ADHD. Neurodivergent. Autism. “The Spectrum.” : All The Ways Uneducated People Label Genius

Wow… Originally Written on 15 December 2024. I am reading this on 6 January 2025. This is how much I have grown in that short period of Time.

Edited Version from 6 January 2025

This is a post that will upset a lot of People. See Anna’s Paradox.

I loathe the concept and the labels “ADHD,” “Neurodivergent” and “Autism” or “On The Spectrum.” 

I was born and raised in a Family that was smart enough to recognize Smart, but too uneducated to know what to do with it. My Family was unusual in that they didn’t value Smart, but they were smart enough to recognize genius… Most times.

But what was even weirder about my unique Family — for whatever reason — they protected me from “The Labels.” Not once in my 44 Years did anyone ever call me “ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autistic,” or “On The Spectrum,” even though I had “All the signs.”

As a result, I grew up “Outside of The System” and far removed from what the rest of the world experienced.

I got to see what those labels and terms do to a Person’s Psychology and Mindset.

My Family called me “Smart” and “Genius.”

My brother beat me for my Genius because it was known that I was smarter than him… and he was beaten by my Father for it. So I was able to isolate my “Genius” Trauma to just my Brother. While my Family boasted my Intelligence, they also were terrified of my Intelligence. They warned outsiders about me and — I learned decades later — They had an “Anna Disclaimer” for me.

“Anna is… Different.”

Because of that Disclaimer, any Outsider who came in, never treated me Different. I had no idea that — despite their abuse, they also protected me. When you Heal, you see The Good and the Love amongst the Fear.

But — for 44 years — not once was I ever called a Single Name.

And the Difference it had on me in comparison to other Geniuses is Night and Day.

There are People today who are so uneducated, so Ignorant, that they — in fact — are suffering from The Healthy Delusion or The Delusional Paradoxes when they see Genius Traits — the same Traits I have had all of my life — they “diagnose” these Genius Traits” as “Mental Illnesses.”

There’s “Darwinism,” and then there is “So uneducated you diagnose “Genius” as “Mentally Ill.”

When I began my studies in ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autism, and The Spectrum, I noticed a list of Common Denominators : I had every single “Characteristic…” only, I knew, a long time ago, that those Characteristics were Naturally Evolved Traits of a Bored Metaheuristic Mind that was undisciplined in Mental Logic and Mathematics.

I was Disciplined and Trained in Mental Mathematics, and I knew how to Manage, Regulate, and Maintain my Metaheuristic Mind to keep it entertained. But every one else I knew, was not.

“Why were all these people calling their Bored Metaheuristic Mind “Mentally Ill?”

I dug deeper.

One Common Denominator quickly surfaced.

Unlike myself, these people all had been Labelled, Ridiculed, and Abused — Ostracized — for their Genius Traits and thus “were labelled” by The Healthy Delusion Sufferers as “Mentally Ill” or “Abnormal.”

“Not Like Us.”

And when The Healthy Delusion Sufferers took their Children to the “Professionals” for The Healthy Delusion Sufferers, they too were too uneducated to recognize Genius. Anna’s Paradox.

And thus “ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autism, and The Spectrum” were born.

Now Autism was especially unique as this is a literal Brain Deformation that Physically occurs during Gestational Development that The Healthy Delusion Sufferers “Adopted” for to “Diagnose” the Geniuses of The World. So The Healthy Delusion Sufferers were using One word for two completely different Definitions.

The thing is… I had cousins who had the physical and very real Autistic Diagnoses from Neurosurgeons. One drooled on herself in a wheelchair her entire life. Her limbs, head, and body was drastically disproportionate to the Mathematical Proportions of a Human Body.

My Niece had to wear a Spine Brace, or her body would collapse and break under her own weight at 3 years old.

No. Autism is not “On A Spectrum.” The People doing the Diagnosing — Not Neuroscientists — are suffering from The Ungrounded Hypothesis and The Disorientation Imbroglio.

Autism is a Neurological Brain Deformation that Physically occurs during Gestational Development and it is diagnosed by Neurosurgeons at Birth.

The other is a Genius with a Metaheuristic Mind being Passive-Aggressively labelled “Stupid” or “Insane” by a Healthy Delusion Sufferer because the Genius is a type of “Different” that The Healthy Delusion Sufferer can’t understand.

Genius people, instead of being nourished and trained to use their Metaheuristic Mind, were trained by The Healthy Delusion Sufferers to victimize themselves. “Oh well, I’m Autistic so…” or “Oh, my ADHD is…”

And a new — Very real Psychological Side Effect was developing right before my eyes.

“Something is wrong with me.”

“I am different.”

“This “thing” that is wrong with me is preventing me from doing “X.”

“I cannot Function because of “X.”

“I now label and blame basic, healthy, highly-evolved Human Behavior as a “Problem or a Mistake,” which breaks down my Self-Confidence, and Self-Esteem. And this makes me feel [Fill in the Blank].”

Incompetent? Broken? Hopeless? Like a Freak? Unwanted?

