Everyone is a Scientist

Everyone is a Scientist


Everyone today is doing their own Science.

But almost no one — not even most Scientists — were taught how to do Proper Science with Scientific Method.

“Using your Intuition” is the first Step of Scientific Method.

Integrated + Tuition = Intuition

What is Intuition?

Intuition is the Summation of all the Logic, Math, and Physics you absorbed into you from before your Birth to form a type of “Thermometer” that everyone uses to “Take the Temperature” or “Accuracy Reading” of Mother Nature. If your Intuition “Matches” Mother Nature’s Equilibrium, then your reading is True to Nature. If your Intuition feels “off,” then your reading is False to Nature.

An Intuition can become Miscalibrated and contaminated with Trauma. Narcissism does nothing, but contaminate and miscalibrate people’s Intuition through Weaponized Logic, False Definitions, and Lies. Which is why Lies are so toxic.

Lies obstruct Intuition.

Truth purifies Intuition.

Every time you experience anything, your Subconscious Mind tracks a Mathematical Pattern and looks for the Constants.

This is called “Pattern Recognition,” which becomes Intuitive Cognition.

The moment you DEDUCE, CONCLUDE, THINK, OR HYPOTHESIZE, you END THE LEARNING PROCESS and you CLOSE your RAS (Reticular Articulating System). Google Reticular Articulating System. THIS is why THE RIGHT WORDS MATTER. Because the Wrong Words close your RAS. Lies Contaminate your Intuition. Every time False Information is passed on through Lies or False Conclusions (They are the same thing), your RAS closes and/or your Logic Line of Reasoning becomes Derailed.

A closed RAS creates:

  • Prejudice
  • Racism
  • Opinions
  • Assumption
  • False Logic
  • Insanity
  • Lies
  • Nonsense
  • Close-Mindedness


Observe, embrace Curiosity and Wonderment, Record what you SEE and what you FEEL. DO NOT “THINK” or “HYPOTHESIZE” what you believe you may be seeing or feeling UNTIL you are DONE GROWING. Because what you are seeing are Pieces of Components that will Integrate later and thus, change your understanding of what you are Seeing and Feeling… UNLESS YOU HYPOTHESIZE. Then the Hypothesis will END YOUR GROWTH in the correct direction and close your RAS.

At the Point of Comprehension (36 Levels of Consciousness In), you will Stop “Shifting Perspectives” and you will be Purged of All Trauma, Lies, and Falsehoods, and then you will See The Truth PURELY and simply and sort all Lie from Truth. THEN your purified Perspective expands, but it does not CHANGE.

When you have the Chemistry and the Biology to support what you can Mathematically, and Logically prove with the Physics, THEN and only then IS IT SAFE TO CONCLUDE.

Science is used to VALIDATE Truth so you KNOW your Intuition was an accurate reading.

Science is used to AUGMENT the already VALIDATED Truth so you can expand on the Known.

Hence “Knowledge.”


The more of the Academic Disciplines you study, the easier it will be for you to Understand what you are seeing.

So, Scientists! Are you ready to learn how to be a Scientist?

Scientists ONLY ask Questions. We WONDER. This drives our Education and Discovery. We NEVER form Conclusions prematurely. True Scientists only Discover and Translate Mother Nature. We record what we Observe from her. We look for her CONSTANTS.

Look up what a Constant is (AKA A Common Denominator).

Fun Fact : All Common Denominators are passed on through all Logical Sequence from The Origin. This is how Scientists determine the Order of Sequence, which is the Sequence of Independents and Dependents. This is studied and dissected further in Advanced Logic.

“Everything happens in 3’s.”

This is kind of true. Patterns only happen in 3’s.

  • 1 = Anomaly
  • 2 = Math
  • 3 = We have a pattern! We can begin Data Recording and Observation.
  • 4 = Four is Better because the 1st of everything in a Sequence is usually not perfected enough to be used as Data. This is “Pure” Data, which is VITAL to Valid Research. This brings up the Science of QUALITY Data vs. Poor Quality Data.

