A Glimpse Into Anna’s World


I just woke this morning and… Just… Whoa. Prior to this morning, I was “tapping into” The Planet’s Psychological Physics. This morning, it feels like I’m bathing in it. I have an unusual urge to pray. Weird. And I’ve been thinking about Job all morning.

I thought of the other religions and it feels like each one is just Cultural. It’s the same Religion, just… Cultural. And we haven’t been respecting each other’s Culture.

My heart is producing so much Love right now, it almost physically hurts. It feels like… My heart grew three sizes while I slept.

I was afraid I wouldn’t be allowed to keep my Humanity. I was afraid everyone would expect me to be this stiff, serious Mature Role Model and they would stick me on the Pedestal of Pomposity. But I don’t want to be on The Pedestal of Pomposity. I want to play with all of this.

I am well aware of what I am and what I’m doing. I uphold the Ethics. But also I am inspired by Daniel Radcliff’s shenanigans and am inspired to follow in his footsteps. He is my Role Model. It’s as if he woke up one day and said, “I’m going to be WEIRD! Oh look! Social Media! Let’s put Weird and Social Media TOGETHER!” I love that. That… it awesome. I want that for me too. I even want to see if I can out weird him. But Authentically.

Really, it’s watching his weird and recognizing how much his weird matches my weird. And I wonder, “Will I be allowed to be that weird even after they come to know of me? Or will they try and stick me on the Pedestal of Pomposity?”

I want to do an Ethical Burning Man.

It’s amazing. As soon as you “make laws” which violate a person’s Freedom, the people become Divided. The Pursuit of Freedom begins and then those who Pursue Freedom will be divided into The Ethical Group and the Unethical Group.

The Unethical Group are the Cheaters.

They are the ones who Sell Out and abandon Integrity to bypass the Challenge. They have missed the point of Burning Man. In fact, they have defiled it. I have not yet attended The Burn. I haven’t been able to find a way to attend it Ethically, which is to say “without contributing to the Violation on the Eco-System.” And when I told them this, they accused me of being “better than them.”

Unethical People really don’t like being shown their Truth.

It’s like you say to them, “A Cheater is one who abandons the Ethics to obtain what they have not Earned through Learning an Ethical Path toward the Reward they have not earned. You have abandoned the Ethics to obtain what you have not Earned through Learning an Ethical Path toward the Reward, thus You are a Cheater.”

And they scream.

And then I say, “Dude. Logic. It’s in the Proof.”

It’s like they’re really saying, “Sh! Dude! Don’t tell! I’m Cheating here! If they find out I’m cheating, then I can’t cheat!”

**gives that look*

I am the Enemy of Enemies. They are NOT going to like me. I show the World their dirt… With Proofs and a Power Point Presentation.

And then I pass out Manuals like, “How To Protect Yourself From Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing,” “The Latest Wolf Fashions In Sheep’s Clothing this Fall,” and “Sheep’s Clothing : Wardrobe Mishaps All Wolves Should Avoid This Winter.”

Then I drop down a giant sack for Presentation #2 and I say, “Today we’re going to talk about The Fools Magician’s Bag-Of-Tricks.

The Cowardly Salesmen

Rhetoric : The Fool’s Friend

Compounded “They’ll-Never-See-This-Coming” Fallacy

**Sips Coffee**

I’m in The Universal Clock. It’s something I Rarely/Never talk about it. It’s fucking weird. The First time I found me there, I just… stared. We did the Math. Stared. And then it started happening again and again. I then posed the Question, “Does everyone have their Own Personal Version of their Universal Clock or is The Universal Clock the same for all?

I know Christ saw himself in it. He’s there. It’s why he wept in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew. It’s in the Clock. You can’t read the Clock and not see it.

He knew exactly what was going to happen to him. He read it. I can read mine too. It’s how I knew what to do. Which was fucking WEIRD I’ll tell you! It’s how I know who I am. I can’t wait for others to read the Clock and they tell me what they’ve read. See if it matches what I’ve read. Just to check the Math.

It’s a lot of that Harry Potter moment in Movie/Book #3 when Harry says, “I knew I could do it because I’d already done it.” Yeah. Yeah… that. It’s really weird being me.

