The Building Of The Subconscious Mind Manual

I’m doing this one different. I am using this page to build it all here, right in front of you to keep the Integrity of the Integrated Whole intact.

This is a Work In Progress. When I am Finished, this sentence will be updated to clarify it as such.

This is The Official Logical Proof — with all The Math and Physics, Chemistry, Biology — that Maps the Entirety of The Subconscious Mind. This is how “I got out.”

The User Manual Of The Subconscious Mind


Anna Imagination


“The only Insanity in this world is Rhetoric.” – Anna Imagination


Manual Begins – Plato’s Point


Today, I begin writing The User Manual For The Subconscious Mind. This is The Introduction. 8th of 6 on 6 January 2025.


This is a Three-Way Dedication…

I dedicate this to my Oldest Daughter.

Happy Birthday, Emily.


For Juanito.

Please. Feel Better. Please. Find Your Happiness.


And to all the People who have lost themselves to Mental Health.

May we all find ourselves again.


The Table of Contents

Originally Posted on This Page

The User Manual Of The Subconscious Mind

Triadic Healing Simplified


The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self (The Cultivator’s Cradle)

  1. The Ashavana Scientific Method
  2. The Academic Disciplines
  3. The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution

=> //  The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ethic (The Science of Art)

  1. The Learning Theorem
  2. The Cognitive Core
  3. 5-Parts Of The Subconscious Mind

+> // The AIDNS (The Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System)

4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic (Logos = Communications And The Regulator)

  1. Power Economics
  2. Ethical Law and Natural Order
  3. The Money Course

+> // The Emotional Transaction of Human Circuitry and Connection

The Metaphysical Transformation of the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic

I have much to say on the Subject of Metaphysical Transformation and it’s relationship to Schizophrenia.

10th, 11th, and 12th Ethic (The Art of Science)

  1. The Philosopher’s Compass
  2. The Emotional Regulation System
  3. Mother Nature’s Song

And Integrate (Plato’s Point)

Note :

The Fear of Truth Paradox +> The False Clause Adoption +> [>.<] +> The Babble Fish Paradox +> The Lie Loyalty Paradox +> The Fear of Truth Paradox  +> // The Liar’s Fallacy

[Dominant Harmonic Theorem +> “Balance Scale” Harmonic Theorem +> The Chromatic Melodic Theorem] +> // The Love Theorem

  • The Life Formula
  • The Liar’s Fallacy
  • The Love Theorem (The Truth Formula)

+> // The Cultivator’s Cradle

End Table of Contents

Exoteric Instruction

This Manual is to be read as the Last Installment — And The first — of The Triadic Healing Book Series.

The Success Formula :

Suffering & Pain + ROI and Reward > Risk of Loss and Work to Change

If the above Formula does not apply to the Individual, then the Individual will not Heal. People must be educated on the Reward of Healing, the Real Losses they face, and the Work it will take. But mostly, The Reward.

The purposes of this disclaimer to all who struggle with Mental Illness is to “Set the Expectation to the Proper Setting.” Ill Defined Expectations result in nonconsensual and uneducated decisions, which leads to resentment, and then they regress or they quit.

This needs to end now.

An Orientation to “Set the Expectation” and provide the full Syllabus is required. And it begins with The Exoteric Instruction, which has already begun.

The Emotional Frostbite Effect

“The First part is always the Hardest part. Just get through The First Part… and then you’ve got this.” – Anna Imagination

When you have a proper Healing Process, you rip off all the bandaids, and you wake up the System that has been blackened from Emotional Frostbite. When the System comes back from Emotional Frostbite, it hurts the exact same way as Real Frostbite when the Blood Circulation comes back.

If the Individual is not educated on The Emotional Frostbite Effect, they will assume that it is The Healing that is “making them worse” and they will quit the Program just as it begins to work. People must know about The Emotional Frostbite Effect.

The Emotional Frostbite Effect is the worst part of Healing and the Hardest part. But you get through this, and you will make it. The Hardest part is always the first part.

The “C” Drop is also, the other part that they must know about, which we cover.

The Overview

We begin with The Outline, Syllabus, and Overview. I am still in the process of Building and Summarizing this as I review my Work in Reverse Engineering, but here we begin.