Yeah. I know. I wasn’t labelled. I was lonely. So very… very lonely.

In reality, the Genius is taught to Compare themselves to The Healthy Delusion Sufferers and is told that The Healthy Delusion Sufferers is “The Archetype of Healthy.” So the Genius de-evolves themselves and/or punishes themselves and hates on themselves “for being so different” or for “being so incompetent” or limiting when, in fact, they are a Genius living in The Healthy Delusion Sufferer’s World.”

This is why Socrates said we need an Archetype. This right here. Exhibit A.

People with Metaheuristic Minds seek out answers to “why am I so different?” and they are given The Healthy Delusion Sufferers Answer because they think they — who are actually very Healthy prior to receiving that “diagnoses” — think they are Unhealthy.

In fact, The UnHealthy Delusion is “The Placebo Effect Mass Hysteria Compounded Paradox.”

Let’s call this “The Tarzan Paradox.” Do you remember in Disney’s Tarzan movie, when The Tarzan Boy asks the Ape Mother “What is wrong with me? Why am I so different?” And then later, The Tarzan Man is told the Truth by his Ape Mother?

If the movie had been “Real Life” The Ape Mother would have told Tarzan, “You’re just a malformed Ape and you’re Mentally Ill,” instead of telling him “You are not an Ape. You are a Man.”

Well. You’re not ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autistic, or “On The spectrum.” You’re a Genius, and you need to learn about The Genius Mind.

So now, every time someone tells me they have “ADHD” or are “Neurodivergent” I hear a Man using Ape language that has them believing they are an Ape, when they are a Man.

And THAT is why I hate these terms.

A Metaheuristic Mind is a Mind that works so fast, and is evolved to Comprehend Highly Complex and Compound Complexities at Great speed. It is how the Metaheuristic Mind Thinks, Nourishes, and “Eats.”  A Metaheuristic Mind must “Eat.”

A Healthy Delusion Sufferer’s Mind is a Malnourished Mind that has activated Resource Partitioning of the Brain due to non-use, which is why they display Variations of The 12 Components of Logical Disintegration.

The Metaheuristic Mind can play Chess, and 3D Chess, but it can’t play Checkers. Checkers is WAY too Simple for the Metaheuristic Mind to comprehend because The Metaheuristic Mind thinks in Multi-Definitions. It is not possible for a Metaheuristic Mind to only think in One Simple Sequence. It would go… Insane.

During the edit, I started to get bored… right here. I want to go back to my Dissertation.

Multi-Tasking? The Metaheuristic Mind Multi-Thinks. It HAS to do it. Mental Elasticity and Brain Stretching are Mental Life Tools for The Metaheuristic Mind.

The Metaheuristic Mind is meant to be a Living AI, computing highly complex Algorithms faster than an AI. I play with AI. I think faster than AI and with much greater accuracy in Data. AI was written by Healthy Delusion Sufferers and — to a Metaheuristic Mind — it shows.

The Metaheuristic Mind gets BORED with Simple.

A Healthy Delusion Sufferer takes SO LONG TO UNDERSTAND ONE SIMPLE THING… This is called “The Speed of Synapses” and “Processing Speed.”

Your IQ measures your Processing Speed through your Metaheuristic Mind’s ability to Solve Complex Algorithms by recognizing Pattern Recognition and utilizing Point of View Relocation and Integration.

Read that again.

I broke the Code on the IQ Test a long time ago.

Ethical IQ is the Stage of Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution. Metaheuristic Minds begin in the 5th Ethical Perspective of the 1st Round.

For Perspective, I am currently in the 8th Ethic of the 6th Round. Wow. 5 Ethics in almost 3 weeks… It wasn’t my imagination. My Speed of Ethical Progression was increasing (I’m doing a Blind Test and my Scientists at Lab QED are tracking me for me).

There are an infinite numbers of Rounds. Another Infinity I found. This is ADVANCED Logic currently unknown to the World. It’s called Integrated Mathematics.

I have since named this Quantum Logic and Logos.

The Metaheuristic Mind Processes so fast that they can Understand, Think, Interpret, Translate, and Improvise as fast as Time moves. Time is you moving actually. It’s a Location in The Perspective Stages relative to The Nucleus. Really advanced Psychological Physics.

And easy peasy… For the Metaheuristic Mind.

And Healthy Delusion Sufferers can’t fathom this.

The Metaheuristic Mind is BORED with this.

If you can understand this article and keep up, then you have a Metaheuristic Mind. Hypothesis –> People under 5th Perspective most likely cannot comprehend what I am saying here. It is its own language that I call Abstractic, and it has allowed me to communicate with other Metaheuristic Minds on our level.

This is completely unknown and unfathomable to Healthy Delusion Sufferers. They don’t have the Educational Foundation or the Mind to think in MultiFaceted Thinking, which requires a working Knowledge of The Abstract and it’s Navigation. I train Geniuses in both Skills.

