On 7 December 2024, I am launching my first Training Course for The Ancient Greek Educational System.

We are only looking for Teachers/Healers/Coaches between the ages of 21 – 35 ONLY.

18 – 20 Year olds may attend for FREE.

The Educational System you will be learning was built and designed by Pythagoras, and utilized by Plato.

It incorporates Science, Ethics, Logic, the Arts, Philosophy, Spirituality (The Esoteric Sciences), along with the Traditional Subjects all integrated with the Montessori Learning School.

This is 100% Compliant with US Standards and, after you graduate from our Course, we will be getting you set up in one of our Locations that we are building across the US.

You will have the option to run and operate The Healing Garden’s DFY Homeschooling Program for The Working Parent.

This is very much an “Outside the Box” Learning Environment that is built around The 12 Ethics, Education and Knowledge, and the Nourishment of Others.

The Course is $5,000 for life. Teachers/Healers/Coaches will have access to our School and University for the rest of their days.


Teachers/Healers/Coaches MUST :

  • Be Independent
  • Self-Learners
  • Life-Long-Learners
  • DIY’ers
  • Initiative Takers
  • “Outside The box” Thinkers
  • Imaginative
  • Science-Based Passion
  • Logically Minded
  • Mentally Healthy or ready to address their Demons and obtain Optimum Mental Wealth
  • Compliant at all times to The 12 Ethics, which are :

Teachers will be required — at all times — to embrace Learning multiple Academic Disciplines while “On The Job.” You will not be “graded or tested” for your efforts anymore than the Children are required by law to undergo “Grading and tests.”

This is how you teach Leaders, Equality, and Empathy to Children. Through setting an example and struggling alongside with them.

At the end of the Program — when you feel you are ready to go on to Teach — you may join a Public School System or buy into one of our Franchises to open your own Nourishment Center or DFY Homeschooling Facility (Your Choice).

If you have decided that this is for you, Register for The Healing Garden’s “From Teacher to Nourisher” Course.