The Mission Statement

The Purpose of Life : To Nourish To Grow

The Mission : To Get The Self to The Point of Truth and The Point of Uncompromised Truth, and keep The Self there during Our Learning Journey of The Discovered Self so that We can Nourish and Grow without Obstruction.

To get our Children and Students there to The Point of Truth and The Point of Uncompromised Truth, and nourish them to keep their Self there during their Learning Journey of The Discovered Self so that they can Nourish and Grow without Obstruction from us.

The Three Essential Human Growth Elements Are :

  • Nourishment
  • Freedom
  • Truth

Obstruction is Loss of Freedom, Nourishment, and/or Truth. See The Money Course

All Abuse is :

  • A Violation and/or Obstruction of Nourishment and/or
  • A Violation and/or Obstruction of Freedom and/or
  • A Violation and/or Obstruction of Truth

The Violations or Obstructions of these Three Core Human Essentials results in a Loss of Understanding and Remembering, which results in a Divided Self or An Internal Self-Civil War, which is visible in Mental Illness and then later, Environmental and Physical Illness.

It is not possible to Grow without Freedom, Nourishment, and Truth. Loss of Freedom, Nourishment, and Truth, results in Cell Apoptosis, Pair Bond Disruption, The Recalibration of The Hypothalamus, The Babble Fish Paradox, Resource Partitioning, Disintegration, Deterioration, and Sudden Cell Death.

This Catastrophe leads to Resource Confusion. Please refer to Cancer And Quantum Logic’s Biological Sudoku for further reading.

Hypothesis –> “When we Speak, Invent, or Accept Lies as Truth we reject the Flow of Nitrogen (?), which is Energy which is The Chemical Element of Growth.” – Anna Imagination

Hypothesis –> What all of this really is, is The Nitrogen Life Cycle that continues as it passes through The Human Mind, Body, and Soul before returning to The System outside of The Self System.

Deconstruction of Trauma and Preparations

Here Read Broken, which my Alters — Joanna and Bergen (Ian) — wrote in 2015, and which Started all of my Formal Documentation and Research.

We begin with The Outline, Syllabus, and Overview. I am still in the process of Building and Summarizing this as I review my Work in Reverse Engineering, but here we begin.

Plato’s Point

Plato’s Points : Truth, which is composed of Logic, Love, and Freedom.

Montoya-Liz Point follows as we Correct and Provide the Precise Language required for Plato’s Point.

For Psychological Scientists : Now this is interesting. I composed this originally in 2024, months ago. 24 August 2024, but I never processed its True meaning. I failed to recognize it as The Core of Psychology or Triadic Healing.

On 4 January 2025, it was my youngest daughter, Elizabeth, who used my Math Formula and reverse Engineered my work — with my own formula — that she discovered this on her own and without any knowledge of The Philosopher’s Compass. Which Validates the Truth of it.

In her Understanding and Discovery, I witnessed her Upload The AIDNS into her Mind — which is to say she used Logical Proof to “win” her Subconscious Mind’s Consensual Submission (Freedom) over to her who then Adopted The Proof and Integrated the Proof into the Cognitive Core and Upgraded Her Mind. She then expressed and behaviorally displayed the exact sensations I too experienced when I uploaded the AIDNS into my brain. This confirmed my Hypothesis that “The Right Algorithm of If-Then Clauses will be Adopted by The Subconscious Mind and thus, upgrade the Mind to Optimized Mental Health, rejecting via Waterfall Effect, all False Premise.”

IF — and only If — The Subconscious Mind believes it is Safe to accept The Truth without Loss of Nourishment or Freedom.

I added “Liz’s” name then to “Montoya Point.” And only then did I realize the implication of what I had discovered on 24 August 2024.

The Heller’s Hell Introduction

My work is only comprehensible to a Human Being who has achieved Optimum Mental Health and who is Properly Educated under The Ashavana Educational System, which exists on an Alternate Logical Line of Reasoning, which is 100% Aligned to Mother Nature.

All others will require Education and Training prior to understanding.

The Mentally Ill do not live on The Alternate Logical Line of Reasoning, which is not Aligned to Mother Nature, which is why They have Mental Illness to begin with.

