Overwhelm = A lack of not knowing how to prioritize and organize.
Overwhelm = Utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to
- Compartmentalize
- Use Categories
- Prioritize
- Narrow Down your Options through Process of Elimination
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy if you struggle with Problem Solving vs. Emotional Overwhelm
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Emotional Management
Catalyst > Electrical Energy > Chemical Energy > Emotional Energy = Stored into Potential Emotional Energy
WITH CHOICE … or… It remains stored
X amount of Storage = Suppressed Energy or RESISTANCE
Emotional surplus of Potential Emotional Energy due to poor Self-Emotional Management
Catalyst > Emotion > Short “Reaction Time” > UNSTABLE and REACTIVE or PANIC
Problem Solving
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy : Identify, Name, and Consciously Interrupt then Redirect the Emotional Reaction into a Logical Action = Self-Control
“Psychology is the practiced craft of creating a complicated and confusing mess out of something that is relatively quite simple.” – Anna Imagination