The Terror System.
A level of the Fear System so severe that the Subconscious Mind overrides your Memory of it, uses the Amygdala to activate the Hypothalamus to trigger the “Flop” response that controls The Vagus Nerve.
Biologists say that Vagus Vagal Syncope is Psychological. Psychologists claim it is Physical.
Biologists use actual Science for their Science.
Psychologists use Inductive Reasoning for their “Science.”
Why was this ever a debate?
After researching the Hypothalamus and how the 1st Ethic is the Parasympathetic Nervous System and the 2nd Ethic is the Sympathetic Nervous System, I was finally able to open Conversation with my Inner Self about the Vagus Nerve.
I cannot begin to express the level of Fear associated with — what I can only call “The Terror System.” A fear so deep that it exceeds “The Fear System.”
For me, my Vagus Vagal Syncope activates anytime I am on a date or sleeping next to a man with one exception — My King.
The risk required to overcome this fear exceeds my Safety Measures. It is that simple. My Subconscious Mind permitted this conversation. Barely. The Terror System is stored in the 4th Level of the Subconscious Mind.
It is where Terrors that activate the most severe cases of Fear are stored and — if all else fails — The Vagus Nerve is “triggered” causing a “Flop” response that leads to a drop in Blood Pressure, losing Consciousness, and losing all control over my bowels.
Vomiting is also present as well as hot and cold flashes, 99.9 average fever, and significant loss of color.
I had an “Episode” while at the Doctor’s Office once where they were immediately able to check EVERYTHING, which is how I was able to walk away with so much information about this as well as a Diagnoses.
The Cure?
Logical Negotiations with the Subconscious Mind to understand that — Nope… Completely just lost all track of thought.
Nope. We are closing this door.
The Subconscious Mind is not safe to even talk about it. It is labelled as “Not-Negotiable.”
This is the farthest in all of my research I have been able to come with the Vagus Nerve.
My Subconscious Mind needs some serious TLC now.
But… I was able to confirm. The Vagus Vagal Syncope is 100% Psychological.