The Characteristics Of Quality

All we hear about these days is “The Flow.” And too few people actually know what that means.


“Flow” is the Ease in which Words and Comprehension can Move on your Logical Track. Words carry Energy (Emotions) and is one way of how Energy is transferred from Point A to Point B.


Logical Fallacies (Lies) Obstructs The Track so your Words (And Energy) can’t Transfer.


Logic is dependent upon Quality. If you have poor or low Standards, your Quality will be low. Low Quality results in Obstructed Logic, which prevents Flow of Energy.


But the Logical Fabric of Comprehension is what holds up your Reality, Perspective, Comprehension, and Sanity. You Lie, allow Poor Quality of Information in, use the wrong words, and your Logical Fabric weakens.


But Logical Fabric — just like DNA — is built as you live. And every bit of Data “grows” your Logical Fabric. A Reality and Sanity can only be sustained on the Strength and Integrity of The Logic in which is Depends.


This is why you should not lie.


This is why you really need to know how to determine Bad Information from True and Logical Information.


Digging out Bad Logic is tedious work and requires substantial knowledge in Logic. from 21 January 2025 to 24 January 2025, all I have been doing is removing “The Rat’s Nest” of Bad Logic from 1984 to 1988. We are talking a Snarl of 6 Logical Fallacies planted by abusive Religion and Bad Teachers.


But… The moment I located the core of the 6 Logical Fallacies compounded into One (There were actually 3 Cores), it shook out the “Logical Knot” and I’ve been thinking CLEAR since… which brings me to you and this course.


What resulted over the last four days was a series of events that amplified each event — this is how Logic Works. Everything is Pre-requisitional.


The first thing I noticed was that I was thinking “In 2D” for my Business instead of “3D.” This is common.


“2D” Thinking is Black and White or Binomial Thinking and it is one step away from “1D” Thinking, which is Racism and Prejudice.


3D Thinking is how Mother Nature does EVERYTHING. But if you’re not “3D” Thinking, then you’re not Aligned to Mother Nature.


Mother Nature only have 4 Patterns. She works in 3, 5, 7, or 12, which is actually only 3 Patterns of 5, 7, and 12, which she integrates into the 4th Pattern, which is The One Pattern.


If you see “2,” then you are not working on a Full Equation. Ever.


Mother Nature runs on Input + Output + Regulator.


The reason why Rich people are rich is because they have a Regulator “installed” in their Business Models. Poor People do not.


Rich People think in terms of Win-Win-Win.

Poor People think in terms of Win-Win.


Rich People think in “3D.”

Poor People think in “2D” and “1D.”


Poor People think only of Business and Patron.


Rich People think Business, Patron, Regulator.


The Regulator is either an Investment or a Non-Profit. Insurance Companies always invest in Real Estate. It’s how they can afford the Payouts. It’s also why it takes so long to “get money back” from Insurance Companies. They have to Liquidate their funds to move money.


I had climbed my way to the top via Networking in only three months. But once I got here, I was dead in the water. I had no idea what to do or what I was selling. I had an idea. I was trying to recruit for my idea. I couldn’t see past “The Rat’s Nest” in my head to get Words in my head past the Block.


It was the words “You’ve got to be seen. You’ve got to get known.” that changed everything. Seen and Known are not the same thing as “Sell” or “get on Social Media.”


Wrong Words obstruct Logic.


Words Move your Perspective Scope. And if you are not educated on how Words move Perspective Scopes, your Scope is going to be in all the wrong places for you to see the situation clearly.


Meanwhile, I’m working my way through my colleagues Business Course. It’s clearing a lot of the “junk” out from my “Rat’s Nest Logic” while I’m pulling on strands to detangle the Logic.


I get to this one point this morning where I realize… Quality is The Milestones in the Correct Order that Secure and Preserve The Integrity of The Logical Fabric of Comprehension.


And there is currently no Quality Control on Education, Teaching, or Psychology. Which are the very things that Weave Logical Fabrics in Minds.


So then I began analyzing what Milestones are mandatory. Now… once you have the Common Denominators of 4 Academic Disciplines, at least, you can analyze that data and know this answer. I have the Common Denominators of All The Academic Disciplines.


So I began weaving the Standard for the Quality Control and that is when I began to see This Course — This Lesson right here. I wrote this post. If your Business is only doing One Thing, then you are doing it wrong.


You have to have a Business that does at least three things. Everything in a business MUST be Multi-Purpose. A Pot in a Kitchen can do anything. But a Popcorn Popper can only do one thing. Which would you rather have in your Kitchen?


A lot of people only have A Popcorn Popper, which limits them and closes their RAS, and then they can’t move or think. They have Logicized themselves into a Corner. It’s called a Stalemate.


Once you hit Stalemate, you aren’t moving.


Stalemate means you have lost.


What we always want is to keep our Mind open and moving. We want to keep our Mind sharp and Learning, because the moment it isn’t Learning, it is Sleeping. And waking up a Mind requires The Radically Different.


The Standard for The Quality Control is Full Integrity of The Logical Fabric of Comprehension.


The Milestones of The Fabric in the Right Order and with the Highest Standard of Delivery to ensure the Passing of The Understanding from One person (The Teacher) to the Next (The Student).


The “Why” of every Milestone. For it is the Why of Every Milestone that explains the Purpose of the Milestone and how it weaves the Fabric from each Milestone to The Next.


A “Check” to ensure that any Existing Milestones are either Correct or are Corrected.


Absolutely no Unnecessary Data present that could interfere with The Milestones.


Absolutely no False Data being used as Milestones.


There are two types of Data : Common Sense and Milestones. When Common Sense is laid down in place of Milestones, the Fabric of Logic does not Weave Naturally.


Milestone Data is “Knowledge Nuggets” of The Discipline.


A Safe Learning Environment that nourishes the Balance of The Three Natural Positions of the Mind for Optimized Health. This allows the Freedom for the Mind to Nourish itself set to its own Frequency.


The Quality is all about Defining and Preserving The Truth.

The Environment is all about Defining and Preserving The Freedom.


Only then can Nourishment — Love and Knowledge — be Delivered.


Education is only ever about Truth and Freedom so Love and reach us. This is what every single person is Building in their Business. The Obstruction of these three Things is the cause of Mental Illness.


This is what every single one of us is doing when we connect and when we socialize. This is what every Parent and every Teacher, every Religious Leader, and every Psychologist is trying to do.


The Subconscious Mind “eats” Truth and Freedom for Nourishment. Anything less than The Highest Standard of Pure Truth and Pure Freedom is Poison to the Mind.