Henceforth, the word “Narcissism” is banned from all Professional use. I strongly recommend the retirement of this word entirely.
The reason why Narcissist-Sufferers do not get help or improve is because of the Crucifixions and Head Hunting Empaths are doing on Narcissists.
The irony is, All Empaths are Narcissists and All Narcissists are Empaths.
This has got to stop.
Narcissism is just “The Pot Calling The Kettle Black” due to Reciprocity and Self-Projection. This is due to the Babble Fish Paradox and The Liar’s Fallacy.
By ending all use of the Name “Narcissist” to simply “Not Optimized Health, ” this immediately ends the Stigma and all Finger-Pointing, which leads to The Sufferer — which means “Victim” — refusing to get the appropriate help they need due to Fear of Stigma.
Furthermore, 100% of ALL Mental Diagnoses MUST come to an IMMEDIATE END including “ADHD,” “Neurodivergent,” “Schizophrenia,” and “Autism.”
You are either living with Optimized Mental Health or you are not.
The problem is The Placebo Effect and Mass Hysteria DO EXIST and ARE VERY REAL AND PROVEN Medical Conditions.
The Moment a Professional “Diagnoses” or “Invents” a Diagnoses or “Condition,” The Professional Invents a New Type of Placebo Effect and Mass Hysteria.
See The Monopod Story by C.S. Lewis For Emphasis.
We will call this one the Placebo Effect Mass Hysteria Compounded Paradox. The Paradox that is as Obnoxious as its name. To remind us all how Obnoxious — and out of hand — this has gotten.