All of my research is wrapping up this week. I have had one project after another wrap up and conclude. It’s moving fast now. It’s all coming together.
If my Pattern of Ethics follows as before, These last few Ethical Perspectives will go so fast, it will Integrate on a Whole in an instant. It only happens on “3” though. 36th and again on 72. I can feel it and the Math is speeding up just as it did on 36th.
I did this whole study on Consumption and The Cheater’s Curse.
The Morale of the Story?
Don’t Cheat. Do The Work. Learn.
Here is The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.
You have to Learn or you’ll get Consumption.
If you cheat, you’ll get Consumption.
People who don’t want to learn, cheat. Every time.
A new mineral has been discovered, and all the Cheaters ran for it.
I had just published an article about “Here is The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.
You have to Learn or you’ll get Consumption.
If you cheat, you’ll get Consumption.”
They all praised it and then they all said, “We don’t have to do that! We can just do this!”
That is The Cheater’s Trap.
There is no Supplement for Learning.
You’ll take the Supplement. You won’t do the work. And then the Supplement won’t work after awhile. I’ll writ another article and say, “Here is The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.
You have to Learn or you’ll get Consumption.
If you cheat, you’ll get Consumption.”
The morale of the Story is Don’t Cheat. Learn.
But the Paradox — The Cheater’s Paradox — is that you will keep Cheating to Avoid Learning, because you haven’t Learned enough to realize you are Cheating to Avoid Learning. So you Cheat to Avoid Learning. But the Paradox — The Cheater’s Paradox — is that you will keep Cheating to Avoid Learning, because you haven’t Learned enough to realize you are Cheating to Avoid Learning. So you Cheat to Avoid Learning. But the Paradox — The Cheater’s Paradox — is that you will keep Cheating to Avoid Learning, because you haven’t Learned enough to realize you are Cheating to Avoid Learning.
And that is The Cheater’s Paradox.
It is why you should never — NEVER — Cheat.