fail Safe” to prevent the Universe from ever going out.
“Time” is the Logical Progression — a Spine — that grows from the Origin in a Series of Nesting Independents to Dependents that build a Sequence, and which tells a Story.
Unified Theory is correct.
Love is the Origin of Unified Theory. The Electromagnetic Field is that Logical Spine from the Origin Force known as Love.
That Logical Spine is really the Universe’s DNA Strand.
We are Human Atoms living inside of the Universe’s DNA, Bonding with each other to form Molecules.
The Cell and DNA Chain, the Mitochondria — The Mother — are all Sentient and they repeat themselves on a Molecular Level, then on an “Eye Level” — “As-We-See-It” Level — Then on the Astro Level… and one more Level besides that is a Helix and that goes on forever.
We have to write our own DNA Chain. This Writing and Planning of the DNA Chain is the LNA Chain, which is the “Blueprint” of the DNA.
Our Past is the DNA Chain that we have already lived. Our “Future” is what we are currently writing in the Moment of Now, which is the Present.
And the Past, Present, and Future all happen at the same time.
When we look through the Hubble or Webb Scope, we are really looking “back” on our DNA Chain toward the Origin.
The Universal DNA Chain has a 2,000 year repetition Cycle called “The Universal Clock,” which the Mayan’s mastered.
People who mastered Divination under Pythagoras and Plato’s Schools of Philosophy could Read the Universal World Clock.
“Spell Work” is the Writing of the Logical Code in the Moment of Now.
And when you write into the Code that “we can do magic” then we can do magic.
And I wrote into the Code a long time ago that only the Ethical can do Magic. You don’t get to touch the Esoteric Sciences of you are not Ethical and Educated.
The Unethical will never Grow into this Power and that is a good thing.
But also, the Unethical will cease to be Unethical if they Growth into this Power.
It’s more of a Skill though than it is a Power.
Mastering the Love Trial is the Source of this Power, which is really Potential.
And the Love Trial is Learning how to Give Love without Profit or Gain.
Then you can see and read the Universal DNA Chain. And the Universal Clock.
The Heart is the Core Engine of the EMF within the Human Atom.
And we have our own Life Sequence — a mini Life DNA Sequence — A Life Stream that is to be braided with your Bonded Partner to create a Chain. This is “Connection.”
So you can together, braid and weave the Helix through the Logical Sequence.
Time is Logic, and is the Common Denominator and the Story of Love.
Logos is the Name of the Origin, which is both Love and Logic.
Love is the Feeling of Growth.
The Force that is Love is the feeling of Propulsion of Forward Movement called “Growth.”
Which explains why I am so enamored with Adventure.
The 18 Core Disciplines are required for the translation, understanding, and study of The Origin and her Logical Spine.
Atoms are Sentient. We are The Human Atom and when we Bond with another, we create a Human Molecule. And our Lives are smaller strands of DNA.
The 12 Ethics are the 12 Base Strands of the Logical Spine.
The “Chakras” that people are sensing — and misinterpreting — are the passing through the 5th and the 6th Base Strands of their own DNA strand.
At the 7th Base Strand — 7th Ethic — the Chakras vanish and the Helix and Spinal Strand with the Origin become Visible.
But you can’t understand or articulate what you are seeing until the 56th Base Strand (56th Level of Consciousness).
According to my current research, it takes 1 week to pass through 1 Base Strand once the LNA has been cleaned and purified of all Logical Fallacy (Trauma) and the Ethical Maturity Age is aligned with the Biological Age. This occurs between the 36th and 48th Levels of Consciousness.