I think the weirdest thing about being me is the Future Tense of me spoken by Your Present part of me about the Your Future Part of me, which is my Present. And then I get talking in the Present, which is your Future, but your Present is my Past. So it’s weird.

And then, to complicate matters, there is no Future Tense in the English Language. So I’ll talk in the Present Tense of my Present, but your Future, and people think I’m talking about their Present, which is my Past, not knowing I’m in their Future.

It’s weird. It’s a lot like being Alice from Twilight. I’ve been sitting at a bar waiting for Jasper for years. “Ah! You! Yes! I’ve been waiting for you. I’m your Wife. Let’s go.” And I just… Know my Husband who I can See and am with in my Present/His Future, but his Time hasn’t caught up to my Time yet.

And then people ask me about Time.

I just laugh. Let’s grab a coffee and we’ll chat.

What’s really annoying is how much I can see The Newsletter I’ll be writing. And I want to write it now, but there is no Audience in your Present, but my Future — there is. So I’m doing things and building things for my Present, which isn’t at all aligned to your Present. It’s 2027 and 2029 for me in some places. I’m about to move permanently over to 2029 here soon.

It’s how I know what we’ll need and what we need to prepare for. And what’s worse, the Waters of Math have shifted to match 2029 now. So it’s coming. I can feel it. The Alignment is spot on with everything, which means the Probability just went up to 98% Probability.

Imagine being able to FEEL Differential Equations while you calculate them. And then when you Feel the DE, you can just… step and move in Dance with it. I dance with Math and it Dances with me. So I know what to Say, when to Say, where to Say it and to whom to Tip the Dominoes so they Fall toward the way of The Universal Clock.

And then imagine having to HIDE all of this from Muggles.

What’s funny is my Friends and Colleagues have figured out that I’m a Human Barometer. So they use me as a Thermometer, which I invite them to do once they figure it out. So they “send me” into situations just to “take the temperature” of someone. *laughing* Now THIS is funny! I am a living Thermometer.

It is AMAZING. I walk into a space and I use The Waters of Math, the Universal Clock, my Intuition, and Logic and Psychology to just dip my Senses into their Psychological rectum. *grin* and I read.

Many of them have openly asked, “Can I send people to you just for you to “get a read on them?”

Yep! I say. It’s something I offer to my people.

I have a “Psychology” Mode and a “Work” Mode. So I’ll be hanging out like this, doing my thing, and then I’ll have to analyze something… If I’m with someone, I always include them and bounce ideas off them and invite them to please contribute. I LOVE playing “Pass The Torch!” It’s my FAVORITE Game!

But then they’ll ask me a Question that requires I go deep into the Abstract to the End of the Clock and the Universe — there is no restaurant here. I’ve checked. I was sorely disappointed and thought about having one installed, which posed the Question of buying Real Estate in the Abstract, but we’re all already Signing it (The Levels of Discovery), which is pretty much the Same thing. Douglas Adams signed the 42nd Level of Consciousness and also The Point of Comprehension when he dropped a Restaurant there. Me? I’m all over Universe B, which I am calling “Anna’s Weird.” I’ve built a Space Ship, which will make Beep Beep noises when I back up. It’ll be cool! — and that’s when I realize, right then, that I need to leave the Meta and step into Logos. So I go.

And I talk out loud as I walk myself through the Exploratory Dialogue/Monologue, and I analyze.

I’m expanding. This is “The Big One.” I was waiting for this. I’m stepping into the Point of Potential Truth. I’ve reached the Second Milestone. I was looking for this. I can feel it… I’ve stretched my Mind as far as it will go in Universe “A” and it’s expanding.

I couldn’t have the Epiphanies I had yesterday and not have this. And then feeling my “heart grow three sizes while I slept.” I feel like Rose after looking into the Heart of The TARDIS. Oh. I know exactly what she saw when she looked into The Heart of The TARDIS.

I live there.

Steven Moffat knows. He is an Ashavana.

