Pay-It-Forward Investing

I want to take a moment to step back and say, “This is a dream come true for me…”

Alright, let’s get down to business.

I am looking for 3 Businesses to Invest in / Provide Angel Funding to… But here is the catch, you have to Pay-It-Forward x3. And the Businesses you select to Pay-It-Forward to, they have to Pay-It-Forward x3.

Thank you, Catherine Ryan Hyde. This is what your story did for me. Thank you. I dedicate this project to you. This is how your story will go on to change our world.

I am building a Pay-It-Forward Chain Reaction of Ethical Humanity across the globe. I will be doing this every year.

I will be building this into a TV Show Live during our Annual Expo June 2025, where 3 Humanitarians are chosen.

  • I want your Business Plan.
  • Your Vision must Benefit Humanity and be Self-Sustaining
  • You have to live by the 12 Ethics.
  • You must have 3 Humanitarians already selected and on board who are also ready to launch on your Pay-It-Forward Investment.
  • Your 3 Humanitarians must also Pay-It-Forward and keep the chain going. This is mandatory.

Every year in June, during The Annual Healing Garden EXPO in New York City, I choose 3 Businesses to Invest in.

At “Go-Time” the Expo will be announced with Ubuntu Fund Fest (Think Live-Aid meets Woodstock). At which time, we will announce our Quarterly Global Healing Cyber Convention and Summit, which will correspond with the Pay-It-Forward Chain Reaction across the globe.

If you want to submit your idea or Vision, or talk with Anna further about your concept, Join the discussion on WhatsApp.

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