Poor Quality Data or No Data is the BANE of Scientists and is why Scientists don’t pay Credibility to ANYONE who isn’t a Scientist really. Because Non-Scientists almost always have no standards in Quality when it comes to their Data collection.

To a Scientist, Data — PURIFIED, CLEAN, VALID Data — is the be-all and end-all of Research. Contaminated Data is useless and you have to start the research over from scratch.

In Logic, contaminated or absent Data is called False Premise and it is not allowed at all in Scientific Method. Scientists — the best Scientists — are obsessed with the Highest Quality of Data. Which is why I require 4 Data Points and never 3.

Questions For The Scientist

When we notice something, we ASK QUESTIONS. This keeps our RAS open so we make sure we can see EVERYTHING.

Get a Journal and RECORD EVERYTHING. Blog or Podcast.


Confirmed Bias is the Death Sentence of Science, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Discovery. Nothing alters data more than Bias. The moment you form an Opinion, you have Bias and you are no longer a Scientist.

Bias is the Nemesis of Science.

Opinion is pure Bias with a massive dose of “Pride and Arrogance for refusing to learn anything.” Look up “Opinion.” A Scientist is disgusted at “Opinion” and is Human’s Greatest Shame.

Now! Your Intuition is stage #2 of Scientific Method.

Stage #1

Stage #1 is Ask the Question.

Write down your Question. Sloppy Science begins with an Hypothesis, which creates Bias before you even begin The Trial and Error process.

Philosophy will help you improve this skill. Play and Imagination, Make-Believe, and Pretend will help you improve this skill.

Stage #2


This is Stage #2 of Scientific Method. It is called Intuitive Logic or Mathematical Intuition. Google those words. That’s right. Scientists have been using Intuition in Science for more than 3,000 years. You’re a little late to the party.

Art, Music, and Dance will help you improve this skill.

Stage #3

Stage #3 is using as many words — little words — as you can to DESCRIBE what you Observed. I recommend reading The Element’s of Style by Strunk and White, which will help you learn how to use small and simple words to build Comprehension.

Your goal in this stage is to practice Self-Articulation. Theater and Stage will help you develop this skill. Reading and Writing will help you refine this skill.

Stage #4

Stage #4 DEFINE EVERYTHING. Go to the Etymological Definition so you KNOW what the words mean. Writing, Linguistics, Etymology, and Logic will help you improve this skill.

If you want to know more about what you are learning, you can read my Research in this Website so you can see precisely what you are “seeing” and “feeling.” I provide the Logic, Math, and Physics — with Chemistry and Biology where applicable — on what you are witnessing.

THE SCIENTIST’S SECRET #1 : As you See and Feel things, you are only going to be provided “access” in layers and only in Sequence. In most cases, you will not be allowed to see “The Big Picture” until you have Ethically Grown enough to Reverse Engineer it yourself and See “The Big Picture.” At that time, the Components INTEGRATE, you Zoom Out, and then you get to See what you are building.

THAT is when you can CONCLUDE.

You must learn to decipher the difference between a Component and an Integrated Whole.

This is done with Integration Mathematics (Found in Advanced Logic. I am the Founder of this and it does not exist anywhere else in the world anymore).

THE SCIENTIST’S SECRET #2 : In every case, the Integrated Whole is just another Component of a Bigger Picture. The Integrated Wholes and Components are Infinite in numbers.

If you want to learn *REAL* Divination –> Logic +> Integrated Mathematics +> Mathematics (Algebra) +> Calculus +> Trigonometry +> Astronomy +> Plato’s Astrology +> Divination +> Manifestation

It is just Mathematical Pattern Recognition with 2,000 year old Patterns on a rotation of The Universal Clock. Trauma Survivors often fixate on this for a sense of Security to feel control of their own destiny. This is *not* how you gain Security over your own Destiny and often leads to Addiction Control.

