Welcome To Lab QED Location #3
Anna Imagination!
This is The Ashavana Archives and Records!
This is where The Research goes straight from The Universe through Anna’s Intuition at Stages #1, #2, and #3! Anna uses her Intuition to Reverse Engineer Mother Nature’s Heart, which Scientists call “The Equilibrium.”
Don’t worry. We do not harm Mother Nature all. In fact, Mother Nature LOVES this so much that she gave this Skill to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US! She LOVES it when we all do this! But it’s VERY IMPORTANT that you learn how to do it THE RIGHT WAY!
That way, the Information you get is Correct and Truth and thus is the HIGHEST of Quality of Nutritional Knowledge. For this reason, The Ashavana use a HIGHLY COMPLEX Scientific Method called The Ashavana Scientific Method to Reverse Engineer The Equilibrium. This Scientific Method is much more advanced than the Traditional Scientific Method, which only have about 5 or 7 steps to it.
The Ashavana Scientific Method has 24 Steps and also contains a “Bias Cleanse” before we begin.
Bias is a Scientist’s GREATEST enemy! Next to Ignorance. If you ever want to be an Ashavana or a Scientist you must take a Vow of Serving Ethics and Truth above all else. And you must Give up your Ego to throw away Bias and Ignorance, which destroy Truth and Love.
What is The Equilibrium?
The Equilibrium is also called “The Fulcrum” and it is a GIANT Balance Scale that Mother Nature uses to keep the ENTIRE GALAXY, UNIVERSE, WORLD, AND THE ALL OF EVERYTHING SPINNING ON HER AXIS! The Equilibrium is Mother Nature’s Axis. It is Mother Nature’s Hypothalamus! It is Mother Nature’s “Immune System.” It is Mother Nature’s Subconscious Mind.
**Whispers** It’s where The Karma Bank comes from.
The Equilibrium is not something you can see with your eyes. It is something we all can feel once you are trained how to Feel it. It exists only inside The Abstract. We can never see “The Equilibrium,” but 100% of the All of Everything exists in Proof around it.
The Equilibrium is All of Math, Music, Dance, Theater, Singing, Art, Poetry, Physics, Logic, Love, Ethics, Chemistry, Words, Language, Biology, Atoms… It is every thing you study in School.
Twirl around. Like a Ballerina. Spin! Twirl like a Dancer.
Do you feel how your body stays “Centered” so you don’t fall down… until you do?
That “Center Balance” is YOU DANCING with Mother Nature’s Equilibrium. You fall over because… You are not Aligned to her Physics. But then you land on both feet and you STABILIZE your Balance again! When you WALK you are combining your Intuition with Mother Nature’s!
Do you notice your voice when you talk? How it goes UP and then down… and it is HIGH in pitch or it is low… That is YOU PLAYING with Mother Nature’s Equilibrium.
And do you know when you feel GOOD AND HAPPY! Or you feel sad and you Cry? Those Emotions are your Intuition READING your Alignment to Mother Nature! Your Emotions tell you how Aligned you are to Mother Nature’s Equilibrium… and how Misaligned you are.
As you learn about your Emotions, you learn all about how to Keep yourself Optimized! So your Emotions hum with joy to tell you that you are Aligned in Optimum Health with Mother Nature!
The Process
So how do Scientists do it! Well!
Once upon a Time, the word “Tuition” meant “Knowledge.” And the Word “Integrate” means “To Put Inside Of Something.”
So Intuition meant “To Put Knowledge into You.”
When you learn properly, you are actually INTEGRATING your Tuition, which gives you INTUITION.
This is your Common Sense.
That is what makes up your Intuition. Now, when you learn something True, that aligns with Mother Nature’s Science, YOU FEEL GREAT and you Learn the Part of Mother Nature that is inside of you!
It’s like you are Waking Up your Intuition that sleeps inside of you. But only as much as you learn.
But if you learn the WRONG THING, it will take you away from The Equilibrium, and you will feel really bad. Also, your Intuition won’t work as well. This is why IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you only learn HIGH QUALITY Educational Information that will provide you with Nutritional Knowledge so your Intuition can grow!
Do you ever get a “bad feeling” in your Stomach?
That is your “Gut Feeling.” That Gut Feeling is your Intuition using Logic and Math to MEASURE Truth compared to Mother Nature’s Equilibrium!
