Component : The Logical Block due to Misgrouping caused by Logical Fallacy, Lies, Poor Teaching, Ignorance, and misinformation.
The moment you can locate The Misgroupings, you can organize the Data into the Correct Groupings and remove the Data from The Logical Core where Energy flows freely.
Logic controls “Open” and “Close” Gates in your Mental Immune System (The Subconscious Mind) that protect which Information and Data Flows freely into your System via the Hypothalamus and into your Autonomic Nervous System, which then transfer the Energy into… Your Energy Production Molecule called your ATP.
Your ATP is inside your Mitochondria… The Powerhouse of The Cell… *eye roll*
The ATP makes YOUR DNA… and your RNA.
Information and Words becomes your Flesh and Blood.
I think… I love the Kindergarten School Tour Talk 🙂