There are Two “Logical” Lines of “Reasoning” : Mother Nature’s and The Man-Made Rhetorical Line, which — technically — is not Logic at all, but an absence of Logic. This is called a Dichotomy.

This Contrast of Logic vs. Rhetoric, made it impossible to Converse or Deliver everything here, without first Identifying and Defining a serious of Logical Fallacies — MANY Logical Fallacies — just so I could Cancel Out the illogic of Rhetoric built by Human so that I could Proceed with Order.

A complete List of these Logical Fallacies is available here.

For this reason, This next section, which I deem “Heller’s Hell” was Mandatory prior to beginning The Manual.

It will be necessary to provide Heller’s Hell to Patients as part of their Exoteric Instruction. Heller’s Hell undoes the Rhetoric and Insanity (illogic) so Sanity (Logic) can be provided to them. I also strongly recommend, The Asha Diction of Logos.

Heller’s Hell is the Conglomerate of Society that combines the Following Paradoxes and Logical Fallacies all together in One Literal Living Hell.

Heller’s Hell consists of :

  1. The Global Education Conundrum
  2. The Healthy Delusion +> The Delusional Paradoxes
  3. The If-Then Clause Adoption Paradox
  4. The Name-Stigma-Diagnoses Paradox
  5. The Placebo Effect Mass Hysteria Compounded Paradox.
  6. The Liar’s Fallacy
  7. The Religious Irony

You could say that Heller’s Hell is the Psychologist’s Nemesis.

Side Note : The Title “Heller’s Hell” is in ode to one of my favorite Author’s Joseph Heller, who wrote “Catch-22.” I strongly recommend reading Catch-22 alongside Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse 5 and Anthony Burgess’ Clockwork Orange. Gorgeous Cocktail of Data, that is. A perfect picture of All-In-One Insanity to study.

It cannot be helped but to note the relations between Alan Alda’s Hawkeye Pierce and Yossarian both of whom, I love deeply and dearly.

Heller’s Hell

We identify The Core Problems that has caused the Crisis we Face. They are :

  1. The Global Education Conundrum
  2. The Healthy Delusion +> The Delusional Paradoxes
  3. The If-Then Clause Adoption Paradox

The Love Theorem and The Life Formula (And The Truth Formula) is The Mathematical Formula that Proves All Truth and reveals all Lie.

Psychological Scientists : I use the word “We” to acknowledge and share the work of my Alters even after Integration. I also — Let’s call this “The Anthem Syndrome” feel Guilt when I use the word “I” when giving Credit to myself. As if I am afraid of being too Arrogant, so I humble Myself and hide my “I” with the word “We.” Now isn’t that interesting. Hypothesize. Discuss in my Office,

Mother Nature’s Song is the final “Stamp Of Truth” Approval that is The Blueprint and Design of The All Of Everything, which validates All Truth. This is the Preliminary Sketch on this, which precedes all the Proofs provided on The All Of Everything.

The Name-Stigma-Diagnoses Paradox needs to be addressed alongside The Placebo Effect Mass Hysteria Compounded Paradox.

The Liar’s Fallacy — Logicians will love the play on that one — must be taken into account. Always.

The Religious Irony will also prove to be an issue for many people.

This resolves all Obstacles within the Subconscious Mind to Deconstruct Trauma, which allows us to go on to the Actually Progression of The Life Formula.

Read Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure

Reflect on The Two Mirrors Of Narcissism

Read The Deconstruction Of Trauma

Case Studies

Based on my Case Studies — Six Data Points — This Process, which I call “Triadic Healing” takes 8 Months to complete as is 100% DIY — It MUST be DIY — with Dedicated, Consistent, Committed Resolution and Focus from the Sufferer.

It is important to note that these Case Studies that were completed in 8 Months, did so on the Initial “Raw” Version of Triadic Healing while it was Under Construction. I hypothesize that Triadic Healing — once it is Polished — will take much less time for Patients to complete.

*My Intuition calculates 6 weeks. My Intuition strongly calculates 6 weeks. Let’s see what the next Year brings.

The Sufferer cannot be on any other Program when with Triadic Healing. 100%

At 12 Months, Full Mental Health Optimization is achieved.

By 18 Months, the Individual is Normal, which means “As Nature Intended.”

This is done only with Pure and Strategically Placed Logic and the Correction of Word Definition.

