Lucid Dreaming And The Cognitive Core Processing of Our Logical Sequence

This was recorded by Anna Imagination on 12 October 2024.


I feel like I’m all over today and I’m really struggling.
I had this dream. It was really intense and it was cleaning out the logical sequence with narcissism, and I was looking at narcissism and relativity to the logical sequence.
And I could see how as we process and build our logical sequence, which is mandatory for our comprehension, our truth, and our love, how a narcissist goes in and contaminates that.  Now the logical sequence is equivalent to DNA. It is fuckign identical to DNA. In fact, DNA literally processes genetic data the exact same way fucking way as the cognitive core.
It is fuck extraordinary. I was I was watching a video on DNA forming yesterday with RNA, and I freaked the fuck out.
I sent Dan a message going “Dan. This is exactly what the cognitive core does. It is the exact same fucking thing.” Which now, I’m looking at the biology of the cognitive core. I literally witnessed the biology of the cognitive core. So the cognitive core is the logical processing, it’s a concept I invented to walk a person’s understanding through how logical understanding in our comprehension is built.
Now before I did this, I had no fucking idea how the DNA Chain was formed. I just found the DNA chain forming yesterday , just to give you some comparison and relativity.
So you have identity and Ethics and then you have data coming into this chamber. It’s like a filter. It *is* a filter. It is literally a logical checks and balances system. It is the same System that Science uses in Scientific Method.
So the data comes in through this Check and Balances, and when we sleep, the subconscious mind’s cognitive core processes and downloads all of the data to form logical comprehension so when we sleep, the subconscious mind literally weaves our logical comprehension… so we go through a day, we collect all the data in the understanding and while we’re conscious, we are sitting here here going check balances :  “That’s logical. That’s not logical. That’s logical. That’s not logical.”  And it’s sorting out the logical impurities and inserting them into the cognitive core so that when you go to sleep at night, the subconscious mind takes all of the received data and processes it, putting it through the logical comprehension.
This happens while we sleep.
For the last 6 months I have been able to witness the biological process of this in my lucid dreaming state… that’s right in my lucid dreaming state — at least six months ago — I was able to start witnessing this process. I wasn’t able to describe it until last night.
last night. I finally had the words to go “holy fucking shit when we sleep, we are in lucid dreaming witnessing our actual logical comprehension being woven like DNA.” So that when we wake up the next day we have accepted, woven, and created our new line of logical comprehension exactly equivalent to a DNA chain, but instead of genetic material, it is comprehension material.
Enter the narcissist.
The narcissist fucking up your subconscious mind is equivalent to a narcissist walking into your DNA chain and fucking with DNA code.
Literally. Literally. Literally.
So that when you go through the filtration process of checks and balances you’re now accepting illogical data and putting it into your code rather than rejecting it.
that’s what they’re doing. they are re-programming the part of your brain where you are going through data and trying to do checks and balances. They’re fucking with your checks and balances.
so that you accept there  idiocy and their lies — and then when you go to sleep that gets rewired in woven into your logical comprehension chain… your subconscious mind DNA.
So that when you start to form new concepts and new ideas, your checks and balances is now accepting woo woo and stupid shit and garbage so that a narcissist can access you and pretty much do whatever the fuck they want with you because it’s altered your check and balanced system inside your mind.
The Narcissist does this with attacking your identity, attacking your ethics, and attacking your Confidence.
It goes right towards your Confidence so that the nourish your doubt so that you start questioning your Self. what self-confidence and trust self faith and self trust really is
I’m gonna say those words again — self trust, self faith, and self-confidence.
What those three things really are  is your belief in your own proof.
Faith is belief in your own proof.
So that when a narcissist goes in and tries to tell you that you’re not capable of doing basic logic, you’ll doubt your own logic skills so you’ll defer to the narcissist to do the logic for you.
so the narcissist takes over with the logical programming and it rewires your logical programming so that your checks and balances is now going to be aligned and calibrated to their definitions, which are all false so that when you hear bullshit you’re going to accept the bullshit.
And then when you go to sleep at night, you’re Lucid dreaming processes and weaves all of that logical comprehension into a code.
I go in and I take that code  and I restore it to nature’s logic, removing the false checks and balances that the narcissist corrupted so that you can now make proper filtration decisions on your own, so that you can make better decisions.
And when you have a faulty logical code, you can’t filter properly and you end up making bad choices for you.
The Logical Code for the Future must never contradict the Logical Code of it’s Parent ot Predecessors. Must never contradict Its Origin — which is Love. Which is how and why People reject True and Healthy and Logical Statements, that ultimately Contradict the Origin and The Preceeding Logical Code.
So this is what I Lucid Dream every night. I witnesses this every night. Every night when I Lucid dream, I stare at this thing and ask, “What the fuck am I watching.?”
I knew what I was watching. Like I knew intuitively what I was watching, where I would just go “Wow!” and I could see my cognitive core literally at work every night when I go to sleep.
I get to watch the cognitive core. That’s how I know what it is because I’m witnessing it, but I could not get the words to say, “So when you Lucid Dream, you literally witness your cognitive core processing and building a logical code equivalent to your DNA chain.”
Fucking extraordinary! Amazing!

It is OFFICIAL I found the PROOF that the Subconscious Mind is Pure Logical Code of 1 and 0. Open or Close.

Narcissism uses Definition to change the Program of “Open to Receive Logic” and “Close to Reject Illogic” to contaminate The Logical Sequence of Comprehension. This changes the “Logic = Open” and “Illogic = Close”

They use “Love” to change the Mind’s Core Program.



And on Manifestation and DeJa Vu