Core Lessons

Word Health

“I finally love me enough that I don’t need you to love me for me.” – Anna Imagination Healthy Authority : Claim the Power that you are entitled to at birth by accepting and wielding your POWER OF CHOICE. How Authority Power and Control affects our relationship with Word Health and Emotional Health. Our culture […]

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Ready To Heal

Getting Ready to heal requires a mindset that too many people are not prepared for. They decide to heal. They realize they are wanting something better. I call this stage, “Coming Into Awareness.” It’s the transition from the Ignorance of Chaos seen in the Foundational Perspectives to the Realization, the Awareness that their life is

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we are not born with the full spectrum of emotions. Enjoyment is one that not only has eluded me, but also, is the answer to a question I have been asking for a long time now: “What is the purpose of Love?” The answer? To enjoy. In my recent recovery and shedding of Narcissism, this

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Plato’s Astrology

The Astrology that was taught in Plato’s University was not the Astrology we know of today. The Astrology today represents a 2,000 year old Telephone Game that has been beaten to death and that barely depicts the Science that Plutarch, Plato, Pythagoras valued. Plato’s Astrology was so much of a threat to the Holy Roman

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Emotions Glossary

Emotions – The feelings one receives from hormones that are triggered in the brain during Cognitive Core Processing to inform, motivate, or reward the Conscious Awareness as of the Status of their Logical and/or Story Health. Logical Health – The Condition of an Individual’s Truth, Self, and Perspective that determines the Optimum Mental Wealth or

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Compassionate Arrogance

Arrogance is the Emotion of Leadership. It is the Confidence, Determination, and the Authority combined that establishes a steadfast Boundary between one’s Self and their Mission, and the Opinions and Paths of others. With Respect, Arrogance is the Emotion that acknowledges the paths of others while also strongly establishing and realizing and protecting the path

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Narcissism : The Perfect Psychological Weapon of Warfare

It is important to note that “Psychology” in this Abstract refers only to Philosophical-Psychology as practiced, taught, and mastered by Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, and Angela B. Chrysler, and has no affiliation at all with “Traditional Psychology” practiced today. “Why did Rome kill Socrates?” “Because he became too powerful.” is what I was told except…

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