I had just finished writing from The Manual For The Subconscious Mind : Social Awkward Relief :
The 4th Ethic
Discernment. The Ability to logically assess and evaluate if someone should be Connected to you and thus Integrated with your Story.
In the end, who we choose to Integrate our Stories with, is 100% on the Self. For we choose to meet someone at Equal Footing and allow them engagement. We choose to allow them time and access enough to Force a False and Nonconsensual Connection, and we choose to Prematurely Integrate our Story with a Liar and/or Cheater. Once we pass The Point Of Chosen Ignorance, only our Negligence is to blame.
The 5th Ethic and the 4th Ethic, when combined, are The Justice Restoration Learning Ethics for Restoring The Balance To The Self.
When I finally understood that all The 12 Ethics are The Learning Types. I wrote them out thus :
1, 2, 3 → Foundation Learning Ethics
4, 5, 6 → Justice Restoration Learning Ethics
7, 8, 9 → Social Connection Learning Ethics
10, 11, 12 → Navigational Integrated Learning Ethics
I had a Connection Dissever tonight and I lost a Story I had started to Write with someone. Is that what Grief really is? The Grief of Story? It sure feels like it. The grief of story.
I’m tired, but I do have to go back on this and reflect.