
I just wrote The Money Course and I can’t deny what I see.

  1. Power Economics
  2. Ethical Law and Natural Order
  3. The Money Course

And how this ties into The 12 Ethics.

The User Manual Of The Subconscious Mind

Triadic Healing Simplified


The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self (The Cultivator’s Cradle)

  1. The Ashavana Scientific Method
  2. The Academic Disciplines
  3. The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution

=> //  The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ethic (The Science of Art)

  1. The Learning Theorem
  2. The Cognitive Core
  3. 5-Parts Of The Subconscious Mind

+> // The AIDNS (The Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System)

4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic (Logos = Communications And The Regulator)

  1. Power Economics
  2. Ethical Law and Natural Order
  3. The Money Course

+> // The Emotional Transaction of Human Circuitry and Connection

10th, 11th, and 12th Ethic (The Art of Science)

  1. The Philosopher’s Compass
  2. The Emotional Regulation System
  3. Mother Nature’s Song

And Integrate (Plato’s Point)

Note :

The Fear of Truth Paradox +> The False Clause Adoption +> [>.<] +> The Babble Fish Paradox +> The Lie Loyalty Paradox +> The Fear of Truth Paradox  +> // The Liar’s Fallacy

[Dominant Harmonic Theorem +> “Balance Scale” Harmonic Theorem +> The Chromatic Melodic Theorem] +> // The Love Theorem

  • The Life Formula
  • The Liar’s Fallacy
  • The Love Theorem (The Truth Formula)

+> // The Cultivator’s Cradle

And don’t forget to Integrate them all, Anna… You always forget to Integrate 😉


See… I’m not crazy. I never was. And I can prove it.