The Circle of Trust
During my Healing and, even today, I use “The Circle of Trust” as both a teaching tool and for my
The Logical Law of Emotional Physics and Psychology
Logical Laws of Psychology 1- Emotions are Logical Conclusions formed from the Premise formed within one’s Love, Value, and Beliefs
The 7-Part Mental System
The Subconscious Mind and the Conscious Mind is made up of 7 Parts: 1 – Identity 2 – Conscious Awareness
The Logic of Perspective Psychology
Inductive Reasoning is the Logical Argument that uses facts that are determined by repeated observations. “A patient breaks down crying
The Pendulum Paradigm™
You cannot have a comfortable life on the outside and a comfortable life on the inside until you accept and
The Four Sources of Emotions
Identity Joy, Excitement, Adventure, Elation Calm Cognitive Core Stages of Change, Shock and Awe/Negotiation/ Grief = Loss, Sad (is healthy)
The Five Stages of Healing
The Five Stages of Healing “Grow On” Grow On… These words did so much to change my Mindset from
There Is Hope
The most destructive societal belief we have in today’s mindset is this: That there is no one answer to healing.
The Cognitive Core
17 December 2024 – Looking Back 3rd Ethic of The 6th Round Wow. It feels forever ago that I
The Stages of Perspective Change
“The Stages of Grief” always bothered me. “Why grief?” I always asked. Grief is only one Emotional Pathway within the
Authority + Power + Control
Authority, Power, and Control. This is where Healing starts. This is where Healthy Parenting and Compassionate Teaching begins. 100% of