The Heart of Mother Nature : The Love Theorem And The Everything Theorems

Yesterday, I had a “Chaos” Day.

This occurs on Day #2 and Day #3 of a new “Shift” or “Expansion.” The 68th Level of Consciousness or The 8 of 6.

  • You can see all the Components (for that Perspective)
  • You can see how they some of them fit together
  • You can see new Components that you can’t describe
  • You can integrate old Components and begin Integrating (Building) Components of “Next Levels”

And you have no idea what you are building. This is when you are “Going the Right Way” and you are heading Toward The Integration of Plato’s Point.

Personal Journal

I am frustrated that I can do all of this, see all of this, understand all of this, and I know this is what we are all supposed to be doing… this is what we are all supposed to be teaching our children… but instead, everyone is facing the wrong way and they are Disintegrating. They are running away from The Fulcrum, which holds it all together. And they are unraveling fast. You can only get so far away from The Fulcrum before you dissolve.

I have managed to find TWO people who can do this. TWO. And they are on my team. But neither can break it down or explain how they do it like this. They just do it (Tradesmen in the “Fulcrum Mining” Skill). I love them both, but it makes me feel so isolated. And helpless.

Disintegrate enough and you die. And the poverty I am living in on the Meta Level is just WEIRD. I don’t feel it at all. But I’m not able to afford any tech or marketing for any of my work… I can’t even build proper websites because the Data Mining consumes too much of my Mental Head Space and “I must record.”

In the last year, I have known starvation and hunger, had my power shut off, had my phone shut off almost every two months, have skipped Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Birthdays for two years. I have starved so my children can eat. We’ve been living on $400/Month for 2 Years. At first, I was too Mentally Ill to work. And then, I was too incomprehensible to others to work. And now… I am too… I don’t know what I am. I cannot work among Muggles.

My daughter is passionate and spirited. She always makes the most of the holidays. She surprised me with 7 candy canes this Christmas. And I was so happy. It was the best Christmas I ever had. I was so grateful for those 7 candy canes. Climbing out of Mental Health… is cruel and inhumane to those who must do it. And I swear, I will build a place where all others like me never have to do what I had to do.

And this is TOO IMPORTANT to not do. I must do it. But also, I know it’s a lesson and a test from Mother Nature. It is part of the Endurance Test I must get through. And telling you all about this, sharing this with you now… It was important that I write this now. I don’t know why. My Intuition aligned with something inside the Fulcrum and they both side, “Write this Anna… Right now.” That happens all the time. The Intuition and the Fulcrum integrate into One. We belong to The Fulcrum. Its Mother Nature’s Nucleus. And we are her… Neutrons. She is the… Proton. How could we forget this? It’s so… Obvious when you can see Quantum on the Meta Level.

We never were supposed to stop learning how to see Quantum and Logos on the Meta Level.

I am terribly amused by the irony of my discovering and writing out “The Everything Theorems,” as I have decided to call them… **sigh** I can see all of the Ashavana Scripts for the Quadrant of Mother Nature’s Song, which is the Heart and Brain of Mother Nature’s Fulcrum (The Equilibrium), which is the Core of The All Of Everything Theorem, which I can now See and almost entirely Describe and Detail in Word.

By 21 January 2025, I will be able to articulate and write out the entire Heart-Brain-Gut — The Nucleus — of Mother Nature. For her, they are the same. *scoffs* So funny that ours are so… Spread out.

21 January 2025 is when her 2,000 Year Song ends and the new one begins. And Mother Nature is “taking a shower” and “Spring Cleaning” to get all the Lies out of her Song that don’t belong there. And I know what she is starting with… but I won’t ever say it out loud.

If you want to know how Science works, just look at the Meta. If you want to know how you work, just look at the Quantum and Logos. It’s only the same 3 Formulas over and over again,  which is 1.

End Journals


I am in Stage #4 of The Component Organization Stage for the first time in my life. I can finally talk and articulate this. Before, I could not.

After a Shift or a Perspective, you can look at all the Data you have Inventoried. Yes. Data Inventory. That is what I am doing.

It is pure Chaos. The Perspective Work — And that is what this is. Perspective Work is you applying the Mathematical Formula to your freshly new Upgraded Common Sense while living inside The Ashavana Scientific Method to the Chaos to Order it. It is the doing of this Perspective Work, that causes you to Advance through the Perspective.

You have to Mine for your own Common Sense. Did you know?

Perspective Work requires :

  • The Working knowledge of Scientific Method
  • Mental Diversification
  • The Highest of Standards
  • The 12 Ethics (which track your Location through this Process)
  • Integrated Mathematics
  • The knowledge on this post.

Perspective Work is the process of moving through the Y-Axis of The Self (Logos) along with any one Discipline and then all of them down from Meta Level through to Quantum and Logos Levels to get closer to The Point of Integration, which is Plato’s Point.

