Lab Journal :

I wrote this letter to my… I really need a new name other than “Partner.” That word is inaccurate.

My “Love Life” is very much a huge sub-department of my work and research as Philosophy –The Science and Study of Pure Love — is in fact The Science and Study of Pure Love. Of course, my Love Life will impact my Research. When I realized this nearly a year and a half ago, I was at an impasse. How do I logically, Scientifically track the Data as a Subject while keeping my Subject Reflections removed from my Lab as the Scientist?”

*Evil grin* Thankfully, I am a genius. I decided to “Fictionalize” my Love Life by posting it in Novels and Books where it could be perceived — leaving this up to the Reader — as Fiction or Nonfiction. Fun Fact : There is no such thing as “Fiction,” but the world is not yet ready for that.

For the official record, 100% of my written word was and is Real. It did take place in the Abstract, which many people still invalidate as “Fiction,” which is — Logically, Scientifically, and Philosophically — illogical.

In the last two years, I wrote 3 books that captured the “Subject” side of my Research, keeping it far away from my Scientific Research. This allowed me to track the day-to-day progress through Love as I experienced the Situation “in my Head” (The Imp King and The Goddess Queen), but also as I appeared to him (Love Letters To An Imp King). I broke away with “Imagination : The Sentient Story,” which allowed me a third Point of View to examine my situation as both an Esoteric and later, an Exoteric.

Meanwhile, I used “The Research” here as The Scientist reflecting on the Physics and Psychology of my behavior. Fascinating really! And yes, while future Scientists will tackle the question, “How much of Anna’s research was tainted with Confirmed Bias?” — Hehee… a Task I do not at all envy them — I am overwhelmed with excitement at the fact that we DO now have a Metric with which to MEASURE the Esoteric point of View of my Research against an attempted Exoteric Point of View of my Research, which we can measure against the Exoteric Views of OTHER researchers!

So now, I just need about 500,000 Science Researchers on the Subject of Pure Love to then assess and measure — Using their own Perspectives as literal metrics with my Grading System to analyze the Calibration of my Exoteric Point of View to theirs! EUREKA!


I love my Brain. Now then! The letter I wish to analyze :