An Undisciplined Metaheuristic Mind, or a Metaheuristic Mind that is not Trained properly will “be all over the place” looking for something to Calculate. The Subconscious Mind is STARVED for Knowledge and Math to Calculate. The Mind has to Calculate. It’s how it eats 🙂

Undisciplined Mental Mathematics.

The Bored Metaheuristic Mind is starved for running complex Algorithms, and instead, it’s condemned to Simple and Slow to “keep down with the Healthy Delusion Sufferer” because the Healthy Delusion Sufferer “can’t keep up” with the Metaheuristic Mind.

And the Metaheuristic Mind is forced to slow down at our expense. I never did. Not once. And that is how I was “born and raised on The Outside of Society.” Not once in my life was I ever forced to “Slow down for Healthy Delusion Sufferers.”

If you can’t keep up with me, then you are not for me.

Most other Metaheuristic Minds are forced by the Healthy Delusion Sufferer to slow themselves down.

The Metaheuristic Mind does not obey Time. They do not Live by Time or even Understand it, because The Metaheuristic Mind understands Time as a Location within their Comprehension relative to Truth. Atomic Health and Psychological Physics again. Highly Complex and very Simple. It’s all relative.

The Metaheuristic Mind Multi-Thinks… I wrote this sentence while leaving the last sentence unfinished, which I will go back to later. But I needed to “catch” this sentence before it got away.

We can See Components in Chaos and bring them to Order.

We can Label and Group, Build Infinite and Highly Complex Sequence, and this is Simple for us. Please don’t make me play checkers. It’s PAINFUL. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ME FOLD LAUNDRY!

Yes. Please. No laundry.

Sock Pairing and Folding is my Eternal Hell.

Mundane Tasks? Paying Bills? Thinking about Food? Calling the Electric Company? Sitting in line at the DMV? I bring a Yoga Mat to the Bank so I can do Yoga and Meditations while waiting in line at the Bank. I love New York City! I *HAVE* to do stuff like that or my Brain… I can’t do it.

The Metaheuristic Mind is more focused on Making a Point and Getting to the Point of Pondering or Discovery. They don’t have the time or patience to teach Healthy Delusion Sufferers who do not yet understand the Basics. Having to spell out a Logical Sequence as “Back Story” just so we can have a simple conversation like “What do you do for a living?”

This is my personal hell.

“Keep up or get off my train,” is how The Metaheuristic Mind thinks.

That is the Metaheuristic Mind.

The Metaheuristic Mind lives and thrives on Logical Sequence and we move and shift and build that Sequence all day long and every day.

The Metaheuristic Mind is the next Evolution of Brain for The Homo Sapien Sapien, but the Modern Neanderthal didn’t get the memo. — WHOA! I just discovered that I can adjust the Light Brightness on my Laptop! That is SO USEFUL!

I’m editing this article now and “got bored.” **Adjusts the Brightness down a notch** 

Showing you that, no matter how smart you get, your “ADHD” isn’t “An inability” to focus. The Math is wrong for that Diagnoses. In fact, 100% of all ADHD Diagnoses are Mathematically incorrect because 100% of all ADHD “sufferers” CAN Focus… just not on mundane and Simple tasks that are irrelevant to the User, but are relevant to The Healthy Delusion Sufferer. Thus, ADHD does not exist. The Math cancels it out.

  1. ADHD means “Inability to Focus.”
  2. But people with ADHD CAN Focus.
  3. Thus ADHD does not Exist because it creates a Catch-22, and thus is not at all Logic.

Your “Squirrel!”-ing is just a Bored Metaheuristic Mind that needs some TLC.

Curiosity FEEDS the Metaheuristic Mind. It is our FOOD.

Oh! You may call that “Squirrel!” You’re still talking like a Healthy Delusion Sufferer. STOP IT!

The Healthy Delusion Sufferer labels Curiosity as “Distraction.”

You’re not “distracted easily.” Your Curiosity has you scavenging for Food because the Metaheuristic Mind needs to eat. And the Resource Partitioned Brain of The The Healthy Delusion Sufferer can’t comprehend that.


So “ADHD?” Why are you talking like The Healthy Delusion Sufferer? You’re just smart. Why you are labeling “Smart and Genius? Like you have a “Condition?” It’s just SMART.

Oh! You must have been educated by The Healthy Delusion Sufferer who is suffering from The Global Educational Conundrum, and thus has The 12 Components of Logical Disintegration.

Ignorance is dangerous. VERY dangerous.

The Healthy Delusion Sufferer think its bliss.

They are *that* Unhealthy.

Yeah, don’t ask a Healthy Delusion Sufferer for “smart” advice. You’ll get dumb answers… and they’ll call your Genius a “Disease.” They’ll call your Curiosity, an Illness.

When I was 16, my father took me to a therapist because I like Opera.

He thought liking Opera at 16 meant I was mentally ill.

He did not know that liking Opera is just a trait of Higher Education.


ADHD does have one additional Symptom that all the other labels lack.

ADHD affects only those with Perspective Abuse due to Condensed Frequency being Compressed and Forced at a Slower Frequency.

