Daily Digests

The Silent Pageant

Dating. It is a concept that I have long, since abandoned alongside the Trauma World most everyone else lives in. When I put the world down and walked away a’ La Atlas Shrugged in September 2022, Dating and “Relationships” were cast aside with it. I identify as “Free.” No longer labelling myself around the confines

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Gifting Trauma

Today is Christmas Day. This is a day of trauma for me. The reason is due to the gifts. Gifts were used by my Owners/Husbands (No difference) to keep me indebted. “Here. Have this “Gift.” Now you owe me.” This is how my father “gave” “gifts.” How my Owners and Husbands all “gave” “gifts.” To

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Love Is…

Emotional Management. Without this skill, Narcissism remains rampant, Addiction spirals out of control, Suicide can be a life-long struggle. Emotions are powerful, Energy-infused bits of information designed by our Psyche and brain to keep us well managed, operated, and safe. And yet, little to no information, training, and knowledge is available. When we receive a

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The Summit

I trust love. I trust him. I know he will come back. I no longer need all of the tactics I once used to lure him, use him, control him. This is love. Trusting Love. That is what Narcissism targets. It doubts Love. It doubts the Self. Find Love and you find the Self. Trusting

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Narcissism : How this Trojan Horse Turns The Victim Into The Abuser

No Mental Illness gets a bigger following of Hate than Narcissism. Ironically, it is the one Mental Illness that so many people struggle to Identify and Define “until it’s too late.” Despite my 30 years in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy, twice in the last 10 days, I found myself caught up in the Story of

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