Logic and Learning How To Learn

For this class, I refer to Wikipedia.

This is my “reading list.” The path of Education and Learning that I took to get to Erosology and the study and impact of Perspective Logic that influences our growth, development, and mindset today.

The recommended reading is Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaardner. This is the only philosophy book I read. After which, I read The Great Books.

  • Stone Soup
  • Aesop’s Fables
  • Pilgrim’s Progress
  • The Bible
  • Egyptian Mythology
  • Greek Mythology
  • Roman Mythology
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Les Miserables (I was 12 when I read this book. I remember my English teacher scoffing at me, telling me, “You can’t read that book.” It took me 3 months, but I did it. Her condescending abuse as a teacher toward me, her student, inspired me to look into the history of Education in America. It was the anomaly “How could a Teacher discourage a student from learning?” that led me to that research. Thank you, Mrs. Brooks).
  • Thomas Sewell Dumbing Down America
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • The Sound of Music
  • Gone With The Wind
  • A World Lit Only By Fire (This… This was the book that started it all. This literally ignited my fire and passion for Rome. It was the “delusion” that was painted in this history of “The Fall of Rome,” when I very clearly saw the evolution, re-marketing, and rebranding of Rome, which disguised itself in the Holy Christian Empire while it went on to repeat its precise war strategy on the people this time that I had studied previously doing to obtain all of the Roman Empire. This is also when I watched Ben Hur and saw the Connection between Rome and The Christian Church, and they were identical in their methods).
  • Ben Hur
  • Roman Empire, Philosophy, Logic, Geometry, Music Theory, Mathematics, Physics, Alexandria, Plato and Socrates (It was 1995. I was 15 years old and I found Plato’s curriculum for La Academia.)
  • 1776 (Musical)
  • My Fair Lady (Musical) Pygmalion (This launched my passion into Linguistics. I wanted to be Henry Higgins and so began my studies into PIE and Etymology)
  • Between Linguistics, Etymology, Rome, Mathematics, and Logic I was starting to see how words and math are the foundation of Communication : The transference of Information.
  • Don Quixote (Cervantes was a 12th Perspective who understood Metaphysics as Aristotle did)
  • Shakespeare (All of them) with an emphasis on Hamlet, Othello, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night or What You Will, and Romeo and Juliet.
  • Frankenstein (Reflect on this man’s ability to accept death and surrender to growth and change and not at all on a “man who plays God.” Also, reflect on the Parent’s responsibility toward their Creation.)
  • The Hound of the Baskerville (Sherlock Holmes)
  • Slaughterhouse Five (references Joseph Heller)
  • Catch-22 (references Kurt Vonnegut)
  • Lord of the Flies (Partnered with the movies Apocalypse Now and Instinct)
  • Farenheit 451
  • Clockwork Orange (This book had one of the greatest impacts on me)
  • Alice In Wonderland
  • Animal Farm
  • The Pearl (Focus on the consumption of Hoarding Resources due to Scarcity Mindset… and not on Greed)
  • Anthem
  • Inherit The Wind (This… was a turning point in my Perspective. It was the “coming together” of the Bible and “Origin of Species” at the end that would go on to solidify what I learned from Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH. It was the choice I made to merge Science with Religion and Spirituality while also abandoned all prejudice).
  • Atlas Shrugged
  • Fountainhead (I felt this was a rough draft of Atlas Shrugged and was unnecessary to read due to the redundancy and lack of refinement that was delivered in Atlas Shrugged)
  • The Koran
  • The Mormon Bible
  • The Catholic Bible
  • The New King Jame’s Version Bible (Again)
  • Ramayana
  • Siddhartha
  • The Jehova’s Witness Bible
  • Origin of Species by Darwin
  • Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (This… I grew up watching the movie and was stunned at the lack of “magic.” It was the replacement of science in the book with magic in the movie that made me have the epiphany that Magic is just “Dumb Man” Science. This was a fork in my road that made me realize just how much Science and Religion and Spirituality have in common… if only they would set down their Prejudice and Bias).
  • Charlotte’s Web
  • Trumpet of the Swan
  • Stuart Little (I hated this book)
  • Matilda
  • Candide
  • A Prayer For Owen Meany (This was painful to get through. One chapter was 50 pages long… I never struggled getting through a book more since Jane Austen)
  • Brave New World
  • Documentary on The Knight Templars and the Crusades
  • Documentary on Ireland, St. Patrick, and Trinity Church
  • Documentary on the Book of the Kells
  • Documentary on Thomas Tyndale, Martin Luther, and the Age of Enlightenment
  • Harry Potter (“For too long you have placed too much importance of a man’s station and not instead on what he can do.” – Dumbledore Book #4… This books did so much to bring Prejudice, Racism, and Intolerance to the forefront of my mind)
  • The Hobbit
  • Lord of The Rings
  • Silmarillion (To this day, this is one of my favorite books. Breathtaking. “It reads like Homer and The Genesis.)
  • C.S. Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia (… I read a whole lot of plagiarism and unoriginal material that he stole from Silmarillion, The Bible, Hans Christian Anderson (The Snow Queen), and Aesop’s Fables (The Ass and the Lion). Not one original idea and some of the sloppiest “logic” I have ever seen. I loathe C.S. Lewis, and it disgusts me how many people like him. While Tolkien was an original breath of fresh air whose words carried me through story, C.S. Lewis was a hack who craved the greatness of Tolkien, resulting in the sediment of Tolkien’s Shadow. That’s right. That’s what I think of C.S. Lewis. I recommend not asking me what I think of his Christian writings and allegorical work).
  • Here is where I wrote Dolor and Shadow and Fire and Lies. (2006 – 2015)
  • The Stages of Grief (I needed to study Psychology in depth for my character’s Psychology)
  • Norse Mythology
  • Celtic Mythology
  • Norwegian History, Scandinavia, and the Sami (This was extraordinary for me. I was able to research a land and a people that existed completely untouched by all of Rome. It was and still is simply extraordinary to me, to see a culture and people develop 100% untouched by any of the methods, practices, teachings, societal influence of Rome. From the calendar (A Moon Calendar), to the Holidays, the language, the mindset, (Husbandry, Marriage, Contract, Honor, and Matriarchy)… simply astounding. I learned so much comparing the Scandinavian/Old Norse culture to Roman Culture. Beautiful perfection for my research.
  • Broken (2015) This is when I wrote Broken and began my therapy.
  • War of the Worlds by HG Wells
  • Citizen Kane with Orson Wells
  • Invisible Man by HG Wells
  • The Time Machine by HG Wells (HG Wells was a 12th Perspective who could see the Perspectives like I can… and he depicted them perfectly in this novel. HG Wells was a massive )
  • Journey To The Center of The Earth
  • Around The World In 80 Days
  • 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne
  • Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
  • 12 Angry Men (The Remake. I watched both and actually dislike the original).
  • Mutiny On the Bounty (The Mark of Bligh)
  • Modern Times (This one still makes me angry. I see so many similarities between this, Grapes of Wrath (the movie), and Dr. Who and The Matrix.
  • Ten Commandments
  • Exodus
  • Ben Hur (Again… I really love Charleston Heston)
  • Soylent Green
  • V for Vendetta
  • The Matrix (1st Movie only)
  • The Giver
  • Star Trek (OS, TNG, DS9)
  • Dr. Who (Emphasis on Steven Moffat’s Scripts) While I did watch and binge the entire series from 1963 to Present Day (this took me a year), It was the Steven Moffat episodes that really impacted me. Heaven Sent. This one is mandatory in my work. I saw so much in Heaven Sent, also The Rings of Akhatan.