Integrated Mathematics and Academic Cradles

“You never should have abandoned Logic. For to abandon Logic is to abandon Reasoning itself. And Reasoning is Order and contains all of Life’s Answers to all of Life’s Problems. Without Logic, you have Chaos. Without Logic, you have Insanity. Without Logic you have Disease, Fear, Confusion, Chaos, Disorder, Cancer, and Disintegration to the point of Death.” – Anna Imagination

Integrated Mathematics is the Academic Cradle of Mathematics and all The Sciences and the Academic Disciplines themselves.

Academic Discipline = A Single Grouping of Study that is within an Academic Cradle. Example : Music, Physics, Theater and Stage.

Umbrella Discipline = Another word for an Academic Cradle. An Academic Study that is the Integrated Whole of Lower Integrated Academic Disciplines.

Academic Cradle = A Sequence that serves as an Umbrella Discipline that “holds” all of the Disciplines inside of it. For Example : Biology is the Academic Cradle to all 18 Academic Disciplines.

Successor Discipline = A Discipline in the Sequence that comes After a Parent Discipline. The Successor is always greater than the Parent and Predecessors before it because it contains the Integrated Summation of all that came before it. Every Successor always contains the Common Denominators of its Origin.

Parent Discipline = A Discipline in a Sequence that lays the Foundation prior to its most immediate Successor.

Predecessor Discipline = A Discipline that comes before a Discipline.

Origin Discipline = The Discipline that comes

Dimension = A Block of Time located inside the Sequence.

Sequence = A Series of Dimensions that make up a Sequence.

Generation = A Single Sequence in a Sequence of Sequences.

Frequency = The Rate or Speed of Occurrences that can be measured with Beats. Frequency gets Faster the Closer to an Integrating Plato’s Point you get. Frequency slows down the further away from a Disintegrating Plato’s Point get you.

Plato’s Point = The Beginning and End Point of all Sequences. The Point of Most integration, where Evolution takes place.

Evolution = The Change that results in “Advancement Growth” at  the Integration of Plato’s Point.

Creation = The Process that occurs during Natural Change inside the Sequence between two Points of Plato’s Point that is known as Growth.

Mutation = When a Logical Fallacy or a Lie occurs inside the Sequence/Creation Process that results in unnatural Change.

Origin = The Only Independent Dimension without a Parent and whose Common Denominators are within every Predecessor thereafter. The Point that is Plato’s Point.

Integrated Mathematics = The Science of Sequence and the Academic Cradle of all Mathematics, Education, Science, and Life that is found in and is the Advanced Study of Logic.

A Single Sequence


Let all us take this moment to remember, that every profession, every study adheres to and is a Branch of Integrated Mathematics.

The Sequence moves from Left to Right, and also from Down to Up. Each Sequence contains a series of Dimensions, which then Integrate into a Whole, which then serves as the Catalyst for setting off the next Sequence of Dimensions.

A Component is a Dissection or Discovery available only within its Assigned Dimension. Progression through the Dimension is not possible until all Components have been Located, Identified, Organized, Dissected, and Understood.

Once all the Components are located, the Components all Integrate, concluding the Sequence inside that Dimension, and you move on to the next Dimension, the newly discovered Integrated Wholes a piece of Comprehension.

Here is how you learn… This is called Sequential Learning.

“Learning is not a spectator’s sport.” – Anna Imagination

Examples of Cradles and Umbrellas with their Disciplines

Quantum Physics does not work properly without Integrated Mathematics. Mathematics is not easy to understand without first studying Integrated Mathematics, as Mathematics is the Second Dimension of the Integrated Mathematics Sequence.

Economics sits inside of Psychology.

Psychology sits inside of Philosophy.

Parenting and Teaching and Education, are found past Psychology.

Philosophy is an Umbrella Discipline of Psychology and Human Propagation.

Logic and integrated Mathematics is the Umbrella Discipline for Philosophy.

Story and Storytelling is the Umbrella Discipline of Philosophy.

Jediology is the Umbrella Discipline to All.

Additional Points of Views


A closer look at the Components that make up Biology.

The Academic Disciplines that extend beyond Biology.

The Academic Cradles that extend beyond Power Economics, Pythagorean Psychology, and Human Propagation (Parenting/Teaching).

Ontology (Time and Dimension) crossed with Astronomy and Astrology just before reaching Biology.


You Learn to gain Perspective, which prevents a Close Mind.

Learning is Growing. They are Synonymous. When you Learn, you Grow yourself. The feeling this creates is “Being In Love.”

And this is why you had to study these Disciplines in School. So you could Understand yourself and Understand Mother Nature, and thus, understand your Relativity to Mother Nature.

This is why most people are lost. Because they didn’t Learn enough about themselves.

A prejudice Mind is a Closed Mind is a Mind without Basic Perspective.


This is Logic.


We call this “Existentialism.” Ancient Greek Style.

(This is what the beginning of infinity looks like).

And  we  haven’t  even touched  “Metaphysics”  Yet.


This is *just* Existentialism.

Welcome to *real* Philosophy as Pythagoras meant it to be. The Science of Pure Love.

Philo = Love; Sophy = Pure

The word was Arabic.

This whole time.

(Which is why Ancient Greek Words are written Backwards).