Translation : All that “nervous shaking” you do? That is from “Time Abuse” because The Metaheuristic Mind who runs at a High Speed of Synapses, was forced to slow their Speed of Synapses, which suppressed their Frequency to a slower Rate of Thinking while they were also forced to keep their Hands busy, which creates The Nervous Shaking. It is often linked to Depression.

Headaches and Migraines are common.

You slowed down your Thinking and sped up your Schedule, like The Healthy Delusion Sufferer.

A Metaheuristic Mind has to speed up the Thinking and slow down the Schedule. We’re currently working on the “Why” of this in the Lab.

**Ponders this** Nope. Still don’t know why. Not yet.

I was able to resolve both these symptoms — Shaking and Headaches — in my 17 year old Daughter in just 3 months by removing all Time Constraints, restoring her to Mother Nature’s Frequency, and Nourishing my Daughter to locate and Match her own Rhythm of Life.

In three months, all Symptoms gone.

Then I got to see exactly what a Metaheuristic Mind does after it comes out of being Suppressed.

So yeah, I LOATHE the concept of these labels for “You’re smarter than I am, but I’m too uneducated and have The Healthy Delusion to even recognize Genius, so I’m going to call you “X.”

There is nothing wrong with you.

You’re just a Genius. And you need to learn how to use your Metaheuristic Mind.


Why I Really Hate These Terms : Part #2

Two massive “consequences” result en masse for people with a Metaheuristic Mind. They cannot communicate with Morons (Modern Neanderthal), who then tell them they have Social and Communication Problems.

The Frustration in not being able to Communicate with Morons, leads to Violence, which the Morons (Modern Neanderthal), then label as “Autistic.”

And the Metaheuristic Mind still doesn’t understand “Why am I so different?” They struggle to Communicate with Morons even though they can be understood simply and clearly by other Metaheuristic Minds, who are rare and hard to find. I collect them 🙂 I have a community. JOIN US!

The Metaheuristic Minded Individual — The Genius — then becomes Frustrated and increasingly lonely due to being misunderstood. They feel their world shrinking and their “reach of people” diminishing. THIS is a very real problem among Metaheuristic Minds.

“Do I stop growing and dumb myself down so I’ll have a Community? Or do I grow on as I need to and lose everyone?” The Healing Garden was built to give Home to these people.

Metaheuristic Minds can’t Connect with others. They can’t be Understood.

They are speaking a Foreign Language in a Community of One.

And the Population — for them — is Shrinking fast.

As the Metaheuristic Mind grows in Knowledge, the Language Shrinks. You have no idea the Desperation I felt between 2022 and 2024 when I made this connection and then, my Metaheuristic Mind ran the Calculations.

If I did not master Linguistics, Logic, Philology, and Communication — and fast — within 5 Years, I would be speaking in ESP or Binomial and no one would ever be able to Understand me. The Clock was ticking.

Could I master Language and Communication faster than I could Evolve my Metaheuristic Mind? My rate of Growth is 1 Perspective Shift / Week. Each Perspective Shift reveals new Data that requires a New Language, Vocabulary, shift in Ethical comprehension, and an ability to see the vast flaws, lies, and invalidities  — and GROSS inadequacies — of the current Language composed by Morons.

I could (and can) see the low quality and imprecise Language in Physics, Mathematics, and Geometry. I could (and can) see mistakes that Einstein and Plato made. I can see errors in Language that results in waves of Confusion to Math Students.

With one Round of 12 Ethical Perspectives completed every 3 Months, I did not have much time. I was terrified. Would I lose the Communication Skill that would bridge me to the rest of the world?

From 2022 to 2024, I Mastered Language and Communication. In 2024, I learned that Socializing was still, very different. I am still working on that one.

I am not able to Communicate at all with people who are less than 5th Ethical Perspective. They simply do not — cannot — understand me unless I speak in Story.

Story is the Universal Language. Hands down. It is the ONLY Language that has allowed me to keep lines of Comprehension open with everyone.

“Dumb it Down” people told me. I looked at my ADHD research. Compressed Frequency and Headaches that would result in me literally being dumber? No thanks!

Genius People don’t have a Communication Problem or a Social Problem. They do not have a Violence problem or an Anger Problem. They have a Modern Neanderthal advising them problem.

Modern Neanderthals have Mastered the Art and Skill of making you think your Natural Human and Body Behavior is a Deformed Abnormality. We label Healthy Behavior as “Toxic” every day. Anger is a Healthy response to being Attacked. If you’re Angry, you’re under attack. Most likely, its you failing to preserve your Psychological Physics, your Single Cell System, and your Atomic Health.

Neanderthals know NOTHING about this stuff. You will not get any Education from them.

Here is my Dictionary. I composed it when I realized I was losing The Communication Bridge between the World and I.

Bottom Line

Bottom line. Geniuses cannot use the Limiting and Sloppy Language of Modern Neanderthal. It doesn’t begin to bridge the Gap of Comprehension.

Comprehension Gap : A Gap between two Perspectives that creates a break down in Understanding.

Perspective Gap : A Gap between two Perspectives that is so wide, they fail to Understand the Language and Ethics of each other.

