So! That was HOW the Ashavana Scientists Reverse Engineer Mother Nature’s Equilibrium with our Intuition.
After we “Mine” the Data, we Group the Information and Label it. It is exactly like Inventory Management. It is Inventory Management… but with Data, which is why an Ashavana also must know Language, Linguistics, Philology, and Power Economics so they can Translate all of the Inventory and Catalogue it, then measure it for Truth against the Scientific Method.
After it all checks out, then we Upload the Data into the Ashavana Archives and Records here at We record Videos, write Papers and Articles, and then we head over to Anna’s Healing Garden and build a Course in the Corresponding Category with properly cited data, referencing the Research.
We will then talk to our Scientists in Lab QED about the Discovery and they will add the Biological, Nutritional, and Engineering Point of View and also run through the work to confirm the Validation.
Then, our Knowledge Distributors come in at their leisure and use the Archives to transfer all of the Data from The Archives and The Records into The University Emporium, which we are always building.
The University Emporium is designed to “Always Be Growing,” which is one of the Mottos we life by. Always Be Growing. We are forever raising the Standard.
People come in from all around the World, to Join Community Gaia where they can access The University Emporium.