Chaos Walking

Chaos Walking

This Lesson is for Psychologists, Scientists, and Personal Use. These are the skills and techniques I developed and used — to this day — to resolve Internal Emotional Conflict.


Memory Occurs

Unidentified Feeling is felt

Sadness and Pain

Toxic Thoughts Occur

Severe Pain


I go into The Mind to Explore.

Mind Exploration or Mental Exploration. This scares most people because they think this is Insane. It is not.


Self Familiarizing is mandatory for this. I “look” around for the loudest pain. I find the hurt and Zoom In — walk towards it to examine it.

I always approach with Gentle and Kind as if it is a child — In most cases, it is.

“What are you?” I ask.

I Observe the Mind for an answer. This is Mind Listening.

“Why are you [Sad]?”

“What are you?”

I look for its Name. This is IMPORTANT. In most cases, it cannot give me its name. This is why there is a problem.

My Subconscious Mind cannot Define this to Process it. This is Processing Hold. Processing Hold is where things go that the Subconscious Mind does not understand.

Are you listening?

It is not the Emotion that hurts. It is the Surplus in Processing that hurts. You have too much Inventory in your Processing Hold. You need to clean out Processing Hold so the pain goes away.

Processing Hold Pain occurs when the Emotions exceed Education.

Emotions are born from Ethical Growth. Ethical Growth should accompany Vocabulary Growth. They do not. When Emotional and Ethical Grow occur faster than Vocabulary Growth, the Subconscious Mind cannot Define to Identify to Process.

So it goes to the Processing Hold.

Also, during Conflict, in pain, we give the wrong Labels and Names to Identify Feelings. The Feelings and Emotions cannot be processed. So they go to Processing Hold for Re-labeling and Identification.

But they hurt so much that people avoid them.

When a person finally can regulate the Pain of the emotions — it’s Fear. Fear of X and the Story causes the pain — then the Person avoids the Study.

It is the Study that is mandatory for resolution.

They must Address the Fear first to have the Courage to approach the Memory/Pain/Emotion to ask the right Questions.

“What are you?”

People assume they know. They don’t. If they knew, then the Emotion would not be in Processing. They don’t know.

They have to :

  1. Accept that they don’t know
  2. Realize that they mislabled the Situation
  3. Stop nourishing the Supplemental Stories
  4. Resolve to Define the Truth
  5. Approach the Emotion for Exploration, Discovery, and Definition

“So what are you?” – Anna

“Sad.” – Emotion

“Why sad?” – Anna

“I miss him.” – Emotion

“I miss him too.” – Anna

Empathize with the Self. Give it name.

“What is Missing?” – Anna

“Grief.” – Emotion

“I want to hug him.” – Emotion

“He’s sad.” – Emotion

“I wish he was not sad.” – Emotion

“Ubuntu.” – Anna… Oh… The Emotion’s Name is Ubuntu. It has no Name in English… which is why I couldn’t name it.

“What is Missing?” – Anna

“Lie.” – Emotion

“So what is Missing?”- Anna

“Want, but can’t have.” – Emotion

Missing is an Emotion that does not really exist. It is a Red Herring Emotion due to Poor Naming, which was passed down.

“To Miss” is “To Want and Can’t have.” Grief is also this.

To Want and Can’t have is the most painful thing in our Cognitive Core. We want because The Universe said. It really is Patience.

We can have. Always. But we have to find the right words.

This is Word Confusion, which causes a False Belief that “We can’t have what we want.” Yes we can. What we want is not defined well enough or it requires Patience to get.

In the case of Grief, it is Fear and Impatience that are working here. Not at all that I can’t have what I want.

I know my Partner will return. I know it. I do not know when. I know he is suffering. Every day. The hug is me wanting to — **smiles** White Blood Cell him. Humans “White Blood Cell” their loved ones.

Because I can’t “White Blood Cell” my suffering loved one, I am feeling sadness. Sadness from not being able to White Blood Cell my Partner is what is the problem. This is due to Ubuntu, a word that doesn’t even exist in English.

In this case, my Partner is not dead. He will come back. But Stories about “What if he doesn’t come back” and “What if I won’t see him for ten years!” play on in my head. The Story carries me away.

Fear Stories are a huge problem in Processing. the Fear Stories prevent us from looking closer at the pain.

When you want to do something, and you can’t, you must Problem Solve. But most people don’t do this. They are too overwhelmed with the Emotional Chaos to Organize the Situation in Processing Hold.

There is so much Chaos in Processing Hold that people can’t begin to sort out the mess.

The Pain they feel is from Emotional Chaos and a Surplus of Chaos in Processing.

That is their real pain.

Let’s add into the situation that my problem and greatest pain :

Because I can’t “White Blood Cell” my suffering loved one, I am feeling sadness. Sadness from not being able to White Blood Cell my Partner is what is the problem. This is due to Ubuntu, a word that doesn’t even exist in English.