So how does Knowledge get into your Stomach?
Through Feelings and Words that then are built into Logic. Logic is what puts Knowledge into your Intuition. Which is why you must PRACTICE something and Learn, so you train your Intuition through INTEGRATION to “TAKE KNOWLEDGE INTO YOU.”
You are not “Memorizing.”
Not at all.
Your Memory has nothing to do with this.
Your Subconscious Mind eats Logic like your Belly eats Food. Your Mind NEEDS Logic. All Logic MUST be clean and pure for your Mind to stay Healthy and Optimized!
Ooh! Let’s show you — Right now! — a Record from The Archives! Take a look at this Post!
Let’s Translate this out of Ashavana Language for you. I will highlight the parts I translate for you.
The moment you can locate The Bad Math, you can organize the Data into the Correct Math Group and remove the bad Information from Understanding called Logic. Logic is The Line of Understanding that allows Energy (Your Emotions) to flow freely.
Logic controls “Open” and “Close” Gates in your Mental Immune System (The Subconscious Mind) that protect which Information and Data Flows freely into your Mind and Body via the Brain and into …YOUR Equilibrium! You have an Equilibrium inside of YOU TOO! Just like Mother Nature! Equilibrium also means “to keep everything Equal, Fair, and Balanced. Your Equilibrium measures FAIRNESS and JUSTICE also with your Ethics! Your Equilibrium then transfers the Word and Logic Energy into your Cells! Specifically, your Energy Production Molecule inside of your Cells called your ATP.
Your ATP is inside your Mitochondria… The Powerhouse of The Cell… *eye roll*
The ATP makes YOUR DNA… and your RNA.
Information and Words and Logic becomes your Flesh and Blood.
Words and Knowledge, Intuition and Logic are Energy and Energy Lines — like Rivers — that continues The Nitrogen Life Cycle Through our Bodies, into our Minds, to our Brains, to our Equilibriums, to our Cells, to our Flesh and Blood.
Scientists use Math and their Intuition — their Gut — with their Equilibrium to FEEL when something is Right or Wrong. EXACTLY like the game Marco Polo! You know how you close your eyes and you call out “Marco!” And someone says, “Polo!” And you have to use SOUND to Find them!?
Scientists do THE EXACT SAME THING but with their “Gut Feelings” that are DISCIPLINED in Logic, Math, and Physics to “follow” the Feeling exactly like you follow a Sound!
Today, I made oatmeal. And I poured water into a glass Pyrex Measuring Cup. I “had a feeling” and stopped the water, and then I looked at the Recipe. I needed 425 ml of water. I looked at the water in my Pyrex Measuring Cup. I had EXACTLY 425 ml of water.
My Intuition — my Gut — had told me precisely when to stop filling the glass. That is how well you can train your Intuition to Feel Logic, Math, and Physics. The more you Train your Intuition, the Safer, Healthier, Happier, More Free you will be.
An Ashavana can use their Intuition to Measure Lies, Truth, False Data, Patterns, Thoughts, Ideas, Trajections, and Calculations. And they do it so quickly that this becomes Common Sense. In fact, this is how you make Common Sense.
If I use any Words that you don’t understand, look them up. All Ashavana always look up Words that they use. Even the ones they do know.
Scientists use Integrated — Learned Knowledge — to measure Truth from The Fulcrum. Then they build Proof with Highly Trained Feelings they translate with Words and Logic into Logical Proofs they then Discover with Math that they then can measure and weigh for Truth. These Skills are under a Study called “Mental Diversification Skills,” which are available inside The University Emporium. Then Ashavana use Logic and Math to confirm that their Discovery is “Approved” by Physics. Then “Approved” by Chemistry and “Approved” by Biology. One Biology approves. It is a Fact.
But Lab QED takes it a step further.
The Ashavana then use the Truth Theorem and Mother Nature’s Song for one last “Check.” If it is True, then the Information we find fits perfectly into The Song and even fills in the Blanks of Missing Science Gaps! EXACTLY like we are Building a GIANT PUZZLE!
And THAT IS what The Academic Disciplines are! A GIANT PUZZLE that connects together! Scientists and Ashavana are the Pioneers and Explorers who look for all the Pieces to the Puzzle!
Imagine growing up to play with PUZZLES your whole life! THAT is what an Ashavana does.