Author name: annaimagination

Stepping Stones #2 : How to Use Your Brain : Applied Imagination and Logic

Self-Teaching for DIY Healing Tomorrow on Philosophical Coffee : Stepping Stone #2 : How to Use Your Brain : Applied Imagination and Logic : How to Problem Solve. How to DIY Self-Teaching so you can Heal yourself.   How to use Imagination and your Logical Intuition to Problem Solve and DIY Your Self-Education  

Stepping Stones #2 : How to Use Your Brain : Applied Imagination and Logic Read More »

Stepping Stone #1 : The Addiction-Anxiety Infinity Loop and How to Break It

“Show Me The Next Step”   Point A (Point of Origin) to Point Z (Heading) Heading = Dream Breaking Down Addiction-Anxiety, Codependency, and Infinity Loop Excerpt from Philosophical Coffee The Workbook Anxiety and Panic Anxiety is a Cocktail. Not just any cocktail, it is the motherload of all Emotional Cocktails. The reason why I have

Stepping Stone #1 : The Addiction-Anxiety Infinity Loop and How to Break It Read More »

Abstractology and Quantum Psychology : Why Truth is greater than Law.

The Words we use… “It is not humility to “lower yourself” to be treated like a dog. It is respectful appreciation for the dog. When a person claims that it is “humiliating” to “lower themselves” to that of a dog, they lack respectful appreciation for the “dog” that they are equaling themselves to.” – Anna

Abstractology and Quantum Psychology : Why Truth is greater than Law. Read More »

The Study of Change, Chemistry, the Human Atom, and The 3rd Perspective of the You of I

Chemistry. The science of Behavior, Change, and Transference of Mass or Matter. This could be broken down into The science and study of how something with Mass goes about making change. The Human. The Conscious Mind, with certain knowledge, could, one say, have the ability to consciously make the change and transference of its own

The Study of Change, Chemistry, the Human Atom, and The 3rd Perspective of the You of I Read More »

Paired Energy and The Education and Psychological Solution

How We Learn : Learning : Take in to Receive Data “Expand to Capture” or Open to Receive (2nd Perspective) Teaching : Summary >  Translation > Transference of Information to another Source Understand : Philosophy : Integrated Perspective Diversity (Omniscience) with which to view and understand All Perspectives for full Comprehension of a single Point.

Paired Energy and The Education and Psychological Solution Read More »

The Power of Hope

“Imagination is the pulsing heart of All.” – Anna Imagination; Philosophical Coffee 1:36 Where Hope Comes from. What happens when we don’t have it. How to get it back. Hope is Belief. It is a very special type of Belief. We have Beliefs on the Present, Beliefs on the Past, and Beliefs of the Future.

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