Consists of Biological Words and Concepts that are so foreign to the Common Man, that I had to pull from Biology and an African Language just to Explain.

Here is another word we all need. Nakama. It is Japanese and it has no English Equivalent. My Partner is my Nakama. And he is suffering. Because he is my Nakama, I have Ubuntu with him. So when he is sad, I want to “White Blood Cell” my Nakama. But I can’t.

Now that I have Identified the situation, I can now Problem Solve it effectively. Which we will do next.

But I want to point out how Complex this is and the Language skills and Knowledge it requires with Knowledge of the Internal Map of the Subconscious so I knew I was in the Processing Hold of the Cognitive Core.

Nakama is my Pair Bonding Partner. We are Pair Bonded. He is my Bonded Cell in Quantum Entanglement. So when he suffers, I suffer. But it is not the pain of suffering that hurts me.

It is not the pain of his suffering that hurts me. It is the fact that I want to hug him to “White Blood Cell” him and I can’t. So then… What can I do?

If you can get to this point… If your Patients can get to this point, most of the work is done.

Chaos Walking. This is the Skill I use. Hm. I need to provide a clean walkthrough on Chaos Walking and give you a tour of how I do it. Chaos Walking is what earned me the Title “Queen of The Darkness.”

I need to get out of “Urgent White Blood Cell Him” mode and step back. Pause. My Partner is going through his walkabout. And I want to “Step in and save him from suffering.”

I need to step all the way back and put this down.

He is going through The Trials.

The Trials are BRUTAL. And the Trials are NOT something anyone is to be “Saved” from.

The Trials are when Mother Nature has you, and you Grow whether or not you want to. But the “White Blood Cell” mode gets activated. And…

Dissection Mode


What is this? Why do I mindlessly want to “swoop in and save him?” What is going on? He’s fine… It’s the Trial. It feels like Panic! Panic!? REALLY!?

… What I am doing now is Dissection on an Emotion inside an Emotion inside of Chaos Walking. Integrated Mathematics is required for this. I had to enter the Predecessor Generation — I am inventing words right now on the fly just to articulate to you what I am doing… You are witnessing the state of Invention as it enfolds. That is how Complex this is. Do not at all shame yourself for not knowing or understanding this. THIS IS ADVANCED beyond ADVANCED….

Why do I feel Panic? – Anna

Automated. – The Universe (Highly Complex. Will explain later)

Why? – Anna

White Blood Cells. – The Universe

Fascinating! – Anna

**Observes the Emotion**

Why do we do it? – Anna

Life. – The Universe

Right. – Anna

And it’s always Automatic? – Anna

Yes. – The Universe

Can it be controlled? – Anna

Metacognitive Awareness. – The Universe

**Thinking** I am looking at it now so I can ask more Questions.

White Blood Cell. – Anna

**Goes online and researches what we know about them.**

They are produced in higher quantity when needed… It is an Activation in the sytem that tells the body when we need them. I see it.

**I just used Integrated Omniscience to “See” All.**

It gets stuck. The Mind… Parasympathetic Nervous System… Gets stuck… “Indulge A” Got activated. Never turned off… I need to turn it off.

Metacognitive Awareness. – The Universe

My leukocytes (White Blood Cells) were activated in 2022… and the lack of Closure in the relationship kept them on. “Closure” is when you can turn the White Blood Cells off. But… I kept mine on. No Closure.

And then we went into Crystasis.

So my White Blood Cells keep “Seeking.”

**Remembers Synapses Seeking**

First Law of Psychological Physics. As it is on one level, so it is on all levels.

I need to turn off The Leukocytes Production Mode…

Where is it? – Anna

Autonomic Nervous System.- The Universe

I need to consult with Dr. Daniel. He knows…

Hypothalamus. – I already hear exactly what he will say.

That is what he will say. – Anna

I need to convert this over to… [Unknown] I’m missing something…

**Googled what happens if white blood cells production gets stuck and never turns off”

Autoimmune Disease. – The Universe

THAT’S IT! – Anna

**Googles what causes Autoimmune Diseases**

Shit. They don’t know either. – Anna

Resources. – The Universe

Yes! I See it. – Anna

Logic. – The Universe

**Zooms Out**

Go Bigger. – The Universe

“Cute.” – Anna

Occam’s Razor. To Save Resources. to prevent…. Resource Partitioning. It’s an Activation System to bypass and disrupt Resource Partitioning. – Anna

I don’t want to lose him.