The Point of Comprehension — The First Milestone — is on The Quantum Level of Self. I am fast approaching the next Milestone located on the Logos Level.

The closer you get to Plato’s Point, the Faster it gets (See The Triple Integration), And at the 8th of any Third Round, things get FAST. It is not possible to keep up with all of the Data that comes in, which is why this is has been so challenging to Catalogue. And why — Yesterday — I realized, I cannot build my own School. I cannot. I must bring people on board to lead them through this.

I require :

  • Scribes
  • Translators of Abstractic
  • Marketers
  • People who know how to build Courses for Students/Teachers so they can access this knowledge and translate it for them.

I simply cannot ever put down the Abstract Mining long enough to do the work that I need others to do.

I began building my brands yesterday for the Marketers, and I realized right away, the problem. This project requires over 7 Websites to pull off. And I only have 4 *smiles* Mother Nature’s Formulas.

The Everything Theorems

The Love Theorem (The Infamous “Point” in “The Point”)


On The X-Axis : [1+>2+>3]+> //1

The Love Theorem presents itself in two ways : As 3 +> 1 and also as 1+> 2+> 3+> 4 where “4 is 1,” which is the case in the Chromatic Melodic Theorem (See Below)

This is the Infamous “Point” in “The Point” when you have missed… The Point. The Point of Comprehension. The Point of Truth, which I call “The Rod of Truth” because it presents itself as a Pole Axis here. It is The Point of Plato’s Point.

When you do anything, you are doing it or saying it relative to The Point. This Point. It is — apparently — quite Literal within the Abstract.

This is The Logical Dominant Harmonic Theorem of Nature


On the Y-Axis : [1+>2+>3+>4+>5]+> //1

Our Pulse and Clocks follow this Formula. Anything that contains, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 40, or 60 is this Pattern

This is The Logical “Balance Scale” Harmonic Theorem of Nature


On the Y-Axis : [1+>2+>3] +>4+> [5+>6+>7]+> //1

“4” is The Fulcrum.

Some Formulas proved to be pure thorns in my side. The Balance Scale Theorem contains 2 Love Theorems due to the Split Quadrant Phenomenon and The Fulcrum 4.

“7” is the only number located in both Melodic and Harmonic Formulas. For this reason, we confuse a LOT of Y-Axis Formulas for X-Axis, which greatly messes up The Sciences. Once you realize you are working with the Balance Scale Theorem (The moment you see the Components of The Logical Dominant Harmonic Theorem), then you know this is the Balance Scale Theorem and not the Chromatic Melodic Theorem.

(It’s a lot like how the Mediant in Music Theory tells you if you are working with the Minor or Major Scale. It is EXACTLY like that.). “7” is The Mediant in Mother Nature’s Song.

This is The Logical Chromatic Melodic Theorem of Nature


On the X-Axis : [1+>2+>3]+>[4+>5+>6]+>[7+>8+>9]+>[10+>11+>12]+> //1

It is important to note that, within the Chromatic Melodic Theorem, there is also The Split Quadrant Phenomenon taking place. Too many errors are due to The Split Quadrant Phenomenon, which has been a true pain in my ass for the last two years.

Which is why, every now and then “6 is 1.”

In Addition, the Chromatic Melodic Theorem also contains the Love Theorem as presented in 1+>2+>3+>4, which then Contains The Triple Integration on 12 +>// 1. This makes identification of the 12 to 1 Integration, painfully complex due to the speed of the Triple Integration.

She has also The Looking Glass Split Quadrant **Sigh** People REALLY need to stop teaching Math Backwards. I am tired of them teaching the Sciences Backwards. Plato’s Point, people. Plato’s Point. If you can’t orient your own Point of Relativity to Truth, then you should not be Teaching Truth.

Our Ethics and The Fibonnacci Sequence follows this Formula. Anything that contains, 3, 4, 6, 9, or 12 is this Pattern

This is the Solution to Tesla’s 3-6-9 Theory, which — my work proves is a Fact.

By the way, Integrate 3 +> 6+> 9 of Tesla’s Theory and you get “1,” which is The Love Theorem.

Thus spoke Zarathustra.

And here is…

The Heart of Mother Nature

[Dominant Harmonic Theorem +> “Balance Scale” Harmonic Theorem +> The Chromatic Melodic Theorem] +> // The Love Theorem

**Closes the Book**

And they lived happily ever after, forever and always…

Plato’s Point

New Definitions For This Post

The Split Quadrant Phenomenon

The Triple Integration

The Fulcrum 4

The Heart of Mother Nature

The Logical Chromatic Melodic Theorem of Nature or “The Chromatic Melodic Theorem”

This is The Logical “Balance Scale” Harmonic Theorem of Nature or “The Balance Scale Harmonic Theorem”

This is The Logical Dominant Harmonic Theorem of Nature or “The Dominant Harmonic Theorem.”

The Love Theorem



After this, you actually can start reading the Bible… the right way.



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