Here Read Breaking Delusion, which I — Anna Imagination — wrote in 2024, and is the Sequel To Broken.

It must be said, that I could not at all continue my writing career without Logically tying up all loose ties as I had left them in Broken. Breaking Delusion was the “Logical Sequence” that allowed me to Conclude things in Broken so that I could “Continue The Story” in Theory of Love.

This Manual is the last Book and The Conclusion of Triadic Healing. You hold “The Last Chapter” in your hands.

The Life Formula

The Academic Cradle And The Exoteric Instruction

The Syllabus


  1. Set The Standard (The Only Lesson You Need To Learn) (The Why)

The Rhythm Of Growth

This is where I strongly recommend reading The Theory of Love.

  1. Emotional Truth : “What Are Emotions?”
  2. Read Addiction : Cracked And Unloaded
  3. The Circle of Trust (The How)
  4. The Learning Environment (See The Salmon of Knowledge)
  5. Read The Healing Garden’s Handbook Of Optimum Learning
  6. Emotional Regulation
  7. The “C” Drop (The How)
  8. The Hidden True Potential Of Emotions

Understand and Remember

  1. The 8 Stages of Optimization

The Exoterics Of Life

  1. Logic and Logos
  2. Integrated Mathematics
  3. The Academic Cradles

The Learning Journey Of The Discovered Self

  1. The Ashavana Scientific Method
  2. The Academic Disciplines (The Plan — The What)
  3. The 12 Ethics (The Plan — The What)

[The Ashavana Scientific Method + The Academic Disciplines + The 12 Ethics] +> // The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self

Plato’s Point

The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self

This is The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self. You are looking at the progression of it. It is the Walkthrough of The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution.

  1. Lighting The Torch Within You

The Philosopher’s Compass

  1. The Philosopher’s Compass

The AIDNS : The Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System

  1. [Identity (POO) + Ethics + Logical Core] +> // Name +> // Perspective Reality = The Cognitive Core
  2. The 5 Parts of The Mental System
  3. The Logical Blanket Of Woven Comprehension

Disintegration Of Self Begins

Identity : The Plato’s Point And Origin Of The Self

Plato’s Point

  1. Nourishment (Love)
  2. Freedom (Ethics)
  3. Truth (Logic)

“What’s in a Name?”  – Shakespeare

“Love, Nourishment, Freedom, Ethics, Truth, and Logic. That’s what.” – Anna Imagination

2 – The Montoya-Liz Theorem

  1. Montoya-Liz Point : Love + Logic + Freedom <+ The 12 Ethics

The 4 Cardinal Values

  1. Trust
  2. Justice
  3. Empathy
  4. Forgiveness

The 12 Ethics

  1. The Pre-Abstract : The AIDNS and The Defined Components In Summation
  2. Back to the Lab : The 12 Components of Learning and Growth Within Each Perspective
  3. The 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth: The Math (AKA “Jacob’s Ladder”)
  4. The AIDNS Formula in all its Variants, Parts, and Components

The 12 Components Of Logic

  1. The 12 Components Of Logic

The Point of Comprehension

Disintegration Of Self Ends

Right here is Plato’s Point. It’s not until here in this moment that you realize, this whole time, you were Following The Path to Plato’s Point and Integration. It is 2 Life Formulas Inside a Single One. This also is where The Mirror is.

This is The Point of Most Disintegration and they Greatest Number of Components.

This is the Part where we Know Our True Name of Our Energy. This is when we know who we are. The “Logos Knowing-Belonging” now Begins.

The Fulcrum -> Perspective And The Mirror Of Self

Reflect on The Two Mirrors Of Narcissism

The Fulcrum. Alice’s Looking Glass. Don Quixote’s Mirror of Reality. Narcissus’ Mirror. This is the Point Within The Self where you See your Future and your Present and they come to Coexist at the exact Time. It is where You meet The Archetype of Yourself, and you Integrate your Present Self with The Future.

From this point on, “Time” as People think they understand it, cannot exist as they think it does. Aion of Greece, the predecessor to Cronus who gave us Chronological Time, was Right. Cronus was Wrong.