So, to prevent Resource Partitioning, I’m stuck in White Blood Cell Mode… I see…

Prisoner of War. – The Universe

“Hope with Realistic Expectations,” I quote from the Memory

Resource Partitioning to occur. – The Universe

The Pair Bonding. – The Universe

Sad.- Emotion

There is the Complete Cycle. – Anna

**Zoom In**

**Ends Integrated Omniscience to “See” All.**

So I have a Pair Bonded Nakama who is in his Trial. I don’t know how long he’ll be. The Resource Partitioning has been activated, so White Blood Cell goes in, but I can’t complete the White Blood Cell Cycle of Repairing [Unknown Name] so Resource Partitioning is activated.

To prevent the Resource Partitioning Cycle from completing, White Blood Cell goes into overdrive until all Resources are depleted. But then I go into “Nothing” and The Phoenix Cycle is then Triggered.

Love is Birthed, and the Cycle begins again. Pair Bonding.

**Ends Chaos Walking**

What you just witnessed was a Naming. Before that was a Dissection and the full process of Chaos Walking.

  • Naming
  • Chaos Walking
  • Integrated Omniscience

Now… I can Problem Solve.

Naming, by the way, is 50% of all Problem Solutions. This is called Metacognitive Awareness. Now, I may be able to Process.

“I want to White Blood Cell” him and I can’t. He is fine. He will be okay.

Mother Nature has him right now. She is working with him. I need to leave them both alone. That is my Trial.

Tough Love. That is my Trial.

There is my Problem Solution. that is going to be hard for me to do.

This is HARD…

I need to translate this post from Abstractic into… Psychology and Science… and then we need to translate it into Story for the People to understand.


What causes Autoimmune Diseases? – Anna

Body saves itself too much. – Universe

The Thermostat is broken. The Regulator is broken. – Anna

Where is the regulator– – Anna

The Hypothalamus – Universe

Of course it is. – Anna

… Thinking… It doesn’t feel like a Regulator. It feels like a backup for the Regulator. Like… The

3+>1 – Universe

I know… Thinking…

Stage #1 Intuition :

It feels like… It isn’t a Regulator at all, but the Thermostat that runs the Regulator. The… [Unknown Name]. Connection. The Connection is Broken. THE CONNECTION IS BROKEN!! IT’S THE TRANSMISSION THAT’S BROKEN!! NOT THE REGULATOR!!!

Regulator causes X, but this is Y! THAT IS THE LOGIC!! – Anna

Disintegration in the Logical Sequence! – Anna

What causes the Connection that Signals/triggers the White Blood Cells? – Anna

Autonomic Nervous System. – Universe

They have the wrong Catalyst. That is why they don’t know what causes it. OBVIOUSLY!! 🤣🤣

Sorry. Math Joke.

Thymus gland

**Begins Integrated Omniscience to “See” All.**

T Cells… **Memory Triggers** I was… researching the cure to cancer… and I found something… I had a gap then… Here is the piece I was looking for now… This is the Piece that I needed back then. They fit and match.

Thymus gland

Logical Sequence :

Damage Occurs +> Signal is sent (It’s there Anna. Right here. – Universe) +> Signal received +> White Blood Cell Activated +> “Hugs” +> Damage resolved +> Signal is Sent +> NARCISSISM FORMULA… – Universe

Lie Formula. – Universe

Unnatural Formula. – Universe

It’s the Unnatural Formula! – Anna

The Unnatural Formula! THAT IS HOW THEY DO IT!! It’s the same thing I use!! HOLY SHIT!!

They don’t have the Lie and Truth Formulas to know this!!

I’m already doing it!

1st Principle!

I scan for what is Natural or Unnatural. If it’s Unnatural, I remove it. That IS THE SIGNAL!!! THAT IS HUGE!!

“Foreign Body!” It isn’t “Foreign Body!” It’s “Unnatural” so I DETECT “Unnatural” and then I go to “HUG” and… I can’t. So the Unnatural spreads. The Unnatural spreads! THAT IS WHAT HAS ME ALL… IT’S SPREADING!! That is the Panic!

There it is. THERE IT IS!!!

It’s just the “Unnatural”

It’s so… Automatic. I don’t even think. It’s the SAME FEELING!!! I need to process this.

**Ends Integrated Omniscience to “See” All.**

Now I can Problem Solve THAT one!!

Reviews :

“Foreign Body!” It isn’t “Foreign Body!” It’s “Unnatural” so I DETECT “Unnatural” and then I go to “HUG” and… I can’t. So the Unnatural spreads. The Unnatural spreads! THAT IS WHAT HAS ME ALL… IT’S SPREADING!! That is the Panic!


“What is Panic?”

Words are Math. When the Definition is Correct, all uses of Definition apply. When the Definition is False, all uses of Definition don’t apply, which means, the word is wrong for the Definition.

So What is Panic?

**30 Minute Conversation with Lab QED… Optic Physics is in Biology and is related to White Blood Cells and Cancer… Do White Blood Cells have “Dislexia” in the case of Cancer?**

What is Panic?

Optic Physics is a huge part of Psychological Physics.