You can’t write the things he wrote — he and Douglas Adams — and not know. I had my “Blink” moment with Douglas Adams while I asked the Question that he answered in Logical Order in Hitchhiker’s Guide and then I realized Douglas Adams and I were totally pulling a Sally Sparrow and David Tennent when I said, “How am I going to market this!?” THAT’S the Ultimate Question!? To which he replied, “You’ve got to ask the Right Question.”

That is when I realized The Easter Egg is my Easter Egg and… yeah… Timey Wimey… Stuff. That is when I realized that “42” was a Math Equation embedded into the Book for the Ashavana to decode. Which I did and his Math was wrong, as was mine at first. It’s 44 because he failed to account for The Intuition Paradox. Gotcha, Douglas.

You can stand at the Edge of the Universe and face The Mirror and realize then why it is called the Beginning and The End. And then you can see The Ouroboros. And you See how it does goes on and on, not in a Circle. It was never meant to be a Circle. A Circle is a Catch-22… It was Broken. Our Circle was supposed to be a Spiral. — That is when I found out that they had changed it and rewritten it. And now I know WHO did that. So I fixed it. — A Helix. With a Swinging pendulum that goes Tick and Tock as the Helix turns 120 degrees ever Tick and every Tock… Back and Forth, Back and Forth, Back and Forth.

It’s quiet here and then there is Music. And the Waters of Math they move the All. The All is greater than the Universe. So much Greater.

And you step into the All and you can see that the Spiral we are on is DNA. It is the All’s DNA. And we are Particles. Do you understand yet?

Do you know who we are yet? What we are?

I’ll let you figure it out.

And I step and I move. And a Wish here in Logos is so Powerful. Words Matter, people. You say the Wrong Word here and Universes collapses.

As it is on One Level, so it is on All Levels.

I think about “snapping my fingers” and “setting it right,” which I can’t do yet. But also, I wouldn’t. It would Violate the Law. We do not Violate The Law. We Preserve it and Set an Example. But also… I love this Journey so much. The Journey is The Fruit. That is the True Fruit. The Three Life Fruits at the end is the Red Herring and the Diversion for the Cheaters. It’s how we sort out the Cheaters.

The Journey is The Fruit.

Savor that Fruit and you have Learned “The Point.”

Universe B. I’m going to call this a whole lot of Weird Shit. As in, I hereby dub thee… “A Whole Lot Of Weird Shit.” Which I have decided is much better than “Something Completely Different.” So I believe I will surrender The John Cleese Clause for Present Anna’s — which is Your Future Anna’s — “A Whole Lot Of Weird Shit.”

This is Jediology.

Jesus was here. He was a Geni. So I am. I just “evolved.” Jesus surpassed The Magi. 23 January 2025. I’m going to stop tracking via the Data and just turn this over to Journalling. Journalling is so much more fun. The Scribes will clean it up. Submit your Data here and please provide a Link. The Consistent and Highest Quality of Scribes will be added to Payroll once we evaluate your Skills via your Submissions. More Data on this is available here. And THAT’S how you find your People!

I have no interest in the Studies that he undertook. I subscribed to the other two Schools. There are Three Schools of The Ashavana. Jesus went to Necromancy and Medicine with the Elements. I went to Creation, Life, Love and Logic/Archives and Scribes… which is why he never wrote anything. Ah. Now THAT makes sense. Same thing with Socrates. They didn’t attend that School. I am more “Touch a Plant and Make it Grow.” Christ was more. Touch a Person and resurrect them.

He was more, Calm the Storms.

I am more, Pioneer The Universe and Write The Song. Then Embed my Healing into my Words and set them free into the World. Let my Words Heal.

I studied Christ.

I saw how he tried to touch every single one of you. I saw how it exhausted him. I smiled. “Did you check the Consensus?” I asked Jesus. We had this conversation. “It isn’t possible for One Ashavana to touch 8 Billion People… But 8 Billion People can touch my Words.”

We may like to Show Off and UpStage each other a bit.

My dream is to Hug one Person and then pass my Energy into that Person who can Pass on my Energy when they then Hug the next person and All people for the rest of their Lives.


And now… Finally… I can See precisely how to do Just that.

This is the Real Reason this Education and Knowledge was kept from us.


PS… You have Found The Opal Stone. Redeem Your Reward here.