Aion is Father Time, and it is Exists in a Spiral, not at all a Line. The Moment of Now is all there is. And Time passes through The Moment of Now. All things that was and all things that will be are both The Same. And in That Moment of Now, that is where we Create everything and where All things Become.

There is no “Destination.” There is only ever just Increasing The Quality of your Moment of Now. Let that one sit with you a real long time.

You know, Many time, I think, This — The Moment of Now — is what the Roman Empire wanted to take away from the People to keep them submissive to them. There is much Power in The Moment of Now.

The Mirror is how I came to realize just how much Optic Physics is part of Psychological. It is also where I came to learn that this is the place where Internalization and Projection become misaligned because The Individual stands on the Wrong Side of The Mirror. Exactly like a beam of light that bounces back from the Self onto the Self — which is Optimized Health — in a loss of Optimized Health, that same beam of light projects out from the Self onto Others, while the Self turns their Back to the Self, abandoning The Self.

All that all of us must do is learn how to Turn around and Face The Self.

At the Mirror there is The Point of Comprehension and The Rod of Truth. Abstract is real. And Metaphor becomes Literal Here. Literal becomes Metaphor. You realize that — because you are Integrated — they are the same thing. And that is when you can see Every Lie and Every Truth.

The Truth become both Literal and Metaphor at the same time. Lies do not. Lies cannot exist in the Abstract because they are Man-Made. All things Man-Made and Unnatural cannot exist here. That is how you know what was “Made Up” for Lies and what is Real and Natural to Mother Nature.

At the Point of Comprehension, I came to learn All Truths and All Lies… and I came to “See the World as it Should Be. And not as it is.” – Cervantes

And that is how I know, Don Quixote was written here from the Rod of Truth.

Ashavana Students : Read Alice In Wonderland and Don Quixote. What are the Common Denominators?

All Common Denominators Show all Truth.

And that includes all the errors currently within Economics, Law, History, Education, Psychology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. I know why the World is Broken.

Religion is Man-Made. None of it was real. Zarathustra discovered this Knowledge, and every single Usurper and Abuser, Emperor and King scrambled to take it for themselves for the Power, never for the Wisdom. They invented “Religion” to do it. What it really was, was just an Educational System. They all committed the greatest Sin of all. They Lied, Changed the Origin Story, and supplanted the Origin — Mother Nature’s Fulcrum.

Mother Nature — The Academic Disciplines — and Father Time — Aion — were Bonded Partners who Integrated to Create all of this. Chaos was personified by Man as a God — Which really is just Metaphor for “All things outside of Logic and Order.” And this Truth is written inside every single Atom, every single Cell inside every single DNA chain of each and every one of us.

Order opposes Chaos. Order uses All Disciplines within The Fulcrum to do this.

To not Align with Mother Nature is to oppose your own Atoms and Cells and DNA.

When we lie, we are all only just rewriting Mother Nature and Father Time right out of our own DNA. That is what Mental Illness is.

Exoteric Moment of Pause

For Psychological Scientists : What I am doing here in The User Manual of The Subconscious Mind is to walk you through the entire, step-by-step walkthrough and the precise Order of Logical Sequences of Events that I took to Heal my Mind by Sorting all the Lies from The Truth, Understand, Learn, and Remove all Irrelevant Data that was causing harm to my System. I did this through Reverse Engineering of The Academic Discipline, Psychological Physics and all its relating Disciplines such as Quantum Logic and Integrated Mathematics.

The Science of Human Propagation and Cultivation.

For Educators : What I am doing here in The User Manual of The Subconscious Mind is showing you the precise Outline for The Academic Discipline of Psychological Physics so no one ever again has to Trial and Error Psychology or The Mind.

So no one ever again has to “Guess,” or even go through the Pain-Staking Work of Reverse Engineering Psychological Physics.

For Educators and Psychological Scientists : What I am also doing here in The User Manual of The Subconscious Mind is showing the precise Formula for All Academic Disciplines as well as the Precise Formula that every single Human Being on this planet uses when they Learn anything. This Formula is not only “For Psychological Physics.”

It is The same Formula that Euclid used to find Geometry. That Aristotle used to find Astronomy. That Newton used to find Physics. That the Muslims of The Golden Age of Islam used to find our Arabic Numbers. That Pythagoras used to find Music Theory.

