Daily Digests

Stepping Stones #7 : How To Become Objective and “when you should stay home.”

Tomorrow, Anna covers the steps to getting and staying Objective and what signs to look for when you should get yourself to Lock Down and when you are Mentally Stable enough to play on the Playground. The Life-Happiness Formula The Steps of Life Energy MUST be transferred Electric Energy (Neuroscience/Nervous System) > Chemical Energy (Hormones) […]

Stepping Stones #7 : How To Become Objective and “when you should stay home.” Read More »

Stepping Stones #6 : The Power of Finding Your Truth. How Clear The Path Aligns

  Want + Love + Ethically Value = Core Self and Mental Health Direction Intentions 100% of your Choices The Truth Formula : Want/Love/Value (Does it Feel RIGHT?) + Emotions (Does it Feel GOOD?) + Is your Behavior CHANGED? = NAME… NOW… Use words to describe the Situation (good or bad) Logical Proof Test Person

Stepping Stones #6 : The Power of Finding Your Truth. How Clear The Path Aligns Read More »

Stepping Stone #5 : When the “I” is in “They” and “They” is in “I” – When Integration Goes Wrong

When Integration goes wrong, we end up integrating other PEOPLE into our stories and into our “I.” We have to UN-Integrate to fix this.   But Un-Integration can feel like a losing of the Self. And it is! But The Self has been defined by something that is not YOU. You can Un-Integrate the Foreign

Stepping Stone #5 : When the “I” is in “They” and “They” is in “I” – When Integration Goes Wrong Read More »

Stepping Stones #3 : Integrating Your Tools Into Your Healing Engine

Coming tomorrow: Putting all of your tools together to build your healing engine.   7 paRTS OF THE Mental System Identity (Id) – Life Titans “I Want” Intuition Self-Preservation Defense System Conscious Awareness (Ego) – Life Titans Decides on Belief system vs. Logic System and Order of Operations over the 7 Parts “Subconscious Mind” –

Stepping Stones #3 : Integrating Your Tools Into Your Healing Engine Read More »

Abstractology and Quantum Psychology : Why Truth is greater than Law.

The Words we use… “It is not humility to “lower yourself” to be treated like a dog. It is respectful appreciation for the dog. When a person claims that it is “humiliating” to “lower themselves” to that of a dog, they lack respectful appreciation for the “dog” that they are equaling themselves to.” – Anna

Abstractology and Quantum Psychology : Why Truth is greater than Law. Read More »

Paired Energy and The Education and Psychological Solution

How We Learn : Learning : Take in to Receive Data “Expand to Capture” or Open to Receive (2nd Perspective) Teaching : Summary >  Translation > Transference of Information to another Source Understand : Philosophy : Integrated Perspective Diversity (Omniscience) with which to view and understand All Perspectives for full Comprehension of a single Point.

Paired Energy and The Education and Psychological Solution Read More »

The Power of Hope

“Imagination is the pulsing heart of All.” – Anna Imagination; Philosophical Coffee 1:36 Where Hope Comes from. What happens when we don’t have it. How to get it back. Hope is Belief. It is a very special type of Belief. We have Beliefs on the Present, Beliefs on the Past, and Beliefs of the Future.

The Power of Hope Read More »

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