Stone Soup

“How do you make money?”

The Lesson all people must learn at The Foundational Level is How to Work Together to create Societal Wealth as a Team. And when One of you makes money, you all make Money.

But, if you Violate The 12 Ethics — Specifically  Equal Footing — Then, you never Organically Grow in Wealth.

When you Violate the 12 Ethics in a Group Project, You :

  • Beg
  • Always receive Help, but never Contribute
  • Become a Consumer
  • Take more than your share
  • Are never Nourished enough
  • Never learn how to carry your own weight

And you forever remain Impoverished at the Bottom, never to rise.

When you are a Foundational, you must learn how to Generate your own Share.

You must Learn how to Pull your own weight, Do your Share, Generate, and then Work Together.

But our Society is not set up this way. Quite the Opposite. Our Society is designed to keep up all at the Bottom. Those who desire to escape The Bottom are on their own.

And. many do succeed. But not ONE — NOT ONE — has been able to explain HOW they did it. The closest example I got was Robert Kiyosaki, and he still could not explain HOW he did. He explained WHAT he did. He wrote an entire Franchise on WHAT he did. And he even said in Rich Dad, Poor. Dad, that he did not know The Psychology behind it.

So we all still sit at the Bottom. Even me. I am STILL at the Bottom asking, “HOW do you Make Money?”

I remember the story Robert told, how he and his friend — Rich Dad’s Son — were trying to make literal Coin in driveway. The boys spent days collecting old toothpaste tubes, melting down the Nickels, and then trying to Mint Nickels.

Rich Dad laughed and said, “You’re closer to How to Make Money that most people.”

And then he told the story how he was overworked and underpaid for a summer. And how that taught him a lesson. Work Smart. Plan. Learn. Do “X.” And he did. By the time he was 25, he had done all of those things, and he learned, Invest and Build Assets. Do NOT get a job.

But that… *sighs* All I did, all of my life was Build the Asset of my Mind and, at 44 Years Old, in Knowledge, I am the Wealthiest Person in the World… And I STILL am here in Poverty.

I am isolated. I have no Spouse. I have a small Family. I have a small, strong, and loyal group of very poor Friends and all of them also have no idea how to make money. We’re all still impoverished together at the bottom.

We’ve been working together now for one year. We all have INGENIOUS ideas. Each one of us COULD change the world… But not ONE of us can generate a buck.

Why? I ask the Universe. WHAT are we doing WRONG?

We all are Ethical, refusing to make Unethical Money. We all are helping each other… and we all are STILL  impoverished, sitting at the Bottom.

Robert Kiyosaki said, “Work hard as a slave. When you get money, don’t save it, Invest it. Don’t spend it, Invest it. But I make $400 / Month, with 2 Children, 2 Cats, and myself in New York City for 2 Years. “Invest?”  I don’t eat most days.

The Problem of Mental Illness is so prevalent down at the Bottom, that most People can’t even work. I couldn’t. And when I finally could, I was too Intellectually Advanced to get a job — Any Job — anywhere. If you learn too much, you become unhireable at any job. Your Ethics, Knowledge, and your Language becomes too Incompatible with a 9 to 5.

As a result, a lot of Genius People are stuck at the Bottom, in Poverty, unable to even eat.

So how do you generate Wealth from the Bottom?

One thing I am still struggling with is that Ideas Sell. Ideas are what Sell.

But, you’re supposed to “Climb.” The problem is, I went from 0 and Mentally Ill to 100 and Tier #9 Level. Only Tier 9 can buy what I’m selling, and I am not at all where my Clients are. I cannot reach my Clients. You’re supposed to sell from Tier 2 down to Tier 1 and then you elevate to Tier 3 to sell to Tier 2.

But I’m in Tier 1, selling to Tier 9… And I can’t… I just can’t… because… If I Could and Did, then I would be. And I’m not, because I still don’t know HOW.


Is Money Organic and Natural? I ask Mother Nature?

Is Money Man-Made and Unnatural?

I feel like I have my RAS and my Perspective Scope, and I need to Focus it in and Open it Up on the Correct “X” so I can generate Money… But I have no idea what “X” is. And no one — NO ONE can tell me. Those who did do it are so Illiterate in Language Skills, that they can’t Communicate what they did. Those who do volunteer how are scamming people.

Others are Impoverished, selling “How to get rich” plans to people poorer than themselves.

What I am Selling is my Wisdom and my Voice. My Perspective so people can be Nourished, Guided in the Dark, and have the Light turned on. What I am selling is The Light and Wisdom to improve their Lives.

Let me ask you, What is the one thing that is keeping you in your Place right now? That is keeping you from standing up and saying, “I am going to Change “X” to solve my problem?”

To this, I would answer, “Knowledge.”

I don’t know What I need.

I don’t know HOW to change my Problem.

And NO ONE can give me this Answer.

NOT ONE person.

So I have to find it myself, so I can tell it to EVERYONE… but I can’t Find it. And no one can tell me where to find it. Too many people tell me the wrong thing. And I’ve been stuck here now for 2 Years. Waiting for someone to come and SAVE ME… And I Still DON’T KNOW how to get out of The Foundational Bottom.

*Sighs and Sits down in the sewage*

I’m tired of Wandering and I’m tired of Looking. I’m tired of trying to find this answer and not finding it. How do you Make Money?

What do I want to do to make Money?

I want to do nothing. I want to make money just by being myself and enjoying and savoring life. I want to make money Naturally without any effort. I just want to be Me. I don’t want to violate my Self or Sacrifice my Joy to make money. I don’t want to sell out.

I want to make money AND be Free AND be Myself doing what I love to do.

And what do you love to do?

I love to Mine Knowledge, give that knowledge to people, and help others with this Knowledge by teaching them how to do it.

**Goes back to bed… still without the answer…**

Our Surplus Resources are what we are supposed to be Pooling to trade. What would happen if we all Pooled our Surplus Resources into One Location?

I can feel the “Grip” of Fear / Not trust translated into Scarcity to Possess what little we have. We must… “Release.”

I found you.

Hoarding is your Name.

No money will Organically be made if Hoarding is present.

We must release The Hoarding.

It is what keeps us Impoverished.


8 January 2025

Yesterday, I wrote — and lost due to computer issues — the realization that it is our Surplus that we Trade and Barter. That, if you do not have Surplus, then you should not be Trading and Bartering.

Last night — while I was having those Computer issues — I realized that Sharing is the Cure to Financial Problems… but not at all in any of the way people think.

I am not building The Money Course.