I’ve switched myself over, 100% to my Book “Into The Abstract.”
It’s the only way I can continue to document everything I need to document in a place that can hold it. An Abstract Environment.
Into The Abstract is a Non-Fiction in the style of Fiction. It is an All-Genre. The posts here, going forward, are excerpts from Into The Abstract.
The Chapter will be referenced as I post. But be aware, it will be out of context.
Today, I am covering “The Global Immune System”
This is Chapter #9 of “Into The Abstract.” Into The Abstract is only available to read to Anna’s Playground Members.
People think “You have to have Evil with Good to have Balance.”
This is like saying “You have to have Disease with Health to be Healthy.”
Evil is the Global System’s Disease.
We have an Immune System to eradicate the Disease. Mother Nature has that Naturally built into the System, just like we do.
The Evil of the World is the Disease – or more accurately, The Symptom of the Disease.
The “Good” of the World is the Symptom of Healthy.
Our Immune System is the Problem (This is what I build and work on. This is all I do).
The “Balance” that we need is our Indulgence on all of the things we don’t want that we have to learn to want. The “Balance” is our Regulated Growth System, which is nourished by our Immune System.
Global Society – All Society – works the exact same way.
No one wants Disease. “The Balance” is the Input and Output of The System.
The Regulator is the Fulcrum that defines the Center so we can have our Balance.
We all live for one Mission. To Nourish the Equilibrium, which is Growing.
Karma is the “fail safe” that Mother Nature has in place to protect the Equilibrium. If you fail to Nourish to Grow to Nourish the Equilibrium, you get Consumption. Get enough Consumption and you “switch” from a “White Blood Cell” over to a “Cancer Cell.”
Consumption is designed to “remove” the Individual from the System to protect the System. If you don’t Nourish the Equilibrium, Mother Nature will eradicate you.
The Immune System works to “keep the number of offending individuals to a minimum.”
But our Immune System was taken out 2,000 years ago. Which is why we have so many Unethical People today. Unethical People are in the process of “being Eradicated.”
When the Immune System is in place, the number of Offending people is very low, and the Equilibrium is Nourished, which keeps everyone safe and healthy.
Balanced Equilibrium in a 100% healthy Environment is ideal.
An Unbalanced Equilibrium in a 50% or less healthy Environment adjusts the Balance of the Equilibrium.
That causes the System to “get re-wired” for recalibration, which defines a False Center and Nourishes the Disease, Spreading the Disease at an accelerated rate ← (We are here)
Once the Immune System is put back, this will correct the Calibration and we will move back to 100% Healthy Environment.
In a Healthy Environment where we have 100% Health and Balanced Equilibrium, an Algorithm becomes visible.
Imagine 12 Green People – Let’s call these Persons “Power Points” – spaced around the planet. Now, these Green People represent “100% Optimized Health.”
Imagine rings – 12 rings – around each of these 12 People, like “targets” and each “ring” represents a degree. There are 12 Degrees. The Power Point people are “12.”
Each one of us fits into each one of these Rings. And each one of us has a Dream. In a 100% Healthy Environment, we all are realizing our Dream, Studying and Learning to have our Dream, or are Building our Dreams.
Our Dreams are our working together to Nourish The Equilibrium, which Nourishes each other, which Nourishes our Selves.
That is why we have Dreams. They are the “Task” you have in your life to Nourish the Equilibrium, and thus, Others, and thus, your Self.
Now, the people who are 12 degrees away from the Power People are “1” and they are the ones who need Love and Nourishment from Parents and Community so they can grow into “2.”
3 Nourishes 2. 4 Nourishes 3. 5 Nourishes 4… You get the idea. Only… “3” cannot Nourish anyone. Nor can “4.” They are too “unripe” or “young” or “immature” to Nourish anyone. Nourishment of another cannot take place until “12.”
But too many people are not at “12.”
“12” knows how to Nourish themselves and others. We have almost no “12’s” right now.
All children under 5 are between “1” and “4.” For perspective, a 4 Year old is at 4. 3 Year olds are at 3 and 2 year olds are at 2.
The majority of the adults are at “4.” This is called “Ethical Maturity” and it measures our Ethical IQ and the Mental Growth Rate of our Subconscious Mind.
This is the problem. Too many people who should be at “6” can’t get there. And people at “3” are abandoned. People at “2” are trapped. People at “1” are forgotten.
The majority of Teachers are at 2.
The majority of Parents are at 2 and 3.
Successful Business Owners are at 5.
Politicians are usually at 3.
All Corrupt people are at 3.
With a working Immune System, the people Nourish each other to grow into the next level. Working properly, the Growth of people Move. Like water in a River. I call this “The Waters of Math.”
You can see how “4” is overcrowded.
Which brings up the question, “What is going on at “4” that so many people are stuck there?”
The answer is in “1” and “2.” and “3” and the Immune System.
The “stuck 4’s” are the people who “skipped” 1, 2, and 3. This is called “Logical Violation” and Mother Nature is violent and aggressive about Logical Violations. 100% of everyone who commits a Logical Violation gets Consumption. This is to protect The Equilibrium and the System.
You cannot grow on from 4 if you do not have 1, 2, and 3. The furthest anyone can get is 6, but this is so “weak” a 6, that it is really a “2” that mimics “6” and it has side effects.
Some people get to “5” and then get stuck, but these are people who only learned “2” … maybe “2 and 3.” But never “1.” Which is why they are stuck.
A person can get stuck for decades. Many people never get “unstuck.” The number is never the problem. The problem is “Are you Mentally growing at the same Frequency as Mother Nature’s Growth Rate?”
More than 99.9% of the Population are not.
This “Congestion” has caused Disease due to a lack of “Movement” and “Stagnation,” which has resulted in “Disease,” which has now thrown off the Calibration and dropped the Health of the Global System.
And the “Disease” is highly contagious and highly lethal, which is why so many people are “stuck.”
With the restored Immune System, we should see significant improvement in short order.