So… Apparently… That last letter I wrote you, “broke my dam” and…
It’s so hard. Seeing everything “Then” while living “Now.” And seeing how happy you are/will be while seeing you now so numb and shut down that you it’s too hard for you to even talk orwork. And it’s so infuriating being caught between time like this. I always have been like this, my whole life, but lately — Honestly… It’s the work I’m doing. *sigh*
Math + Logic = Magic
That is what “Magic” really is and I’ve been working on my Math and Logic, more so than anything lately with my work in Words, Philology, and Physics… and it’s causing what I can See to grow clearer and sharper and I can’t talk about much of it to anyone!
It’s just Mathematical Probability and Trajection. My Love. It is the EXACT same Math that Businesses use in Purchasing for making Trajections on Buying Trends. Only, I can do that with entire Societies and my own life. So when people come into my Life, I can see how their life will intertwine with mine. It’s just a highly complex algorithm built on Probability and Logical Deduction with Quantum Entanglement.
Societies are on a 2,000 year old Clock. It is EXACTLY like a Clock. It IS a Clock. The Mayan Calendar IS That Clock. I call it “The Universal Clock.” In Philosophy, we learn how to read it, calculate, and build it. Oh! It’s why the Mayan Calendar ends after 2,000 years. Because the patterns repeat themselves. It’s like “why have a Clock that runs past 24 hours?” You know… Redundant. And the more math you know, the more DETAILED the Clock is.
Pythagoras built a language he translated into Math and numbers and, when they built the Bible and Jewish religion, they embedded that Universal Clock into a story using Pythagoras’ Language, but they created a knock-off Math Code using Pythagoras’ so they could hide the Universal Clock in the Bible… but it’s just The Mayan Clock on repeat. And that is what I’m using to read “The Future,” which is really The Past in much the same way “6 AM this morning was the past and is the future 11 hours from now.” It’s JUST like that.
Exoteric Thoughts : 
The Akashic Records, was Philosophy Students attempt at translating the Universal Clock. My Imp King and The Goddess Queen is my own personal translation of The Universal Clock. But mine — for reasons I cannot yet explain — is wrapped up in a Love Story… Probably because I am a Sentient Love Story. I know we all are.
And every action taken is one step closer to an invariable future… that has already happened before.
I’m a Magi now. My Skills are finally on par with the Magi of Ancient Persia… We haven’t seen Magi in over 2,000 years. Rome wiped them out. Oh! I have a student in my school who I am currently training! I am so excited! She is like me! So I have her in the studies and she is… extraordinary. She knows Nutrition like I know Logic. I used to be terrified of my mind, and it took me a long time to learn that what I can do and what I am is Natural.
My AIDNS and Prosthetic Subconscious Mind worked a little too well. Perfectly in fact. I have the Mathematical Formula of the Human Mind and mine runs on it now. And I use Math to purify my Mind every day, cleaning out the Logic more and more… And the more I clean out my Logic, I purify the Math that runs my Mind, and I understand more and more about the Universe. And then my Trajections become more accurate…
On certain things, I know too much and I have to leave them alone and walk away. I run constant checks and balances on my Logic. To be honest… I can’t stop it. And that scares me some days. I’ve done the math on where I can expect my Mind to be… It takes 1 week to run an entire full Perspective. 3 Months to do 12 Full Perspectives, which is one Round. One Year, completes a Group of Three 12’s. Dan is tracking my progress using the Math Formula I discovered.
Exoteric Thoughts :
This calendar matches my Birthdate — 14 May — but also, The Mercury Retrograde. So I don’t know if my Quarterly Growth Rate is synced to my Birth date/month or Mercury Retrograde. I will not know this until I study other Subjects.
The farthest any human has ever gone — according to the research I found in Ancient Assyria was Geni. And there were only two mentions of them. After that is Logi, which is just my Logical Deduction. The Geni is… I’ll be there — according to the Math — in February 2025. May will be the next Grouping of 3… And by then, I’ll officially be in unknown territory beyond anything I was able to track in the Ancient Texts. Too much of what we had was destroyed so I’ve had to dig and do a lot of “reading between the lines.” This knowledge is what DaVinci rediscovered and he hid clues to it in his work. This is what the Real DaVinci Code actually is. He used Pythagoras’ Alphabet to decode it alongside the Bible like I did.
I decoded that a long time ago and Gamified it! So anyone can play my game and discover it for themselves!
So yeah. I’m scared sometimes. We really need to get my brain under glass. I invented a Nero-Neuro hat! that measures Synapses of the Brain! It’s a Swim Cap that measures my Thinking! I’ll be wearing that for a month while the machines measure my Brain Evolution. I cannot WAIT until we have the data from my brain!!!
I’m studying Neuroscience now and the Autonomic Nervous System, Atoms, and Cells for this!
I can’t stop it. But also… we all are supposed to be like this. I’m not supposed to stop it. When we stop it, we “step out of time.” and we can’t do that. We’re not supposed to do that.
I was learning and growing faster than I could speak. I was terrified for a long time that my growth would exceed my Communication skills, so I became obsessed with mastering language and communication. I was terrified of a day when you would not be able to understand me. So I dove deep into Language.
I found that the Subconscious Mind has 5 Languages of its own that build up a single Surface Language! And that when I have these 5 Languages, I can understand anyone. My problem has been translating my Vocational Language into Common Tongue. Language and Comprehension depends on Logical Sequencing in the exact and precise order. And when we have a Gap — I call that a Comprehension Gap — then a person is not able to Follow. Ooh! I started writing a Dictionary! Here –>