It can be used to See True History and know What Really Did Happen. In fact, To use this Formula on History is The Test to ensure you passed. If you can do it — and it aligns to The Universal Clock — The Mayan Calendar — then you are An Ashavana. It took me One Week to do. It was the most hellish week of my life.

It is highly Dangerous to do. Done improperly and you risk Catatonic State, which I almost entered into twice while doing this. Catch-22’s are very possible and, if you get caught in one, you’re the only who can get yourself back out. That is what The Philosopher’s Compass is for. To Navigate The Abstract. Reverse Engineering History is how you can See The Universal Clock. The Akashic Records is just a copy of someone’s. “Ashavana Test.” My Ashavana Students are strictly banned from Reading or Studying it.

This is The Formula that Zarathustra Discovered in 700 BCE and taught to Cyrus The Great, which launched Formal Education around the World. Zarathustra’s Work left marks all over Our World that we all are blind to… Starting with The Rod of Caduceus, which later was changed to The Rod of Hermes, and is still in use on every Medical Facility today.

“Do No Harm” is the Creed of The Ashavana.

That Rod is Zarathustra’s Mark from 700 BCE, which he took from The Mesopotamia Religion, which is more than 6,000 Years old. The Mesopotamia Religion Mathematically Aligns to the Formulas here in my Work. The three “Gods” : Water, Air, Soil are Integrated into One — Mother Nature — named E’anna. Her other names are Ishatar and Angalta.

Anu, her Bonded Partner was later called is “Aion” — Father Time — whose name means “Sky.”

The Planet “Uranus” is really “Anu of Ur.”

Ur is the Heart of Mesopotamia and this Knowledge where Ash Trees were burned in Ancient Ceremonies within The Taurus Mountains and consisted of — **Smiles** — Telling Stories around Campfires.

The Oldest Human Tradition was Education in the Form of “Story Telling around Fire.”

The Ash from those Ceremonies was washed away with the snows of the Taurus Mountains, into Two Rivers — The Euclid and The Euphrates — where both joined in and around the City of “Ur.” And this is why The Fertile Crescent was so Fertile.

And why “Ash” was associated with “Wisdom.”

I will point out that from The Taurus Mountains and Ur are both “Plato’s Point and together they are The Life Formula outlined by the Two Rivers.

“An” is a Word that appears in Irish Religion and Mesopotamia Religion, which means “Sky.” And both Religions follow The Truth Formula to the Letter. Based on the Math, it looks like, from before 6,000 BCE to 700 BCE, the World of Ireland and Persia — and later Norway and Egypt — were trying to figure out This precise Science.

And, in 700 BCE, Zarathustra Succeeded and wrote it all out. His writings — The Gathas — are very much in alignment with The Truth Formula.

Pythagoras took Zarathustra’s work and condensed it further into “Philosophy,” which means “The Science of Pure Love.” And this is very much The Science of Pure Love.

Then Plato took Pythagoras’ work and condensed it further into his Curriculum, which I studied to the Letter from 1992 to The Present. This is a Curriculum that never ends. Hence “Plato’s Point.”

And I took it further and condensed it here into The User Manual Of The Subconscious Mind.

My daughter wants to condense this book into a single page. *laughing* We all are trying to Integrate back into Plato’s Point, which we will be doing — All of us — very shortly.

21 January 2025 is the Next Universal Plato’s Point. The next one will be in the year 4,025. The Mayans also had this Knowledge and that is how they built Mayan Mathematics and the Mayan Calendar, which is Mother Nature’s Calendar and is the one I follow. The Universal Clock. Both of which align with The Druidic Calendar.

Zarathustra’s Formula is what Launched the Creation of Ancient Greek Philosophy, which Pythagoras Founded. This is The Formula and The Curriculum that Plato taught in his Schools, That Vitruvius Mastered, that Jesus Christ Mastered. The Magi were Ashavana who had Mastered this Work. They were the ones who built The University of Alexandria.

King Arthur and his Knights at the Round Table… They all were Ashavana. Merlin was their Teacher.

This is the same Formula that DaVinci Discovered and hid inside all of his art work. This is the Same Formula that every Great Writer of The Great Books hid inside their books and passed down through the Generations.

