Abnormal Cells… They are not Abnormal. They are Evolution. That is what happens when Evolution happens inside Creation.
That is Integrated Mathematics.
The Natural Formula is inverted.
Creation is always on the inside.
Evolution must always happen on the outside.
White Blood Cells can’t read the Cancer Cells because they aren’t looking for “Foreign Bodies.”
White Blood cells are looking for “natural Code.”
But Cancer Cells have Unnatural Code that White Blood Cells can’t read because the Code is inverted.
The White Blood Cells are Damaged and can’t read the Code because they have Dyslexia.
**10 Minute Call to Lab QED** We all need to learn Biological Sudoku! Let’s do this!
Quantum Logic’s Biological Sudoku
The First Principle of Science!?
As it is on one level, so it is on all Levels. Once you know One Level, you have the Answer for All Levels. You just need to know how to play Sudoku.
But first… You are missing an Academic Discipline : Logic.
Second… You need to understand how Educational Systems work. You need the Mathematical Formula for Educational Systems according to Mother Nature.
Third, — Because your Logic is all wrong — Your labels are all wrong. So let’s clean this up.
Logic is the Academic Cradle of All. Logos is God. And it feels like Love. Love is the Feeling. Logos is the God. Logos means “Word” and also “Light” from “Lugh.”
The history of the word Logos tells all.
Logos. Everything is inside of Logos. Outside of Logos is Disorder. Logos divides Order from Chaos.
Outside of Logos is Chaos. This is where Evolution happens. Chaos is the Cradle of Logos. Both are required to exist.
They cannot mix.
Of Chaos gets inside Logos, we have a problem. Logos will cease to exist and all becomes Chaos.
See Earth : Exhibit A
A Discipline has “Progressions” of Study.
The Sequential Logic of Science (Study)
Overview and Introduction (Exoteric) Plato’s Point +> Order (The Door) Music The Sequence and Order that they move +> The Metric, Rhythm/Pulse, The Frequency, The Pattern (Dance) The when they move +> The Rules of Dance… The Choreography. The Laws and How things Move +> The Reactions with Others +> The Integration with All.
The Hierarchical Logic of Science (Study)
Now, each Logic runs Horizontal, which you know. That is our Domino Effect. But they also have Logical Hierarchy. The Logical Hierarchy is [Unknown A1], Macro, Meta, Micro, Quantum, [Unknown A]
Let’s apply this now to Sequential Logic :
Overview and Introduction (Exoteric) Plato’s Point +> Order (The Door) Music The Sequence and Order that they move +> The Metric, Rhythm/Pulse, The Frequency, The Pattern (Dance) The when they move +> The Rules of Dance… The Choreography. The Laws and How things Move +> The Reactions with Others +> The Integration with All.
The Integrated Logic of Science (Study) Sudoku
If 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 And 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Look at the Sciences like a Sudoku.
Let’s fix the Vocabulary.
The Disciplines
Biology is The Science of Integration and NOT The Study of Life.
Chemistry is The Science of Reaction and NOT The Study of Chemicals.
Physics is The Science of Movement and NOT The Study of Natural Life.
Mathematics is The Measurement of Balance and Alignment Relative to Truth.
Logic is The Science of Sequence, Order, Story, Measurement, and Quality.
Science is The Study and Dissection of Truth.
Overview and Introduction (Exoteric) Plato’s Point +> Order (The Door) Music The Sequence and Order that they move +> The Metric, Rhythm/Pulse, The Frequency, The Pattern (Dance) The when they move +> The Rules of Dance… The Choreography. The Laws and How things Move +> The Reactions with Others +> The Integration with All.
The Groupings of Science, Study, and Dissection are :
- The Sequential Stage of Study (Which “Discipline” you are in), which is a Tool.
- The Logical Hierarchy of Study, which means “Your Location in Relativity to your Study” (Which “Perspective Level” you are in)
And because we need 3 Data points to Triangulate our Positions…
- Which Region of the System you are in. It is the Region of the System that most people mistake for “Discipline.” This is the Problem.
Because Sequential Stage is often mistaken for System Region, and because The Integrated Overview and the Logical Integrated Omniscient View is unknown to people, People don’t’ know to play “Biological Sudoku,” which is Mastered in Quantum Logic.
Which is what this is.
**To The graphs**
Logical Fallacy : “One is the Loneliest Number.”
Not at all. Not even a little bit.
For One contains the All of Everything… and that is pretty damn loud.
The Math adds up.
It takes Mother Nature 420 Rounds to complete a full “Song.”
Song. That is what this is. A Song.
100% of all Natural Patterns in this World align and fit into Mother Nature’s Song. If something does not Comply with Mother Nature’s Song, then it is Unnatural, Not a Constant, Not Truth, Temporary, and Man Made.
Truth means 100% Compliant to Mother Nature’s Song.
Lie means not-compliant to Mother Nature’s Song.
The Universal Clock is the Mathematical Patterns of Mother Nature’s Song. Mother Nature’s Calendar is A Song.
If you want to see the Mathematical Patterns of Mother Nature’s Song or “Love’s Song” as I am calling it, you can go here to review the Document.