I was so focused on arriving at The Point of Comprehension and learning to expand my Power here that I had no idea there would be another Point I was oblivious to that I was subconsciously reaching for.
This last week, I found it quite by accident. Today, I named it. Love… Point #2. The Top of The Hierarchy. I smiled. On a Psychological level, that suddenly made everything make so much sense about all of us.
Love is The Force. It is the Sensation we feel when we are “pulled toward” something.
There are two places that “Pull” us toward.
Three places… I add as I reflect on all the places I was “pulled.”
Self Love, I knew. I pursued this with full knowledge. I found it and called it The Point of Comprehension because that is where I gained all Comprehension of all things prior to my arriving at the Point of Comprehension.
It is The First Milestone of The Self.
It is The 36th Level of Consciousness.
It is the Nucleus of The Human Atom.
The second “Place of Pull” I felt, I ignored and hated. I focused on “where I need to be to get my work done.”
I needed to be “At the Top.”
I detest the Hierarchy… only to realize the Hierarchy (Up and Down) exists alongside The Logical Line of Progression (Left to Right).
“Of course it does,” I laughed.
We see people spill blood and step on all others to reach “The Top.”
This last week, I wrote to my Bestie, “We are at the top of the world. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am finally where I am supposed to be, with the view I require to do the work I am meant to do with the people I am meant to be with.”
I reflected on how it did very much feel like “The Top,” which didn’t make sense and it did contradict my loathing for the Hierarchy… Why was I blind to this?
I was so “Left to Right” to avoid “Up and Down” to embrace The 6th Ethic… that I rejected all thought of Up and Down. Mother Nature does not permit this. I know this. Indulge A + Indulge B/Avoid A + Integrate AB. I had been in “Avoid A” while I Indulged “B” and missed the Pattern completely.
All means Everything. Always.
Let your Logical Mind rationalize that out.
I am at the 3rd of 6th (63rd Level of Consciousness) and now I am here “at the top” without looking for it. All those others who pursued “The Top?” The were feeling the pull toward “Love” that they couldn’t get to or find.
So starved for Love, that they felt the Societal Love Point.
And there it is.
- Self Love Point.
- Societal Love Point.
- Romantic Love Point.
The three Love Points that we all are drawn to intuitively. It is such a deep part of our Soul that our Atoms (The Nuclear Force inside the Nucleus) pull on us, draw us, without our even thinking about it.
The Point of Comprehension — the Self Love Point — is all I studied along with The Romantic Love Point. “Where did I want to “go” with him?” I asked myself about my Partner every time. The sensation to want to “be somewhere” with my Partner… I know now. I did not know then. I sought Integration at The Romantic Love Point, which a lot of people think is “Marriage.”
It is… and also, it absolutely is not.
It is Marriage… and also, it absolutely is not Marriage in the way many people think Marriage is.
Marriage is Integration.
Societal Love Point? I had no idea. But that is “The Top” we all are chasing.
I sit back and reflect.
The only aversion I had about the Societal Love Point, — which I thought was “The Top” — was that those who were insecure became threatened and attacked me because they did feel threatened. For perspective, I did have a person physically charge me at random in the streets of Manhattan for “walking too tall and proud.”
“How dare you walk so confident! How dare you!” were their words to me.
A knife was drawn by someone nearby who protected me.
I witnessed the event unfold with simple curiosity as I studied the Psychology. Not a drop of Fear in me. Only Curiosity.
We all know the Romantic Love Point. That is the feeling we all get when we’re in a relationship and we have this draw to “take it to the next level.”
The labels and titles I was gifted along this path became markers for every Milestone. I had no clear idea where I was going. I just knew I had a place I had to be. Today, I can say, “I was looking for the Societal Love Point” and I was looking for The Point of Comprehension.
People contacted me, followed, and revered me. People praised me — and some charged at me to attack me — and I took up every moment, every instance like a Nugget of Knowledge that I would integrate into my Comprehension so that I would become the Someone who I wanted to be.
Nuggets of Knowledge are the Components of the Self who can cherry pick to make up The Self.
I tried on all the “Hats.”
Ashavana, Ambassador, Advisor, and Diplomat is the current hat I am wearing to see if this one fits. A title is like a hat.
Some hats are a component of a bigger Hat. Too many people settle for the Component Hats while they crave the Integrated Hat. It is really important that you know the difference and can recognize it. The wearing of wrong Hat is the reason for so many “Mid-Life Crisis.”
When you wear a Component Hat, you have left out a huge part of who you are. Many people sense this without being able to name this.
No hat I wore felt right… until now.
Ashavana, Ambassador, Advisor, and Diplomat.
I had no idea I was Triangulating Love Points to find “The One True [Name Unknown].” And that is where I am going.
The Romantic Love Point also makes sense. A person is made up of these three pillars. Love, Self, Society. When one goes out, you fall.
If you do not have the other two stable — many people do this — and you use one of these Love Points as your Sole Support — its too much for your Partner to carry. You both will break. This is what happened to me.
There is one more Love Point. The “1” of the “3+>1.”
When I discover it, I will let you know. It is the Point that reveals itself upon The Integrated Three.
*sigh* I am in a “Rest and Reflect” moment.
I am grabbing a coffee…
*Sits back down at my desk*
I understand.
I feel the Expansion shift. I can See it and I understand.
The Esoteric Attraction/Repel and The Exoteric Attraction/Repel.
This article is part of a Series… And this right there, is why the Personal Ponderings of a Science affect the Science. Right here. I am through Stages #3 of Intuition, and I just broke through Stages #4 of Intuition. And now, the next Article.