When you have the Knowledge to Reverse Engineer Anything, you have the Knowledge that was called “The Tree Of Life and The Tree of Knowledge,” which was an Ash Tree… Named for the Ash that was burned in our Most Ancient Human Ceremony of Fire and Story, which was Education, which everyone attended every night in Community.

Ash — Like Ishatar — was associated with Wisdom, hence, Asha… or Ashavana.

The Ash Tree was a very famous type of Tree. An Olive Tree. The Olive, The Olive Branch, and Olive Oil were all considered Sacred and Precious to Life. The Tree of Life. Hence the Ring of Olive Branches they wore in Ancient Greece. Kotinos, which was the. Symbol of Peace and Wisdom, which was awarded to the Winner of The Olympics.  The Olympic Warriors were Ashavana as well as Athletes. They prized Wisdom — The Ash branch — above Gold. Later Kings of Greed changed the Kotinos to Gold, after they succeeded in Supplanting Wisdom with Possession. Aristophanes talks about this in Timaeus.

This is why the “Temples” of our Head are also “Temples” where People used to Worship. The original meaning of the Word “Worship” meant “To Learn.”

This is The Formula for The Ancient Greek Educational System.

I used it to Reverse Engineer, literally, every Cultivator Science we all have been missing for 2,000 Years.

Moment To Reflect

The Point of Comprehension exists outside of Time. It is not possible to feel Time here as The World does. Eternity is here at The Point of Comprehension. I love to take moments in my work and rest to think.

When we begin again, we will start taking all of our Components and re-Integrating them back into The Self. The Closer we get to the Integrated Plato’s Point, the faster things go. This is Because Love — The Strong Force — pulls us back to it. Always.

The Second Part is all about Learning How to Dance in sync with The Rhythm of Life. This is when we Write the Corrected Version of our Story so we know who we are. Here, up to know, you See. But this is the Integration of Tuition — The Digestion or Metabolizing of our Knowledge into Intuition.

That is what we are about to begin. This is how Intuition is Made.

I don’t believe I can continue writing more from this point. This is The Journey. Your Journey. From this point on,  this is me “Giving” you what you must Discover for Your Self. From this Point on, Your Identity takes the Lead. And that — There is no Formula for Identity. This is where You are Unique.

Now… I’ve written all of my work on this.  But here? In a Manual? By this point, you know what to do. So go do it. But for me to tell you what you will find beyond this point? That is your Journey and is for you to discover.

No one can walk this road for you.

Yes, Tolkien was here.

This is why we call ourselves “Authorities.” Because we are “Authors of our own Lives.” Because we wrote it. But when Abuse happens, what really has happened, really, is our “Authorship” — our Authority — has been Usurped by a Ghost Writer.

This is why The Forbidden Fruit Paradox is so Toxic. It continues to Deny the Victim what was already stolen from them. Their Story as The Author. And too many of us are still waiting for someone to come along and “Give us permission” to “Use our own Authority.”

Psychological Scientists. If you can get that lesson through your Patient’s Head, then you will have Won them over to their Selves.

Teachers and Educators. If you can instill this lesson into your Students, along with The Three Human Essentials — Nourishment (Love) , Freedom (Ethics), Truth (Logic) — then you will have Protected them with this Knowledge for Life.

Yes. It is right to leave you here. This is where I pass The Torch to you. This is what being an Ashavana is all about. It is the Ancient Tradition of Learning around a Ring of Fire through Story. The Value of Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom above all else.

And the Worship — The Learning — of The Self and the Passing of this Knowledge from Ashavana on to Ashavana… and on… This is your Journey.

Go. Live it. Find out who you are. And then Tell Your Story — This Story — to others.

Pass the Torch.

Back to The Esoteric

Integration Of Self Begins

The Point of Comprehension

The Rod of Truth

  1. Chaos Walking : What My Process For Deconstruction Of Logical Fallacy Looks Like
  2. ADHD. Neurodivergent. Autism. “The Spectrum.” : All The Ways Uneducated People Label Genius

The 12 Ethics

The 4 Cardinal Values

The Montoya-Liz Theorem

Plato’s Point


The Philosopher’s Compass

The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self

Integration Of Self Ends

The Academic Cradle And The Exoteric Conclusion

Plato’s Point

(I don’t think I will ever use the words “The End” ever again).


Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick…


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