The School of Human

May we all find the Light within the Darkness.

The School of Human

Every one of us has an Animal inside of us and a Human.

But you have to learn how to be Human.

You have to learn how to be Human.

And every time you Choose to Learn, you become more Human. And every time you choose not to learn, you become more Animal.

And there is a Tipping Point where you finally learn so little, that you Are Animal. And there is a Tipping Point where you finally learn so much that you become Human.

And then the Animals who have lost there Human cage the Humans and force them to become Animals. And those Humans move and act, and choose like Animals. And they too move and act, and choose like Animals so much that they too become unlike Humans. And then they become Animals.

There are Traits of Animals.

There are Traits of Human.

And when you know the Traits of both, you can see too easily how much of an Animal you really are, and how much of a Human you have lost.