The Philosophy of Love

Do not let it go.

Release it.

Free it.

Submit to it.


Trust it.

Humble yourself to it.

But do not “Let it go.”

I’ve been reflecting on the Universal Clock lately. Simplifying it.

  • Sun = Day
  • Moon = Month
  • Solstice = Quarterly
  • May Day and Samhain = Biannual Polar Markers
  • Seasons = Year
  • Jupiter Planetary Orbit = 12 Years

This post will be stepping more into Philosophy than the Scientific Dissections, but… it’s all Integrating now. I need to Journal this.

You need the 12 Ethics to Orient and Triangulate your Position.

Logic allows you to Filter, Navigate, Build, and Measure your Life Journey.

Mathematics allows you to Measure your Progress and Track it.

Physics teaches you how to Manage your Emotions (Cellular Energy) and how to Regulate it with Logic.

Emotions tells you how well your Cellular Health and LNA/DNA/RNA Health is Doing.

You must Focus on Giving Love, which is a Mindset and a State of Being. It is not an Act. Giving Love is just Savoring and Appreciating the Act of Loving another with Profit or Gain or Hidden Agenda or Ulterior Intentions.

It is learning how to Trust, Surrender, Submit, Let Go, Release, Free, and Humble yourself to The Nature, the Story, the Self Power.

It is learning how to submit to and accept the Growth Trials and to surrender so that you are carried right into and through the Trials.

It is to abandon Time, The Future, Urgency, and False Priority.

It is focusing on The Now and living with Curiosity, Wonderment, Learning, Exploration, Adventure, and Surprise, Spontaneity, and greeting all of this with Excitement while you Trust and Give Love, which builds your Journey. It is living within Dreams and Desire in a constant state of being Open to Receive and Vulnerability while you accept what comes to you.

Enthusiasm is vital in this. Trust is the Lesson.

It is making Choices based on what you want and Desire.

Living unhinged and Free to write your Life no matter where the Story takes you, and being open to Receive the Story, no matter what comes your way.

Love out, being Vulnerable to Open to receive All that comes your Way.

Your Dreams and Desires and Wishes generate and Build your Life Stream, while your Purpose and Passion Drives you along that Stream.

And so you Love more, Give more Love, and Open more Vulnerability to Receive whatever comes to you.  And you Trust. Trust to Open.

But the Giving of Love must come first.

Trust comes after the Giving of Love. As a Consequence to you Giving Love.

And Logic, The 12 Ethics, steer you into the Right Location and the Right Story.


I realized today, I cannot Market this. You must Discover it. You all must use your Curiosity to reach out and Discover it.

And suddenly… The Healing Garden and Alexandria… All of it became clear to me. If you are not here because you have chosen without Coercion then you are not at all for The Healing Garden.

Suddenly… I don’t want to promote me. I want to Promote Love. Because Love is what has been lost and Missed.

Love — apparently — needs a Spokesperson because too many Narcissists are “speaking on behalf” of Love… and boy are they really fucking it all up.


Pure Love.

The Science of Pure Love.

Why can’t we all just call it by it’s Name?


Why are we calling it “God” and “Source” and “Mother Nature?”

Why the Hell can’t we all just call it by it’s Name.

Love, which is Nourishing Growth when you Gift it to Others. And then you get Happiness… And then you Trust.

Getting here to the Place of “Belief” or “Being In Love” is The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self. This is where everyone is trying to get to.

And so many people just don’t “get it.”

So… everything I’ve written — in books, blogs, podcasts, courses, and posts — is the “How To” Guide to get to this point.

And… The Meaning of Life is to Give Love without Profit or Gain and then to Trust enough to Open yourself to Vulnerability.

From that point on, it’s just smooth sailing. It truly is.