I wear many hats, which can be summarized simply into An Ashavana.
What is an Ashavana?
Think of a Philosopher, a Scientist, a Spiritualist… Now Integrate all of those things together… Yeah, it’s nothing at all like that.
The reason why I use this example is because only a Scientist who has Mastered Spirituality and Philosophy would know what a Philosopher and a Spiritualist really are.
Only a Spiritualist who has Mastered Philosophy and all the Sciences would know what a Spiritualist really is.
Only a Philosopher who has Mastered The Asha Journey would know that Philosophy is really Zarathustra’s Work Organized into the Mastery of all the Sciences, Arts, and Spirituality.
So whatever people *think* is Philosophy, Science, or Spirituality isn’t at all what we think those things all are. But the Ashavana knows because only the Ashavana has Mastered all of these things and integrated them together through Experience.
The Ashavana has Mastered the Disciplines from the Inside and never as an Outsider.
Most people learn *about* something without ever Experiencing what they have learned. This is the Outside Point of View. An Ashavana never studies *about* something. They Experience it. This is the Inside Point of View. And then the Ashavana consciously integrates everything they have learned into One Whole.
The Ashavana knows that each Discipline is the Science and Study of a New Perspective and that a person requires at least 18 Disciplines to fully understand The Truth.
This is the difference between an Ashavana and other Students.
Only the Ashavana Physicist knows that, to Experience Physics from within as an Insider, they must Perform, Sing, Dance, and Compose Music. They must engage in the Physics of Tesla as only Tesla did. Physics does not at all exist in Theory.
Only the Ashavana Chemist knows that they must Cook and Create. Creating Brews, Mixtures, and Alchemical Components to birth Creation through Reaction.
Only the Ashavana Mathematician Knows that they measure the Truth through Measuring of Behavior, Success, Situations, and Sequences. They know that they must master Logic, which is used to steer and Navigate Life through Sequence and the Order of Operation.
Only the Ashavana Geometrist knows that they must Paint, Draw, Sculpt, or Build.
Only the Ashavana Logician knows that you must Write Story, Speak, Navigate Conversation, Compose Music, and Pioneer New Disciplines to know Logic.
Only the Ashavana knows that it doesn’t matter what you Know, if you can’t communicate it effectively to others, then the Knowledge dies with you, which is why the Ashavana Masters Philology, Linguistics, Logic, Theater and Stage, Poetry, and Story as well.
Only the Ashavana knows, in experiencing these Sciences through Art that Learning does become Spiritual and thus, Worship is the Growth we experience and unlock through Education because Spirituality is just the Physics and Psychology of Growth, Learning, and Education.
And only on this Learning Journey of the Discovered Self do we truly understand Love, Ethics, and Humanity, which becomes Wisdom. And when you come to discover this, you commit your life to it. You become a Knight in Service and Dedication of this, the Preservation of this Knowledge and Wisdom, and the Passing it On, Down the Line — Sideways, never “Up” — to the Successors who come after you.
All of these things, Integrated into One Whole of Wisdom is what being an Ashavana is all about. – Anna Imagination
“Science is the Pursuit of Truth through Nature. Nothing More. Nothing Less.” – Anna Imagination
My name is Anna Imagination. My story is the foundation of my work. I am a Logician and Scientist, a Cartographer of the Internal Expanse, an Ontological Physicist, and the Founder of The Science of Growth. I use my research and discoveries for Societal Solutions to nourish the World and all of Mankind. My work focuses on Vitalogy : The Science and Logic of Life and the Lost Science of Human Propagation with Power Economics and Pythagorean Psychology.
My Mastered Discipline is in Reverse Engineering Intuition and discovering Academic Disciplines, which I then build into learnable and fun content for others to learn with the greatest of ease. My Mission is to raise the Quality and Standards of Life for all through Quality Education and Learning.
“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity and not in the multiplicity and the confusion of things.” – Sir Isaac Newton
I am currently pioneering toward Unified Theory. You can view my Scientific Method here. I am Independent and own my own Business. I am not affiliated with any Insurance Company, Government Body, University, or Science Facility. I strictly adhere to the rules and laws of Scientific Method and Ethical Law and Natural Order.
The Stages Of Proof
I believe in full Transparency. For this reason, I post the “Stages of Proof” here on my Front Page.
At this time, 100% of my work is as follows:
Mathematical Intuition and Intuitive Logic Completed
Logical Proof Completed
Math Proof and Formula Completed
Physics Proof and Formula Completed
Chemistry Proof and Formula Completed
Biology Proof and Formula Completed
The Truth Theorem Check and Balance is Completed
The Academic Grid and Mother Nature’s Song Check and Balance is Completed
Interviews and Discussion with Layman showing 100% Confirmation in “Practical Application” Completed
Currently In progress: Case Studies Conducted Those who go through my Triadic Healing Courses are given a Survey before and after to establish a Control Group. As people complete Triadic Healing, data is collected via surveys to analyze their progress through Triadic Healing.
Currently In progress: My work is currently undergoing Peer Review
Currently In progress: Preparations for Clinical Trials is underway. Results will be published here.
“Nothing disrupts the ability to articulate clear and precise Logical Thought more than Logical Fallacy, which often, and in most cases, is misinterpreted by lesser minds as “Mental Illness” or “Insanity.” – Anna Imagination