There is a Point — A State of Being — that is so small it is like Standing within The Eye of a Needle.
This Point — This Eye — Once you have found it — Is where all the Power of the Universe is held. It is the Smallest Point in the Universe and the most Free. It is composed of Purist Truth.
The more you know, the smaller it gets, until you know so much that you stand within it.
This Eye is where Christ lived.
I saw it today. I was there for just a moment.
It takes the summation of all the Knowledge to get there. But not — Information. Wisdom. The Wisdom compounds, moving you closer and closer to The Eye.
That Eye is “The Kingdom of Heaven.”
It is a Point inside of us that we must Sculpt our Minds into a very precise Formula to get there. The Alchemist is he who utilizes Knowledge in Wisdom, The Savoring and Relishing of What we have, And The Gifting with Agape…
Once these three “Fruits” are balanced, you move within and between people seamlessly. It’s where we belong. It’s where we must come to to get all that is ours. Our Full and True Potential.
It’s that moment you realize “This is what The Mind was made for.”
How much we waste it.
In 2015, there was one Psychologist — Sam. She cared about me. She did a lot to coach my then-husband through the process of getting me from a Bedroom into a Therapist’s office.
No one had ever suggested therapy to me. I had no idea where to find one or how to go about doing it. I didn’t think any of them could help me. Turns out, they couldn’t.
But Sam cared.
I recognized the amount of work she was putting into her little project — Me. And I asked her, “Why do you care?”
And she said to me, “Because a Mind should not go to waste.”
She’s right.
The Power of The Mind is our most valuable asset. Our greatest resource. Our most cherished possession. Ten years later?
I agree. Sam is right. Every Mind in this world is precious. They can be your Freedom. Or your Prison.