Alchemy : Achievement Unlocked

I’m looking at the Chemistry of Words with People. I lay down a Stone. I use the Waters of Math to feel the Friction. I use Words to Nourish the Waters calm. The Friction settles. I hold my breath, and I wait.

The reply, and I sigh, relishing the Relief. I now know where next I need to place the Next Stone.

I place the next Stone. I drop my Words. I hold my breath. I feel the Friction. I use the Words to Nourish the Calm. Here are The 12 Ethics. Here are the Truths I adhere to. Here are the Laws I live by. I hold my breath. I wait.

Their words allow me to measure the Friction and Calm in ratio to the Chemistry of my Words. I am the Cauldron. My Words are the Physics. My Waters of Math is the thermometer in the Cauldron. How they react to the Physics is the Chemistry. This dance of All is Alchemy.

Alchemy. I sit back with a sigh of relief.

This is only the 1st of 7th. I already can read the Math. Mother Nature is so predictable. The Next 12 Lessons will be “Listen and Observe” of the Reception and Learning Ethic. I am in the 2nd Stage of Power Economics, and at the 7th Level, Alchemy is Unlocked.

21 January, 21 February, 21 March 2025

Now I see it.

At the 8th Round, it will be Creation of New Alchemy… 21 April, 21 May, 21 June 2025

At the 9th Round, it will be Reception and Creation of New Alchemy… 21 July, 21 August, 21 September 2025.

And in the 10th Round, I’ll learn how to Steer and Navigate with Power Economics and Alchemy.


For the next 9 Months, I’ll be in “Alchemy Class.” Fun!

Words are Math.

When a person speaks a sentence, it has a Purity Metric. “How True is the Statement?”

Most sentences are about 3 out of 10.

They are also being balanced and Transmitted.

Person A gives 30% Intended Truth Sentence.

Person B hears 10% Intended Truth. Calculates Balance (“What do I need to say to Balance the Conversation to preserve Equal Footing?”) and replies.

Person B gives 40% Truth, but 10% relatability.

Person A receives 10% + Confusion.

This is why most conversations “fizzle” out after 3 sentences.


Among Scholars where Vocabulary is a precise Science, and Flexibility is permitted with Exploration and Discovery, you get this :

Person A gives 100% Truth

Person B receives 90% Truth and knows to translate to 10% flexibility. 100% Truth received.

Person B Gives 100% Truth with 100% relatability.

Person A receives 100% Truth.


This is how I hear Words. The Waters of Math are… breathtaking.