The first lesson learned in Philosophy is “Learn to Learn.”
It is assumed that Human People just… know how to Learn. This is not at all true. While there is the Primary Function of Learning, Plato mastered and taught an additional course in Alexandria: Learn to Learn. I call this Plato’s Logic™ and, when followed, enhances Learning and allows the Student to absorb much more material at an alarming rate.
- Listen to Learn
- Open Mind
- Socratic Method
Listen to Learn
Listening to Learn is the first Law of Learning. If we are listening to comment, listening to remember, even listening to understand, then we are thinking about commenting, remembering, and comprehension and not absorbing. Listening to learn trusts the Subconscious Mind to simply take in everything and then to process information.
It requires eye contact, full attention given to the speaker, and, at most, writing down the words they speak, which, according to Neuroscience, creates learning pathways in memory to aid in Learning.
Open Mind
Open Mind simply means to listen without bias and to abandon all prejudice. The student assumes they are wrong and they simply do not know. To understand how Open Mind works, you must also understand the role that Internalization and “Checks and Balances” plays in our Logic Center of our Subconscious Mind.
Simple Rule: under no circumstance should there be any emotion at play during Open Mind. If you feel frustrating, confusion, anger, or aggression arise, those emotions are communications from your Logical Cognitive Core that the information you are absorbing is contradicting your Logic Line (AKA Personal Logic). Either You have a Logical Fallacy, You have a prejudice, or the information you are absorbing is incorrect.
The contradiction creates the emotion Cognitive Dissonance, which causes significant damage to the Cognitive Core… hence the Cognitive Emotions, frustrating, confusion, anger, or aggression, on the rise.
If you feel the emotions arise during conversation, pause. Resist the urge to interrupt. Clarity and or Logical “Checks and Balances” are then required for you to sort through your Personal logic (What you Love, What you Value, What you Believe), and assess where the Logical Fallacy is occurring. A properly trained Logician will be able to help you effectively sort out your Logical Fallacy and determine a Fear-Based “Belief” or False Premise located within your Logic Line.
Socratic Method
Socratic Method is the core tool utilized by Plato and is simply the art and skill of asking questions. Always, only ever, ask questions. Skilled teachers practice this as efficiently as the student to set an example and to give floor to the student to examine their own hypothesis.
Socratic Method is Forward Giving in Practice and is the conscious act of surrendering Authority to present Vulnerability to the Opponent who is at the disadvantage. Forgiveness, or Forward Giving, recognizes the Advantage in One’s Self and, to put the Individual with Disadvantage at ease, the Individual with Authority (AKA Advantage) assumes the lower position so as to not intimidate the Individual with Disadvantage.
The greatest of Teachers and Philosophers kneel and submit to their Students by asking questions and allowing the Student to assume the Authoritative role of Teacher while the Philosopher guides the Student with Questions.
The Student who seeks to maintain an Open Mind also asks questions.
The moment an Individual of any degree or status speaks with Statement, they close their mind to alternative Perspectives and the learning ends. The only way a Teacher can both Learn and Teach while maintaining an Open Mind is by presenting their Perspective in the Form of Socratic Method and Forgiveness.