This is one I have been looking for for a long time.
What causes Obsession? Enslavement? Micro-Managing? “Denial”?
If-Then Clause Prevention.
Denial is the Umbrella.
Inside Denial, this is what is going on.
The If-Then Clause was received. But to receive this New “If-Then Clause,” you would have to reject a former If-Then Clause and upgrade your thinking.
Example : If I receive this new “If-Then Clause,” Then I will lose my Freedom and/or Nourishment.
But this new Upgraded Thinking threatens your Relationship/Job/Freedom/Nourishment, so the Self-Preservation System compromises or sacrifices The Truth for Nourishment and Freedom.
It does this by creating a Preventative “If-Then Clause” that is adopts instead, which rejects the True If-Then Clause.
Micro Break Down Of The Process
This happens at the Speed of a Synapses. 2) The True Clause is rejected and placed In the Fourth Level of The Subconscious Mind. 1) The Adopted Lie Clause is provided, which is what rejects and diverts the True Clause — as if The True Clause is removed completely from The Visibility Range of The Perspective Scope — 3) The Adopted Lie Clause erases the Logic Line from the Sequence to “sew” or “mend” the Logic Line 4) The System proceeds as usual.
But the True If-Then Clause remains because the Evidence has presented itself.
This creates a Catch-22, which creates All Mental Problems.
This is the Point of Self-Truth. When The Self-Preservation System feels The Truth Threatens Nourishment and Freedom.
So it rejects Truth for Nourishment and Freedom, dividing The Self.
But Truth is greater than all Lie. The Lie requires constant Vigilance, thus Paranoia, Obsession, and Possession are formed to remain Vigilant over The Adopted If-Then Clause that is preventing the Accepted True Clause.
Only when the Self-Preservation System believes the Freedom and Nourishment are not threatened, will it accept The Truth Clause.
“Denial” is a Red Herring Word that detracts the Focal Point from Self-Preservation via Truth Prevention is the True Word.
No one is “In Denial.”
People are “In Prevention.”
Follow Up later this morning…
The Fear of Truth Paradox
The False Clause Paradox creates a Double Layer Of Dread that Compounds The Fear causing the Subconscious Mind to amplify Fear of Truth.
It takes “The Fear of Truth” and creates a greater “Fear of Truth” that causes the Sufferer to abandon Logic and adopt Rhetoric “To Keep The Self Safe from Truth.” And thus, Insanity.
Insanity is To be without Sense or Logic.
Rhetoric is void of all Logic as Plato and Socrates Proved in The Gorgias Dialogue.
It is always — only — The Sufferer of “The Fear of Truth Paradox” who has rejected all Logic and Truth to “Keep The Self Safe” who turns to Rhetoric and also accuses others of “Being Insane” or “Crazy,” Violating The Truth of Others.
This is how Mental Illness spreads.