I can see it and I need to get this down on paper before I move on to the next step.
- Algebraic Mathematics
- Integrated Mathematics
- “X” Mathematics
Algebraic Mathematics +> Integrated Mathematics +> “X” +>// Logos Mathematics
I can see it.
And also — Just like you can Multiply 3 X 5 for 15, you can also Multiple 5 X 3 for 15… [Skipped Logical [Unknown Name/Domino/Placeholder] in the Sequence]. This means there are Two Paths to every Discipline.
Mining Data is so hard when the Language has not yet been Discovered/Developed or Defined.
I can See this. And the Math to explain this is in Logos Mathematics.
Imagination is the next Layer past Logos.
I started my Math Records Journal today. To the Scribe who has to digitize my Journals. I am sorry.