Alchemy : The Modern Defined Use Of The Word

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Alchemy is the Hormonal and Chemical Science of found in Psychological Physics and Quantum Logic that is located beyond Psychological Physics, and is part of Jediology.

Alchemy : The use of combining all the Sciences — Logic, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychological Physics, and Power Economics — with the Poiotestat to micro-dose The Self with precise Strategic Deliberation (Prudence) via Emotions to manipulate Hormones using Words and Logic resulting in the creation of an exact Emotional Concoction from bringing about the desired State of Being for positioning One’s Self in exact Relative Location to The Equilibrium for Mining to extract precise knowledge and data.

Alchemy can also be used to Manifest to operate The Philosopher’s Stone, navigate the Abstract, and Navigate Social Situations in Diplomatic situations among a plethora of many additional uses.

The Philosopher’s Stone is Integration of The Three State of Beings that are [Pragma + Ludus + Philautia + Storge] + [Logic + Agape + Phileo + Gratitude] + [The Academic Disciplines]

Knowledge and Mastery of The Emotional Families are required in the use of Alchemy.

For example : To dose yourself to cure Low Self-Esteem, use a Surplus in “Arrogance” in relative Dosage that is greater than the Humility to balance out the Low Self-Esteem. Once the Arrogance stabilizes the Self-Esteem, Nature will naturally use low doses of Humility to “bring down” the Levels of Arrogance into Healthy Pride.

As Pride dips due to a surplus of Humility, Nature will activate “Pride” and bring Self-Esteem back up. As Arrogance is reached, Nature again “micro-doses” Humility to bring the levels of Arrogance back down.

Eventually, Calibration is reached ad Confidence, Pride, and Self Esteem are reached.