Anna’s Playground

Hello. I am Anna Imagination. An eccentric Philosopher, Scientist and CEO/Founder of The Healing Garden.

I am a Hermit. And if you are too, then you are can relate to my plight.

Only Hermits know that hermits are hermits because they have Standards. HIGH Standards, which most people can’t meet. Many Hermits who try to socialize end up traumatized and end up with Social Anxiety due to the violation of their High Standards. I am just like you. I lost 20 years to social anxiety because of the trauma I endured to my Standards, and then — after my healing — I was still, unable to step out into the world because the Standards are still too low for us to even function out there.

If you are comfortable socializing in today’s society, then there is something wrong with you and your standards are too low — for me.

Anna’s Playground is a High End New York City Club for people who are healthy enough, mature enough, and polite enough to socialize with people who have the Standards matched to me. I am well aware that I am not for everyone. But I am also aware that there are many people like me, with my same standards, who are suffering alone and in silence with this unspoken problem.

If you don’t pass this application process, we provide all the Education and Tools you need — for free at — for you to meet train, heal, and/or raise the quality of your life and mindset to meet our standards.

I am building a Social Sanctuary in New York City, for people like me.

Most hermits are okay with adopting a life of loneliness in exchange for low-quality exchanges. Many more are not okay with their hermitage, but feel they have no other choice.

But I am an Eccentric who wants to build a community that will provide the right environment I want so that I might be able to find friends. And then I thought, “I can’t be the only ones who feel this way!” So win-win!

This application is brutal, long, tedious and this is on purpose to weed out the people who can’t tolerate… reading or who lack the Mental Discipline to regulate and manage their Minds. If you can’t sit through the application, then you are not my people. I am filtering for Mentally Healthy, Ethical, High Standards, Polite, Kind, and Logical, Educated, as well as Truthful, Honest, and Authentic. This is Science-Based, which means “Opinions” and “Empaths” don’t cut it in Anna’s Elite as these are traits that have turned their backs on Honest, Ethical, Educated, Truthful, and Mentally Healthy.

I believe the people I seek are out there. I believe traditional methods of “door-to-door” friendship-focused networking strategies will not accomplish what I am looking for and the people who I am looking for are hermits. You won’t *be* out and about because you are like me. You’ve given up on Social Events. So I needed a different way to find you.


Anna’s Playground is Different


This is not a Social Club with one theme. We do everything, spanning every interest you can imagine from Networking, Social Mixers, Kink Parties, Polyamorous Parties, Conformist Mixers, Pottery, Lincoln Center, Broadway, Game Nights, D&D, LARP-ing, Picnics in Central Park, Beach Parties, Fine Dining, Weekend Nudist Resorts, Salsa Night, Philosophical Discussions, Lounge Nights, Camping, International Travel, Ayahuasca Journeys, and much… much more.

“Whoever said the High Class had to be stuffy?”

We are the All-In-One Club for the High Class with Ethical Standards no matter your taste in Debauchery or the Finer Things in life.

Starting Price is $5,000 / Year for Basic Membership.

This is for residents of New York City only, however, my second ad will run for LA and then London. After that, Tokyo and Athens. If you are not in NYC, but you found this application regardless, we are putting you on a waiting list until we organize.

To get started, fill out this form.

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