Point of Compromised Truth And The Point of Uncompromised Truth

“Don’t Look Back” Clause


In all my prior relationships, I had a solid “Don’t Look Back” Clause, which meant “Never Walk The Same Road Twice.” You can’t possibly learn anything new from old paths. I always look ahead.

My greatest Fear — aside from waking up one day and not loving him — was that — For Him — I would Look Back, and thus, violate my own Clause.

Today, after my final decision, I felt my Logic arguing the Clause.

“Should you Look Back?”

“No. I cannot Look Back. If I close this Door, Then I would reopen it again. And if I would reopen it again, then why would I close it in the first place?

To open the door after you close it and say you will close it loses all meaning behind “The purpose of the door being closed to begin with. Thus, the door would have to stay closed once it is closed.”

“But,” the Mind argues, “is that something you will be able to commit to?”

“I love him. I have to because to not do so would be to risk harming him because it would invalidate my words and also prove to him that his behavior and choices and desires are not relevant at all.”

Thus, if I am to say that I will close the door, then the door is to stay closed, and therefore, my “Don’t Look Back” Clause holds. Even for him.

And I felt sad. I did not want it to.

And there it was. I did not want my “Don’t Look Back” Clause to apply to Him.


What does this mean?

Psychologically :

I wasn’t even able to have this conversation with my Mind until I arrived at The Point of UnCompromised Truth. And that is really important.

There is The Point of Truth, which is where Truth is. But a Person can stand anywhere in relation to The Point of Truth. I see Mathematical Groupings of all the places where one could be in relativity to The Point of Truth…

**Anna ponders this.** 

Safe is to simultaneously have Freedom, Nourishment, and Truth without threat of loss.

Unsafe is when Freedom, Nourishment, and/or Truth are threatened in any combination.

Mental Illness is when The Freedom, Nourishment, or Truth threatens Freedom, Nourishment, and/or Truth.

The Point of Uncompromised Truth is the Only Point where a Person can stand where Truth, Nourishment, and Freedom exist simultaneously and do not threaten each other.

All other Points are The Points of Compromised Truth.

The 12 Ethics and The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self is the Path one takes from any Point of Compromised Truth to get to The Point of Uncompromised Truth.

Only at The Point of Compromised Truth can The Individual — Safely — have the Honest conversation with themselves about how they feel so they can make the right decisions for them. Once The Point of Uncompromised Truth is Reached, Then — and only then — can the Individual Be Honest.

This is why people and criminals lie.