The Stages of Intuition : The Four Stages of Intuitive Understanding that occur BEFORE a Human Being can Articulate and Summarize their Understanding Clearly. Perspective Growth permits the Vocabulary they need to Define and Summarize Comprehension.

Communication Threshold : The Point in which a Genius is no longer able to Communicate with Others due to limited Vocabulary that is unknown to either The Genius or The Neanderthal. Frustration is common here and Words completely fail them.

Here –> This Communication Chart did so much to help my Daughter.


Where Are We Going?

I can See it.  Way too clearly.

In 5 Years, the Comprehension Gap will be too vast. The Modern Neanderthal will not be able to Live alongside the Genius. A Schism is Coming. Like this world has not seen since the last Neanderthal-Homo Sapien Sapien Divide. We are witnessing a Modern Day “Tower of Babel” forming.

This is Mother Nature’s Resource Partitioning the uneducated and Unevolved from the Evolved and Educated. Pick a Side. Fast. Their days are numbered. We are witnessing Dwarinism occurring In Real Time.

Language. That is what caused the last Schism. And the Neanderthal were too uneducated to keep themselves alive.

This is in The Universal Clock.

There is another Clock. One that exceeds 2,000 Years. One that is 45,000 Years. And another that is greater still. It’s just another Infinity.

Unedited Version from 15 December 2024

This is going to be a post that pisses a lot of people off… and I don’t care.

I LOATHE the concept and the labels “ADHD,” “Neurodivergent” and “Autism” or “On The Spectrum.” And I will tell you why.

You see, I was born and raised in a Family that was smart enough to recognize Smart, but too uneducated to know what to do with it. My Family was unusual in that they didn’t value Smart, but they were smart enough to recognize genius… Most times.

But what was even weirder about my unique Family — for whatever reason — they protected me from “The Labels.” Not once in my 44 Years did anyone ever call me “ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autistic,” or “On The Spectrum,” even though I had “All the signs.”

As a result, I grew up “Outside of The System” and far removed from what the rest of the world experienced.

I got to see what those labels and terms do to a Person’s Psychology and Mindset.

My Family called me “Smart” and “Genius.”

My brother beat me for my Genius because it was known that I was smarter than him. So I was able to isolate my “Genius” Trauma to just my Brother. While my Family boasted my Intelligence, they also were terrified of my Intelligence. They warned outsiders about me and — I learned decades later — They had an “Anna Disclaimer” for me.

“Anna is… Different.”

Because of that Disclaimer, any Outsider who came in, never treated me Different. I had no idea that — despite their abuse, they also protected me. When you Heal, you see The Good and the Love amongst the Fear.

But — for 44 years — not once was I ever called a Single Name.

And the Difference it had on me in comparison to other Geniuses is Night and Day.

Modern Neanderthals are People today who are so Stupid, so Ignorant, that when they see Genius Traits — the same Traits I have had all of my life — they “diagnose” these Genius Traits” as “Mental Illnesses.” Now THAT is a level of Stupid that is worthy of The Guinness Book of World Records.

There’s “Darwinism,” and then there is “So stupid you diagnose “Genius” as “Mentally Ill.”

When I began my studies in ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autism, and The Spectrum, I noticed a list of Common Denominators : I had every single “Characteristic…” only, I knew, a long time ago, that those Characteristics were Naturally Evolved Traits of a Bored Metaheuristic Mind that was undisciplined in Mental Logic and Mathematics.

Now, I was Disciplined and Trained in Mental Mathematics, and I knew how to Manage, Regulate, and Maintain my Metaheuristic Mind to keep it entertained. But no one else I knew was not.

“Why were all these people calling their Bored Metaheuristic Mind “Mentally Ill?”

I dug deeper.

One Common Denominator quickly surfaced.

Unlike myself, these people all had been Labelled, Ridiculed, and Abused — Ostracized — for their Genius Traits and thus “were labelled” by Modern Neanderthals as “Mentally Ill” or “Abnormal.”

“Not Like Us.”

And when Modern Neanderthals took their Children to the “Professionals” for Modern Neanderthals, they too were too stupid to recognize Genius.

And thus “ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autism, and The Spectrum” were born.

Now Autism was especially unique as this is a literal Brain Deformation that Physically occurs during Gestational Development that Modern Neanderthals “Adopted” for Geniuses. So they were using One word for two COMPLETELY different Definitions.

The thing is… I had cousins who had the PHYSICAL and very REAL Autistic Diagnoses from Neurosurgeons. One drooled on herself in a wheelchair her entire life. Her limbs, head, and body was drastically disproportionate to the Mathematical Proportions of a Human Body.

My Niece had to wear a Spine Brace, or her body would collapse and break under her own weight at 3 years old.

No. Autism is NOT “A Spectrum.”

Autism is a Neurological Brain Deformation that Physically occurs during Gestational Development and it is diagnosed by Neurosurgeons at Birth.

The other is a Genius with a Metaheuristic Mind being Passive-Aggressively labelled “Stupid” by a Neanderthal because the Genius is a type of “Different” that the Neanderthal can’t understand.