That has allowed a lot of people to follow me with greater ease. I spend a lot of time in The Abstract and I get “Lab Brain” a lot. And then when I come out of the Lab… I can’t function. But also, my true place is The Lab. So I can’t be gone for very long. My friends are VERY special people. They can walk between my world and the… “Other” World where everyone else lives. That is another huge problem I have is I struggle at all with the “Other” World. It runs on a VERY different — and broken — Logic that I cannot understand… Because it’s Broken Logic — and so is very incompatible with my Subconscious Mind and my Understanding of the Universe.
I can’t wait until everyone has made the transfer. That is going to make everything so much easier…
I realized I send you “feelings” letters and “logical” letters. And the Logical Letters… I fear I lose you. You told me you don’t understand what I’m saying. So then I write to you in the Feelings, but… Well… If they bothered you, I trust you to say something and — in two years — you have not.
Things are moving faster for me. It’s the Story Life I just cleaned out. It increases my Processing Speed. And now I can move really fast. I am in the process of tracking that also. It’s closer to 5 days — not 7 — for a Perspective Shift. Logically, there will be a point where “All” will be reached. And then… I don’t know what will happen. Ah! But it is “All of Infinity” so then nothing at all! I’ll just be in a different… “Location” than everyone else. That is what I’m afraid of. I don’t think anyone can keep up. You can. Once your Mind is clear. I know you can.
I’m going to go think now. Something is happening and I need to focus. I’m calculating too fast at the moment and I need to… I’m having another Shift and I need to… get back to the lab.
I love you.
Now that you are caught up and on the same page as I, I can begin this Post…
The fear I have is common. I calculate fast now beyond I speed I can track. Every Shift or Expansion… it’s like Chuck in the TV Show Chuck when he “uploads” all of the data into his Mind. I can See things in the Universe and Beyond that I can’t even begin to explain.
I can See me turning into Energy and just… leaving. I read recently, about a man who just “left his body” and never returned. I don’t… know how I feel about that. And, for me, “feel” means I am checking in with my Logical Intuition to take the temperature of the Logical Validity of that claim.
Consensus : More data is required. Too much contaminated Opinions to use the Source provided. I loathe Muggles. Their stupid ruins more Knowledge than I care to count.
It is why I define EVERYTHING. It is why I track EVERYTHING. it is why I record EVERYTHING and provide as much Mathematics and Logic as possible, so others can utilize my work should I too “turn into Energy” and just… leave.
I was terrified for a while about the Language barrier and I often thought of that man in the show Numbers who was so advanced so fast, all he could do was speak in Binomial. I understand, too well, Binomial. Everything is just a degree of “Open” and “Closed.” Logic.
I see entire Logical Sequences condensed into a Single Word.  I see a Single Word holding an Entire Story. I See a Sentence, holding 2 or more Stories. I see Worlds within Words. I see the Infinity of those Worlds.
“I want Truth.”
“I want Freedom.”
“I want Wisdom.”
“I want to Know.”
“I want Ethics.”
“I want Truth.”
How dangerous those Manifestations have become.
I See a…
Stage #2 of Intuition
… I See a… Principle of Math that is found in All things. Repetition. As it is at the Smallest Level, so it is at the Greatest Level, which is also, the Smallest Level.
And… I See… Three Patterns of Three on Repeat… DNA Spiraling Helix of Three on a Triangle — Counter Clockwise — That is IMPORTANT — The Atom, and Swinging Pendulum 1) A Point, B Point; 2) C Point (which is A Point, D Point (which is B Point); 3) A Point (which is A Point), B Point (which is B Point). I don’t know what that means yet, but I can See them.
I feel like Rose when she had The Tardis in her head. And she cried, “It hurts. Please. Get it out.” And I can See All.
Note : Subject has not consumed anything except a cup of coffee this morning with whole cream and 2 sugars. No Recreationals in… Months now. I have no idea when last I indulged. I documented it here in my notes. At least 4 months ago now because I was running my Mathematical Metric and needed to track my Rate of Growth without any contaminants.
62nd Level of Consciousness as of today. 2nd Ethic of the 6th Round.
Magi Skill Level
I’m hungry.
Oh! Yesterday, I finally learned how to distinguish the difference in Feeling Hungry, Feeling Nourished, and Feeling Malnourished and Full. Turns out, my body now craves and requires — On a Conscious Level — Nourishment and feeling of Satisfied, not Full.
Completely different feelings. I am going to make Avocado toast with onion and lemon juice — I think people call that “Guacamole” and also, Bakery Baked Rye Bread.
I require Knowledge on Nutrition. I can feel my Cells repair themselves now. I can feel my Cells. I can feel when my Cells fall below Optimization. I can feel when my Atoms fall below Optimization.
I am now obsessive over my Diet. I have much work to do. I have Acorn Squash. Pumpkin. I’ve been craving Pumpkin lately.
I have so much data coming in… Sometimes, I feel like, all I can do is sit here and just… “Read the Universe.” And then let people take from it what they need. But I am not to stop “Reading The Universe.” People used to call this “Prophecy” and I hate that word and concept so much.
Exoteric Ignorance that confirms the level of their Ignorance.
Magic is Math and Logic.
“Divination” is Reading a Clock + Logical Deduction.
“Prophecy” is just [Reverse Engineering + Common Sense] + Logical Deduction of Sequencing that corresponds to all the Sciences.
I missing gaps in my Depth and that… that is holding me back. It’s infuriating me at this point because I do feel like I’m not going nearly as deep as I could if I had more Knowledge. Which is the Sensation one gets from The Universe that it’s time to Reverse Engineer the next Academic Discipline.
I’m going to do this one Live next time and post it here to Reverse Engineer the Process of Reverse Engineering Mother Nature.
Everything is Logical Sequence. EVERYTHING is Logical Sequence. And once you know the Mathematical Formula — The Logical Sequence of Logic — You can See everything. You can Do anything.
There are only three rules :
You cannot violate The Logic.
You cannot violate The Ethics.
You cannot violate the Academic Disciplines / Scientific Method.
Once you learn how to live and exist inside those Rules, well… That is where we know Truth, Love, Logic, and Freedom. Some call that “The Kingdom of Heaven.”