The Oscillating Spiral : The Natural Rhythm of Life

When I began my work, little else was harder than trying to locate and identify the Natural Rhythm of Life.

From birth, we are told that we live on a single Line that moves back and forth, but we aspire to stand on a Single Line.

This is the Vision Psychologists had planted in my head in 1995. By 2020, they had changed their assessment to “Well you’re supposed to move back and forth… but not too much.” That is when I realized, they had no idea what they were talking about.

People who know what they are talking about never change their tune… because they KNOW.

I decided, the best and only way to know what The Rhythm of Life actually is, is to get back to “The Way It Is meant To Be” and use Mathematics to track it.

On a Camping Trip sometime around 2017, I remember waking up with the sun and going to bed with the sun for three days. For three days, I lived to the pulse of the Forest and The Sun. That was the closest I had every been to Nature’s Pulse, and it was completely different from what we all do.

In 2022, I found the Nature Rhythm of Life and began tracking the patterns.

Once I found the Pattern, came then the harder task of RELAXING. Just Relaxing and letting my own Rhythm of Life Synchronize with Mother Nature’s Rhythm of Life. By then, My Conscious Awareness had her 3, but not yet her 3+1. However, my Subconscious Mind had her 3+1.

And yes, I felt off.

It was like a Waltz played behind a 4/4 Metric Count. It felt like a variation of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. The Song. Not the drug.

I realized we were on a Spiral of Life. Not at all a Circle. A Circle is a Catch-22 and a Time Paradox. A Logic Loop. I realized we didn’t move “Back and Forth,” but in a 3-Part Spectrum of Least (Excited State) to greatest (Pride) to Shedding (“C” Drop) then Growth (Excited State). That 3+1 Pattern again. And that it is in the “C” Drop, which I learned this week is really the “Shedding” Stage or the “Metamorphosis” Stage.

Side Tangent : “Metamorphosis” and not Metamorphis.” As Ignorance of a word increase, every day speech changes the word. The Ignorant then claim “Words Change,” when in fact, Words do not change. People Change and are failing to look up Words to learn their correct Definition and Usage.

But also we have our “Create/Build” + Rest and Meditate. “Research and Learn” + “Create/Build” + Rest and Meditate pattern also. 3+1.

When you are in the Metamorphosis Stage, it can be painful and “low.” A Person with Optimum Mental Health will feel “sad” and cry a little. They will feel disoriented and not at all themselves. And in the Metamorphosis Stage you are becoming someone new.

A Person who is not Optimized can feel suicidal during these times. It is imperative that this Rhythm of Life becomes known to all immediately.

Knowledge of this Oscillating Spiral Rhythm is Metacognitive Awareness, which does provide us with a massive advantage when it comes to managing the Metamorphosis Stage. The only way through a Metamorphosis Stage is through.

A lot of people reach the Metamorphosis Stage and they quit or resist it, prolonging their suffering within the Metamorphosis Stage.

I entered my most recent Metamorphosis Stage yesterday. This morning, I am still there. The Range of Change in a person with Optimized Health in the Metamorphosis Stage is -2 from a Center Point of Balance “0.”

In worst case scenarios of People without Optimized Health, they experience a “drop” as low as -50. This is where I was when I was 15 in 1995 when I first invented “Anna’s Score.”

The Rhythm of Life, once I synchronized my own Life Pulse to Mother Nature’s felt “weird,” but also very good. very relaxing, and I noticed how much it increased the Quality of my Health and Life, Optimized my Cognitive and Career Performance, and simplified my Self-Care routine.

The Relaxing was the hardest part. My body kept fighting it, trying to “keep busy” and “look at the clock” and “stay on schedule” even though I long since have abandoned Schedule, clocks, and a 9 – 5.

This last week was the first time I made the switch in the Natural Rotation from “Create/Build” to “Rest and Meditate” and it felt Natural, relaxed, and Normal.

Yes. Normal does exist. Normal means “To be and to do what is Natural.” Normal, very much does exist. We are so removed from “Normal” as a Society” that people are teaching people that “Normal” does not exist.

“Average” also does exist.

The Ignorance is so bad right now that Professionals have mistaken “Normal” for “Average,” not realizing that “Normal” means “Natural.” As a result, Professionals are gaslighting patients by telling them that “You don’t want to be Normal” or “No one is Normal… You don’t want that.”

Yes. Yes! We very much do! 100% through all of my Healing, I WANTED TO BE NORMAL! My Psychologists gaslit me so much over this. And I wouldn’t budge. I knew what I meant. I stood by my Logic and my Word. I WANTED TO BE NORMAL!

Yesterday, I broke down crying when I realized I had achieved full synchronization with Mother Nature and our Rhythm of Life Pulses Synchronized. My Mental Health is 100% Optimized. I did it.

I AM NORMAL. A dream I have had for 32 Years.

The Rhythm of Life is Complex. It is not Simple.

The Oscillation Pattern is (1) “Create/Build” + (2) Rest and Meditate. (3) “Research and Learn” + (2) Rest and Meditate (1) “Create/Build” + (2) Rest and Meditate. (3) “Research and Learn…” ect.

The Spiral Pattern is a Coil of (A) Least (Excited State) to (B) Greatest (Pride) to (C) Metamorphosis Stage (“C” Drop) then (A/D) Integrate/Least (Excited State)

The “Pride cometh before a fall” is referring to Stages “B” and “C” in the Spiral Pattern we all live through. You cannot get to the Metamorphosis Stage where you Shed your Old ways, without going through Pride. Remove Arrogance and Pride, and you never grow.

The Oscillation and The Spiral “Stack,” which is to say that they align at “1” and “A” and it takes 12 Rotations to experience a Full Cycle, which is 3 Months.

What this looks like is a life where you Rest when you need to. You are Regulated, Aligned, and Balanced between Input (Learning and Research), Output (Creating and Building) and Regulation (Resting) and Integration (Putting It Together… An Ode to Sondheim).

My Helix Cards Nourish the Oscillation Pattern. The 12 Ethics (The Philosopher’s Compass) Nourish the Spiral Pattern.

**Deep breath in**

**And out**

The biggest obstacle is the mindset “The Lifestyle I have that makes me money is not compatible with Mother Nature’s Rhythm of Life.”

Actually, You can have any Lifestyle you want that does “Make you Money” when you decide you want to cross over. We have Courses for that so you don’t have to “stay in the old life” if you don’t want to.

The question is, area you willing to do the work?