Genius people, instead of being nourished and trained to use their Metaheuristic Mind, were trained by Neanderthals to victimize themselves. “Oh well, I’m Autistic so…” or “Oh, my ADHD is…”

And a new — Very real Psychological Side Effect was developing right before my eyes.

“Something is wrong with me. I am different. This “thing” that is wrong with me is preventing me from doing “X.” I cannot Function because of “X.” I now label and blame basic, healthy, highly-evolved Human Behavior as a “Problem or a Mistake,” which breaks down my Self-Confidence, and Self-Esteem. And this makes me feel [Fill in the Blank].”

Incompetent? Broken? Hopeless? Like a Freak? Unwanted?

Yeah. I know. I wasn’t labelled. I was lonely. So very… very lonely.

In reality, the Genius is taught to Compare themselves to The Neanderthal and is told that the Neanderthal is “The Ideal.” So the Genius de-evolves themselves and/or punishes themselves and hates on themselves “for being so different” or for “being so incompetent” or limiting when, in fact, they are a Genius living in a Neanderthal’s World.”

This is why Socrates said we need an Archetype. This right here. Exhibit A.

People with Metaheuristic Minds seek out answers to “why am I so different?” and they are given a Neanderthal Answer because they think they are a Neanderthal.

Let’s call this “The Tarzan Paradox.” Do you remember in Disney’s Tarzan movie, when The Tarzan Boy asks the Ape Mother “What is wrong with me? Why am I so different?” And then later, The Tarzan Man is told the Truth by his Ape Mother?

If the movie had been “Real Life” The Ape Mother would have told Tarzan, “You’re just a malformed Ape” instead of telling him “You are not an Ape. You are a Man.”

Well. You’re not ADHD, Neurodivergent, Autistic, or “On The spectrum.” You’re a Genius, and you need to learn about The Genius Mind.

So now, every time someone tells me they have “ADHD” or are “Neurodivergent” I hear a Man using Ape language that has them believing they are an Ape, when they are a Man.

And THAT is why I hate these terms.

A Metaheuristic Mind is a Mind that works so fast, and is evolved to Comprehend Highly Complex and Compound Complexities at Great speed. It is how the Metaheuristic Mind Thinks, Nourishes, and “Eats.”  A Metaheuristic Mind must “Eat.”

A Neanderthal Mind… is a Malnourished Mind that has activated Resource Partitioning of the Brain due to non-use.

The Metaheuristic Mind can play Chess, and 3D Chess, but it can’t play Checkers. Checkers is WAY too Simple for the Metaheuristic Mind to comprehend because The Metaheuristic Mind thinks in Multi-Definitions. It is not possible for a Metaheuristic Mind to only think in One Simple Sequence. It would go… Insane.

Multi-Tasking? The Metaheuristic Mind Multi-Thinks. It HAS to do it. Mental Elasticity and Brain Stretching are Mental Life Tools for The Metaheuristic Mind.

The Metaheuristic Mind is meant to be a Living AI, computing highly complex Algorithms faster than an AI. I play with AI. I think faster than AI and with much greater accuracy in Data. AI was written by Neanderthals and — to a Metaheuristic Mind — it shows.

The Metaheuristic Mind gets BORED with Simple.

A Modern Neanderthal takes SO LONG TO UNDERSTAND ONE SIMPLE THING… This is called “The Speed of Synapses” and “Processing Speed.”

Your IQ measures your Processing Speed through your Metaheuristic Mind’s ability to Solve Complex Algorithms by recognizing Pattern Recognition and utilizing Point of View Relocation and Integration.

Read that again.

I broke the Code on the IQ Test a long time ago.

Ethical IQ is the Stage of Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution. Metaheuristic Minds begin in the 5th Ethical Perspective of the 1st Round.

For Perspective, I am currently in the 3rd Ethic of the 6th Round.

There are an infinite numbers of Rounds. Another Infinity I found. This is ADVANCED Logic currently unknown to the World. It’s called Integrated Mathematics.

The Metaheuristic Mind Processes so fast that they can Understand, Think, Interpret, Translate, and Improvise as fast as Time moves. Time is you moving actually. It’s a Location in The Perspective Stages relative to The Nucleus. Really advanced Psychological Physics.

And easy peasy… For the Metaheuristic Mind.

And Modern Neanderthals can’t fathom this.

The Metaheuristic Mind is BORED with this.

If you can understand this article and keep up, then you have a Metaheuristic Mind. No one under 5th Perspective can begin to comprehend what I am saying here. It is its own language that I call Abstractic, and it has allowed me to communicate with other Metaheuristic Minds on our level.

This is completely unknown and unfathomable to Modern Neanderthals. They don’t have the Educational Foundation or the Mind to think in MultiFaceted Thinking, which requires a working Knowledge of The Abstract and its Navigation. I train Geniuses in both Skills.

An Undisciplined Metaheuristic Mind, or a Metaheuristic Mind that is not Trained properly will “be all over the place” looking for something to Calculate. Undisciplined Mental Mathematics.