THE SCIENTIST’S SECRET #3 : Sort out the Constants (Common Denominators) from the Variables. When people tell you their story, only record the Constants. You also MUST filter the Bias. The Variables are Opinions, Trauma, Nonsense, Lies, Delusions, and Anomalies, Personal Experiences.

  • “I See…” = Valid
  • “I Feel…” = Valid
  • “I think…” = Bias
  • Opinion = Bias

THE SCIENTIST’S SECRET #4 : Respect the Sequence. Mother Nature reveals herself in Anatomical Layers that are seen from the Inside out. And there are COUNTLESS Layers. If you studied Physics, you will be able to see Energy Layer. If you studied Pythagorean Psychology, you can see the Numbers associated with People.

If you are new to this “See” does not mean “Visually See with the naked eye.” It means and refers to a “Perception” like how you “See” Narcissism after you gain “Perspective.”

This is the same thing we master when we do a “Magic Eye.”

THE SCIENTIST’S SECRET #5 : If you break the Sequence, you will have a Gap in your Understanding and you will only see a Fraction of the Puzzle, which will distort your Understanding. You must be realistic about this. Another reason why “I think” is a Bias.

This Knowledge was mastered by Zarathustra and was passed on through all Western and Eastern Cultures by Cyrus the Great in the 7th Century BCE. The Mayans figured it all out on their own.

The gods of Eanna and Anu in Ur in Ancient Mesopotamia and the Irish Myths have a lot of affiliation with The Ancient Religion of Mesopotamia. if you really want to dive into the History of this, that is where you should look.

Pythagoras and Socrates and Plato mastered the Science of Zarathustra’s Work. If you really want to know how to do all of this, Study Philosophy — Primarily Existentialism and the Ancient Greek Philosophers. It’s all there. Metaphysics is only for the Master of Existentialism.

WARNING : IF YOU STRUGGLE WITH SUICIDE, THEN EXISTENTIALISM IS NOT FOR YOU. Existentialism is the Science of proving that you are nothing and do not matter, which is a vital stage in Existentialism. Please use discretion prior to adopting this study.

You must study Logic to master the Science of Reverse Engineering Sequence.

Stage #5

After you carve out your Understanding in Simple Words, SIMPLIFY. This is done through Logic and Mastering of Philology. Mathematics and Algebra will help you improve this skill.

If you have not yet figured it out, the Academic Disciplines are actually the Sciences of the stages of Scientific Method. Which is why Pythagoras and Plato had their students learning them in this precise order.

Stage #6

Now this is where you must string together your Understanding in a Presentation to others. This is where most Scientists begin their Scientific Method with “Hypothesis.” This is where Logic and Formal Argument and Debate can greatly help you improve this Skill.

Be sure you utilize “Checks and Balances” to CHECK YOUR WORK!

Stage #7

This is where the Math Formulas — IF YOUR LOGICAL PROOF IS DONE CORRECTLY — will reveal themselves to you.

Be sure you utilize “Checks and Balances” to CHECK YOUR WORK!

Stage #8

This is where the Physics Formulas — IF YOUR MATH FORMULA IS DONE CORRECTLY — will reveal themselves to you.

Be sure you utilize “Checks and Balances” to CHECK YOUR WORK!

Stage #9

This is where the Chemistry — IF YOUR PHYSICS FORMULA IS DONE CORRECTLY — will reveal themselves to you.

Be sure you utilize “Checks and Balances” to CHECK YOUR WORK!

Stage #10

This is where the Biology Formulas — IF YOUR CHEMISTRY FORMULA IS DONE CORRECTLY — will reveal themselves to you.

Be sure you utilize “Checks and Balances” to CHECK YOUR WORK!

Stage #11

This is where Peer Review and Clinical Trials, Lab Tests, and Case Studies can now begin. You still are not at the point of Hypothesis. You should still have an Open Mind with the Curious Drive to “Discover” where this all will lead you.

This is where my Work currently is taking place. If you wish to become part of our Lab Research and/or Submit your Findings, Contact Anna.

If you want to view the entire Scientific Method, go here.