The Characteristics of The Uneducated or Lower Perspectives

The Characteristics of The Uneducated or Lower Perspectives (1 to 4):

  1. Unethical
  2. Mentally Ill
  3. No Awareness of Psychological Physics
  4. Incapable of Feeling Frequency
  5. Poor or No Quality Standard
  6. Inability to Regulate or Self-Manage
  7. Parrot and Copy Behavior
  8. Argumentative / Conflict Focus with Violence
  9. “I have to be Aggressively Violent as often as possible to prove to myself that I can Protect Myself!”
  10. Mean or Abusive
  11. No Value for Learning or Education
  12. Simple and Single Chaos Thinking without Logical Order
  13. Undisciplined Use of Mental Mathematics without Conscious Awareness
  14. May lie or Lies in Defense, and can not tell Truth from Lie.

The Characteristics of The Semi-Educated or Mid-Perspectives (4 to 6):

  1. Ethical, but Vengeful and “Justice” Driven
  2. Mentally Ill
  3. Awareness of their Psychological Physics
  4. Capable of Feeling Frequency
  5. Existential Crisis
  6. An Increase or Desire to Increase Quality Standard
  7. Attempt to Regulate or Self-Manage
  8. Apprentice Levels of Author and Independent Thinking Behavior with Copy and Parrot Behavior
  9. Argumentative / Conflict Focus without Violence
  10. “I have to be Aggressively Assertive to Protect Myself!”
  11. Insecure and Hyper-Defensensive / Aggression
  12. Little to No Quality Value for Learning or Education
  13. Complex and Multi-Faceted Chaos Thinking without Logical Order
  14. Undisciplined Use of Mental Mathematics without Conscious Awareness
  15. Attempts to stop lying, but may still lie in Defense, and can not tell Truth from Lie.

The Characteristics of The Ethically Educated or Highest Perspectives (36th+):

  1. Ethical, No Judgment of Others and “Forgiveness” Based
  2. Optimized Mental Health
  3. Awareness and Mastered Discipline of their Psychological Physics
  4. Capable of Feeling Frequency and Mastered Discipline of their Frequency
  5. Existential Crisis is over and The Self is Known
  6. They have achieved a High Quality Standard of Living
  7. Mastered Discipline to Regulate or Self-Manage
  8. Mastered Levels of Author and Independent Thinking Behavior
  9. Highly Selective about who they will engage with. Refusal to Engage in Conflict, Rhetoric, or Argument
  10. Secure in The Self and Mastered Discipline in Subjective vs. Objective Point of View
  11. “I have a Mastered Discipline over who I allow access to me so I don’t have to Assert and Protect Myself.”
  12. Highest Quality Value for Learning or Education
  13. Complex and Multi-Faceted Logical Thinking with Logical Order
  14. Disciplined Mastery of Mental Mathematics with Conscious Awareness
  15. Never lies and can See Truth.