The Bored Metaheuristic Mind is starved for running complex Algorithms, and instead, it’s condemned to Simple and Slow to “keep down with the Modern Neanderthal” because the Modern Neanderthal “can’t keep up” with the Metaheuristic Mind.

And the Metaheuristic Mind is forced to slow down at our expense. I never did. Not once. And that is how I was “born and raised on The Outside of Society.” Not once in my life was I ever forced to “Slow down for Neanderthals.”

If you can’t keep up with me, then you are not for me.

Most other Metaheuristic Minds are forced by the Modern Neanderthal to slow themselves down.

The Metaheuristic Mind does not obey Time. They do not Live by Time or even Understand it, because The Metaheuristic Mind understands Time as a Location within their Comprehension relative to Truth. Atomic Health and Psychological Physics again. Highly Complex and very Simple. It’s all relative.

The Metaheuristic Mind Multi-Thinks… I wrote this sentence while leaving the last sentence unfinished, which I will go back to later. But I needed to “catch” this sentence before it got away.

We can See Components in Chaos and bring them to Order.

We can Label and Group, Build Infinite and Highly Complex Sequence, and this is Simple for us. Please don’t make me play checkers. It’s PAINFUL. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ME FOLD LAUNDRY!

Mundane Tasks? Paying Bills? Thinking about Food? Calling the Electric Company? Sitting in line at the DMV? I bring a Yoga Mat to the Bank so I can do Yoga and Meditations while waiting in line at the Bank. I love New York City! I *HAVE* to do stuff like that or my Brain… I can’t do it.

The Metaheuristic Mind is more focused on Making a Point and Getting to the Point of Pondering or Discovery. They DON’T have the time or patience to TEACH Neanderthals who can’t even understand the Basics. Having to spell out a Logical Sequence as “Back Story” JUST so they can have a basic conversation!?

This is my personal hell.

Keep up or get off my train.

That is the Metaheuristic Mind.

The Metaheuristic Mind lives and thrives on Logical Sequence and we move and shift and build that Sequence all day long and every day.

The Metaheuristic Mind is the next Evolution of Brain for The Homo Sapien Sapien, but the Modern Neanderthal didn’t get the memo. — WHOA! I just discovered that I can adjust the Light Brightness on my Laptop! That is SO USEFUL!

I’m editing this article now and “got bored.” **Adjusts the Brightness down a notch** 

Curiosity FEEDS the Metaheuristic Mind. It is our FOOD.

Oh! You may call that “Squirrel!” You’re still talking like a Neanderthal. STOP IT!

Neanderthals label Curiosity as “Distraction.”  Dumbassess. You’re not “distracted easily.” Your Curiosity has you scavenging for Food because the Metaheuristic Mind needs to eat. And the Resource Partitioned Brain of The Modern Neanderthal can’t comprehend that.


So “ADHD?” Why are you talking like a Modern Neanderthal? You’re just smart. Why you are labeling “Smart and Genius? Like you have a “Condition?” It’s just SMART. Oh! You must have been educated by the Neanderthals who wouldn’t know Smart if you handed them a book or this article.

Ignorance is dangerous. VERY dangerous.

Neanderthals think its bliss.

They are *that* stupid.

Yeah, don’t ask a Neanderthal for “smart” advice. You’ll get dumb answers… and they’ll call your Genius a “Disease.” They’ll call your Curiosity, an Illness.

When I was 16, my father took me to a therapist because I like Opera.

He thought liking Opera at 16 meant I was mentally ill.

He did not know that liking Opera is a trait of Higher Education.


ADHD does have one additional Symptom that all the other labels lack.

ADHD affects only those with Perspective Abuse due to Condensed Frequency being Compressed and Forced at a Slower Frequency.

Translation : All that “nervous shaking” you do? That is from “Time Abuse” because The Metaheuristic Mind who runs at a High Speed of Synapses, was forced to slow their Speed of Synapses, which suppressed their Frequency to a slower Rate of Thinking, which creates The Nervous Shaking. It is often linked to Depression. Headaches and Migraines are common.

You slowed down your Thinking and sped up your Schedule, like a Neanderthal.

A Metaheuristic Mind has to speed up the Thinking and slow down the Schedule. We’re currently working on the “Why” of this in the Lab.

I was able to resolve both these symptoms — Shaking and Headaches — in my 17 year old Daughter in just 3 months by removing all Time Constraints, restoring her to Mother Nature’s Frequency, and Nourishing my Daughter to locate and Match her own Rhythm of Life.

In three months, all Symptoms gone.

Then I got to see exactly what a Metaheuristic Mind does after it comes out of being Suppressed.

So yeah, I LOATHE the concept of these stupid Neanderthal labels for “You’re smarter than I am, but I’m too stupid to even recognize Genius, so I’m going to call you “X.” Dumbasses.


You’re just a fucking Genius. And you need to learn how to use your Metaheuristic Mind.


Why I Really Hate These Terms : Part #2

Two massive “consequences” result en masse for people with a Metaheuristic Mind. They cannot communicate with Morons (Modern Neanderthal), who then tell them they have Social and Communication Problems.

The Frustration in not being able to Communicate with Morons, leads to Violence, which the Morons (Modern Neanderthal), then label as “Autistic.”

And the Metaheuristic Mind still doesn’t understand “Why am I so different?” They struggle to Communicate with Morons even though they can be understood simply and clearly by other Metaheuristic Minds, who are rare and hard to find. I collect them 🙂 I have a community. JOIN US!

The Metaheuristic Minded Individual — The Genius — then becomes Frustrated and increasingly lonely due to being misunderstood. They feel their world shrinking and their “reach of people” diminishing. THIS is a very real problem among Metaheuristic Minds.

“Do I stop growing and dumb myself down so I’ll have a Community? Or do I grow on as I need to and lose everyone?” The Healing Garden was built to give Home to these people.

Metaheuristic Minds can’t Connect with others. They can’t be Understood.

They are speaking a Foreign Language in a Community of One.

And the Population — for them — is Shrinking fast.

As the Metaheuristic Mind grows in Knowledge, the Language Shrinks. You have no idea the Desperation I felt between 2022 and 2024 when I made this connection and then, my Metaheuristic Mind ran the Calculations.

If I did not master Linguistics, Logic, Philology, and Communication — and fast — within 5 Years, I would be speaking in ESP or Binomial and no one would ever be able to Understand me. The Clock was ticking.

Could I master Language and Communication faster than I could Evolve my Metaheuristic Mind? My rate of Growth is 1 Perspective Shift / Week. Each Perspective Shift reveals new Data that requires a New Language, Vocabulary, shift in Ethical comprehension, and an ability to see the vast flaws, lies, and invalidities  — and GROSS inadequacies — of the current Language composed by Morons.

I could (and can) see the low quality and imprecise Language in Physics, Mathematics, and Geometry. I could (and can) see mistakes that Einstein and Plato made. I can see errors in Language that results in waves of Confusion to Math Students.

With one Round of 12 Ethical Perspectives completed every 3 Months, I did not have much time. I was terrified. Would I lose the Communication Skill that would bridge me to the rest of the world?

From 2022 to 2024, I Mastered Language and Communication. In 2024, I learned that Socializing was still, very different. I am still working on that one.

I am not able to Communicate at all with people who are less than 5th Ethical Perspective. They simply do not — cannot — understand me unless I speak in Story.

Story is the Universal Language. Hands down. It is the ONLY Language that has allowed me to keep lines of Comprehension open with everyone.

“Dumb it Down” people told me. I looked at my ADHD research. Compressed Frequency and Headaches that would result in me literally being dumber? No thanks!

Genius People don’t have a Communication Problem or a Social Problem. They do not have a Violence problem or an Anger Problem. They have a Modern Neanderthal advising them problem.

Modern Neanderthals have Mastered the Art and Skill of making you think your Natural Human and Body Behavior is a Deformed Abnormality. We label Healthy Behavior as “Toxic” every day. Anger is a Healthy response to being Attacked. If you’re Angry, you’re under attack. Most likely, its you failing to preserve your Psychological Physics, your Single Cell System, and your Atomic Health.

Neanderthals know NOTHING about this stuff. You will not get any Education from them.

Here is my Dictionary. I composed it when I realized I was losing The Communication Bridge between the World and I.

Bottom Line

Bottom line. Geniuses cannot use the Limiting and Sloppy Language of Modern Neanderthal. It doesn’t begin to bridge the Gap of Comprehension.

Comprehension Gap : A Gap between two Perspectives that creates a break down in Understanding.

Perspective Gap : A Gap between two Perspectives that is so wide, they fail to Understand the Language and Ethics of each other.

The Stages of Intuition : The Four Stages of Intuitive Understanding that occur BEFORE a Human Being can Articulate and Summarize their Understanding Clearly. Perspective Growth permits the Vocabulary they need to Define and Summarize Comprehension.

Communication Threshold : The Point in which a Genius is no longer able to Communicate with Others due to limited Vocabulary that is unknown to either The Genius or The Neanderthal. Frustration is common here and Words completely fail them.

Here –> This Communication Chart did so much to help my Daughter.


Where Are We Going?

I can See it.  Way too clearly.

In 5 Years, the Comprehension Gap will be too vast. The Modern Neanderthal will not be able to Live alongside the Genius. A Schism is Coming. Like this world has not seen since the last Neanderthal-Homo Sapien Sapien Divide. We are witnessing a Modern Day “Tower of Babel” forming.

This is Mother Nature’s Resource Partitioning the Stupid and Unevolved from the Evolved and Educated. Pick a Side. Fast. Their days are numbered. We are witnessing Dwarinism occurring In Real Time.

Language. That is what caused the last Schism. And the Neanderthal were too uneducated to keep themselves alive.

This is in The Universal Clock.

There is another Clock. One that exceeds 2,000 Years. One that is 45,000 Years. And another that is greater still. It’s just another Infinity.